
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs


Cross opened his eyes and found himself looking at a massive group of people he didn't recognize, but he felt their ant like cultivation. He looked at them without emotion and they trembled in fear. He was still confused as to why he was here, suddenly he heard a tender and sweet voice "Master!"

Cross turned around and saw a beautiful little girl, his eyes turned as he looked at her, scanning her up and down. Athena blushed slightly before Cross said "Incomplete..." Athena was stunned and Cross' finger glowed as he tapped on her forehead.

He turned around and said flatly "You're all chasing my disciple? For what? My Inheritance? Are you worthy?" the giant group of thousands of people were all stuck in place and white in fear, Cross added "Even if you did get it... Did you think I would recognize you? A bunch of wastes."

He waved and killed all the stronger ants that were above Athena's cultivation, leaving a couple hundred people with the same or lower cultivation. The dead people's storage rings floated to Cross and he emptied them all before the rings all turned into liquid.

A bead appeared and Cross melted it into the liquid before forming a black ring with a dark, dark, black pearl on it. The thunder rumbled above him and he waved saying "Noisy..." the sky was ripped apart and the surviving people pissed themselves in fear.

Cross turned around to see the girl's eyes on him with an infatuated and obsessive light in them. He said "You're weak. Very disappointing." Athena almost started crying as she said "Master, I-" Cross cut her off and said "Excuses are useless. You are my only inheritor, if you die I'll find someone else. You're not special, you're lucky. Whether you become special and slaughter your way to me, or your luck runs out and you die... Is up to you."

Cross looked at Athena deeply and to his surprise she nodded firmly and said "I will make Master proud!" her words were laced with ice-cold killing intent. Cross nodded and the ring glowed before floating over to Athena's finger as he said "Keep this on you, there are several restrictions with prizes behind them. When you're strong enough to break them you can get what's behind the restriction, if you aren't then you'll die."

Athena looked at the ring with a fanatical light in her eyes, Cross spoke again "I don't care how you do it but if I find out you disgraced me, I will kill you. If you die, the ring will come right back to me." he pointed at the hundreds of people and said "I suggest you don't reply on my in the future, this is the one and only time I will help you. If you can't deal with the trash, you're not worthy."

He waved his hand and a token materialized out of thin air as he said "If you make it to the Void Sect, bring this token to the Sect Master... Maybe we'll meet again at that time... Good luck." Athena said quickly "Master! Master! Wait!" Cross looked at Athena, his eyes without any ripples at all.

Athena said "What weapon does Master use?" Cross pointed at a tree nearby and the tree turned to ashes before a beautiful wooden scythe appeared as he disappeared with a flash of white light. Athena looked at the Scythe and muttered "Scythe, Scythe, Scythe... Kyaa! Master is so yummy~" as her face turned red and she held her cheeks with her pupils turning heart shaped.

The ground of hundreds of people, suddenly had their eyes turn red and they charged at Athena, who sneered "Come on trash, if I don't kill you all, I'll marry someone other than Master!" as she took out a long sword and disappeared, using Void Step.


Cross returned to the Academy and continued walking to Long Chen while drinking from his gourd. He looked completely different from the otherworldly supreme Master that just appeared in front of Athena.

Cross came to the tribulation region and sat on the ground next to Long Chen, drinking from his gourd. Long Chen looked at him and said "Good?" Cross replied "Awful." Long Chen sighed and paid attention to the tribulation.

Thunder beasts rushed out of the clouds and Long Chen said "I'm not saving you if you die to these thunder beasts! You will die with humiliation!" Cross ignored them all, only focusing on Luo Bing.

A while later

Ghost spirits came down and the disciples started fighting them. Time flew by and disciples started dropping. Cross noticed Luo Bing was still going strong, he finally said lightly "Luo Bing, if you don't change you'll never see your sister again. I hope you won't disappoint me..."

Luo Bing calmed down and started killing ghost thunder spirits. Long Chen looked at Cross, who went back to drinking and said "Don't think too much." Long Chen looked back with a chuckle.

The tribulation continued and Luo Bing was close to passing out but Cross goaded her every time, making her angry. This bastard lost her sister and he still dares to talk about it! She held on and held on, until Long Chen directly blew a hole in the clouds.

Cross watched her fight against ancient lightning corpses before passing out. A skeleton came to slash at her, but Cross reached through the void and slapped the skeleton to death before throwing Luo Bing into the core area into a lightning chain. He condensed the ball of lightning from the skeleton and threw it at Luo Bing, making her scream in pain.

Cross' face was emotionless as he watched Luo Bing writhe in pain. Others would feel pain themselves, watching a beauty like Luo Bing in pain like this, but Cross didn't even have a ripple in his eyes.

He took his hand back and started drinking again. Long Chen shook his head and pulled Qin Feng and Qi Yu out of the thunder zone into the core area before saying "Don't over do it." Lightning went down the chains into the disciples and Cross whistled.

A little thunder dragon flew over and Cross touched its forehead, releasing red lightning into it. The red lightning traveled into Luo Bing's body and her screams got louder and heart piercing. Cross had a cold face as he looked at her writhing body.

He finally stopped and Luo Bing calmed down as Cross whispered "Absorb it." before looking at Bai Shishi facing off against the skeleton that Long Chen stole the golden sword from. The skeleton suddenly burst into 8 swords after talking to Long Chen.

Cross handed Long Chen a pure white orb and Long Chen fed Bai Shishi the orb, it was pure soul energy. Not only would it help her digest the swords, but it would also be a hole boon for her cultivation! Cross stepped and flashed to Luo Bing, grabbing her collar before dragging her away.

Nobody had anything to say and just left him alone.

Cross went back to his residence and cleaned out the gourd before throwing it on the floor and grabbing a new one from the wall. He took Luo Bing into the Inner World and threw her, along with a drop of his own blood, into the blood pool. He sat on the edge of the pool and drank as he watched Luo Bing sit there in a coma, occasionally channeling red lightning into her body and destroying it from the inside, making her bloodline stronger, thicker, and purer.

Along with the Blood pool, she was making amazing progress. When she started waking up, Cross brought her back outside and threw her into a bed before walking outside. He walked around the sect to see Long Chen with a few other people looking at Xu Zixiong. He walked over and looked at Xu Zixiong before poking his arm.

Cross took a drop of blood before throwing it into the blood pool. Long Chen pursed his lips in amusement and Xu Zixiong said "Second boss! Are you trying to kill me!? That hurt!" Cross grunted and kept silent.

Long Chen looked at him and said "Luo Bing?" Cross drank and said "In my house." Luo Changwu flew to Cross' residence like a bullet, Long Chen shook his head and replied "He's been worried for almost a month." Cross spat "Good. If she wasn't so weak maybe she would have gotten more benefits. Disappointing."

Long Chen said "You can't expect them to be like us." Cross paused and said "Maybe..." before drinking from his gourd in thought. He suddenly reached into the void and pulled out Luo Bing. For some reason, she was holding a broom.

Everyone was looking at her and Long Chen said "A broom?" Luo Bing said "He's house is very messy..." the group was stunned and Cross took the broom and turned it to ashes before dropping Luo Bing on the ground.

He reached into the void again and pulled out a giant pair of red scissors. They were sharp on both sides and in a red sheath. Cross threw them to Luo Bing, who caught the scissors and looked at Cross in confusion.

Cross said "Special swords. Collects blood. Purifies the Master's." Luo Bing held the handles and the scissors buzzed, recognizing their Master. Long Chen was stunned and Cross grabbed Luo Bing, shrouding her in black smoke.

The black smoke disappeared and she was wearing new clothes. Qin Feng's eyes popped out and Long Chen was stunned. Luo Bing had her hair cut just above her shoulders with a single red streak in it, she was wearing a black skirt that reached a little over halfway down her thighs, comfy white high-top sneakers, a short black shirt with the sleeves rolled up just before her elbows, and black suspenders under the shirt.

Luo Bing looked at herself in shock. Her entire mid section was exposed! Cross slapped the top shirt and on the collar a single yellow and red eye opened. Cross grabbed Luo Bing and said "Go train." before throwing her like a meteor out of the formation.

Long Chen shook his head at Cross' strange clothing and went to see the battlefield. Cross went to go see and saw everyone who just passed the tribulation slaughtering demons like crazy.

A while later

Long Chen frowned and said "Put up all the barriers!" The sky suddenly shook and all the disciples activated their tokens, returning to the Academy in an instant. Suddenly, all kinds of beasts and people appeared, Bai Zhantang glared at one of the man and shot forward going to kill him.

Cross looked at the battlefield and slowly stepped out muttering "Noisy..." Long Chen opened his God Ring and his Battle Body before fighting against the Water Lotus clan members with his new sword.

Cross floated into the sky and a blackhole opened up on his back, a Golden half-crown appeared around his head, his armor covered his body. His eyes turned and a giant figure appeared around him. It was different this time.

The armor was still draconic and the sword was made of black fire while the spear was red lightning, but now there was a flaming halo over the figure's head. The armor was basically the same as Cross'.

Cross's eyes glowed and spun rapidly. The beasts all blew back before coming together in a big clump. The figure stabbed the clump with the red lightning spear, killing the clump of beasts. Cross looked at the beasts and lifted his hand.

Countless blackholes appeared before raining down weapons on the beasts endlessly.

The disciples were in awe at Cross' power, he was so strong! Cross clapped his hands in front of him and his eyes glowed again as he said "Unseal. Abisukira." this was the name Cross came up for the Figure, it was short and sweet and it meant Abyss Killer.

Abisukira glowed and under his arms, another pair of arms appeared, moving the other arms back. His two new arms grabbed onto a giant pitch black scythe while it held the sword and spear with his other two arms.

Cross flew around controlling Abisukira, slaughtering beasts left and right with the scythe, spear, and sword. The disciples inside the barrier were numb, this guy was too strong... The beasts and demons were like vegetables.

Stones, also if Asura, Blazuki, or LastInk read this, join my discord.

Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts