
The Last Blood Elf (Completed)

Cross is the last of his kind, an extinct species wiped out long ago. Blessed with a strange power, he shall make a name for himself and make everybody remember the Blood Elves once more! https://www.pat reon.com/MonkeyGodking (BTW I suck at writing these! Just read it if you're interested!)

Monkey_Godking · Movies
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259 Chs

Longteng Trading Company, the perfect place to rob

Cross and Long Chen took a month crossing various star regions until they got to a ship going to the Purple Flame Heaven Region. The duo paid the fee to enter and saw a giant boat, they boarded the ship. They were immediately assaulted by a fat man who said to go to the Lower Rooms because the Middle ones were full.

Obviously a fucking lie, because they had bought Middle Rooms tickets. Long Chen agreed before Cross could slap the man into oblivion and they left to the Lower Rooms. Long Chen was not happy but decided to wait until they set sail before going back for his money.

They sat down and some guy generously offered up his life for them to vent. He said "This-" Cross slapped him into blood mist and took his storage ring before putting it away and closing his eyes, everyone was frightened and quickly made room for them.

A young man and his sister came over hesitantly and Long Chen smiled saying "We don't need too much room, come sit." The duo hesitated before sitting down and saying "Thank you." Cross was unresponsive and Long Chen started talking to the duo, learning that their names were Bai Feng and Bai Rui from the Coastal Region.

A few days later

Long Chen noticed a bunch of people were looking at them and found out that Bai Feng's family was destroyed for a treasure. Long Chen sneered and looked at the people around him, they were getting impatient and the fat man who took their middle room tokens came and said "You two, you're in the middle layer now." as he threw tokens over.

Cross looked at the token on the floor before saying "You finally couldn't help yourselves anymore eh?" the strong men were confused and Cross's arm flickered before dozens of head flew up into the air, leaving the fat man alone.

The scythe spun back into a bracelet and he hooked his finger, the rings flew over to his hand and disappeared. Long Chen grabbed the fat man by the neck and grinned "I think your Longteng Trading Company is looking for death."

An old man appeared and before he could say anything, a hand reach out from the void and slapped his head into paste before taking his storage ring. Several other people showed up and had the same fate, killed and robbed.

Long Chen squeezed the fat man's head right off his body and the ring on his finger disappeared. Cross was still sitting on the ground but his eyes were ice-cold. Long Chen sneered at an old man who appeared and apologized for the atrocious actions of his subordinates.

He refunded everyone's Fairy Crystals and made the space much better, promoting them all to the Middle class. Cross and Long Chen sat in a tent with Bai Feng and Bai Rui.

A few more days passed

The ship was suddenly attacked by a sea demon! Oh no! Anyway it was quickly taken care of and they continued.

Another few days passed

Cross and Long Chen were about to be sent out of the ship but they broke the formation around them, unfortunately for everyone else, they were teleported out of the ship and into a giant whirlpool, immediately being shredded to pieces.

Cross looked over at the Bai siblings and saw they standing next to the Old man. Long Chen was angry and Cross looked at the old man, who had a sinister smile on his face. He slapped Bai Feng unconscious and kicked Bai Rui unconscious as well.

They were near the whirlpool despite breaking the array, Cross watched as Bai Feng and Bai Rui woke up and killed themselves in shame, apparently they were fooled into believing that the Longteng Trading Company would spare Cross and Long Chen.

Cross could not care less, he was going to kill them both anyway. Accidental betrayal is still betrayal. Plus they didn't even warn them before hand, they weren't as innocent as they looked. Long Chen was absolutely furious.

Cross looked at the void and said "Fuck off." the whirlpool paused before sending them out, Cross and Long Chen sped after the ship.

Half a month later

The people from the Longteng company landed, unfortunately this would be their last time touching land. Cross and Long Chen appeared in the air, shocking the old man. Cross opened his Void Battle Body and slaughtered them with Long Chen before stealing all their stuff.

Cross looked at the ship and his eyes glittered, he drilled into the ship, leaving Long Chen to deal with the rest. Cross went through the entire ship, taking everything that wasn't nailed down before coming to the core of the ship and overriding it.

The ship shrank into a handheld size and Cross put it away for later. He took all their things and even the ship, Long Chen was finished outside and Cross hooked a finger, all the storage rings flew over to him and disappeared.

Cross looked at the ghost ship they rode here on and felt his blood pumping. He immediately ran into the ghost ship and robbed them blind, killing all the spirits on it before arriving at the core. He slapped the crystal and the ghost ship trembled before shrinking down.

Cross held the ghost ship in his hand, it was a different Ghost Ship than the one he was on earlier. It seemed like there was more than one around the Immortal World. Needless to say this one was his now.

He looked over and saw 36 people surrounding Long Chen, Cross disappeared and a dagger appeared in his hand as he cut off the hands of the 36 old men, stealing all their treasure pots. Long Chen was fighting them and the 36 quickly became 7 as Long Chen disappeared after getting the dagger back.

Cross killed the rest and stole all their storage rings. He read all their souls before they died and knew where Long Chen was going, but first... He looked down at the abandoned city and disappeared.

A while later

Cross tore the void and appeared next to Long Chen, who had a giant Lotus in his hands. Cross blended with the air and ransacked the entire Longteng trading Firm building. All the Trading firms other than Huayan were connected so Cross wasn't polite and accepted their gifts. He stole literally everything and filled his Sect with a shit ton of treasures, herbs, pills, furnaces, books, etc.

He looked up after the job was done and saw a man with armor all over his body. He flashed and stabbed into his neck with the dagger from Long Chen, cutting his head off and stealing his ring and armor as well as his weapon.

The old man had no idea how he even died, it was too fast! Cross returned the dagger to Long Chen and stood next to him with his 6 arms holding their weapons. Long Chen started fighting all the people before Long Chen grabbed Cross and flew away as more than 100 World Kings showed up.

Cross spread his hands as he was being dragged through the air, countless little Black Lotuses floated in the air, towards the group behind them. The Lotuses started exploding and soon they all exploded as Long Chen escaped.

Cross said "I wanted their storage rings..." Long Chen said "I got the treasure, it's okay." Cross replied "I took everything else... Even the Ghost Ship." Long Chen said in shock "What!?" Cross nodded and held out his hand, a little ghost ship appeared.

Long Chen said "There's some serious cause and effect going to happen..." Cross put it away and said "Going to refine it." Long Chen said "You can do that?" Cross nodded and replied "Not a big deal. Add Ghost Ship properties to my scythe. Maybe, unexpected benefits."

Long Chen nodded and said "The white Liquid washed away some cause and effect from before, we should be balanced out if you get rid of the ship." Cross shook his head and said "We got a little more." Long Chen waved and said "A little more is fine."

Cross went silent and they flew away.

They landed on a mountain and Cross went into the Inner World as Long Chen took out an ice crystal.

Cross sat in the forging room before taking off Aurora and the giant ship and the Ghost ship, as well as several extreme rare ores. Aurora trembled in excitement, Cross said "Careful." Aurora buzzed and Cross melted down all the things into one big blob of liquid before condensing it in black Qi and Void Flames.

He sucked the black liquid that poured out into a gourd and kept it all, maybe he would find a use for it. It was extremely deadly but what was he supposed to do? Pour it on people? I'm afraid that wouldn't work unless the enemy sat and waited for death.

Aurora devoured the liquid and shined brightly before returning to Cross' neck, a terrifying aura came from her. Cross said "Ghost Ship?" Aurora said "No problems at all master! The Ghost Ship was completely eaten by me! It tasted good too!" Cross patted the beads and left the room to see what was going on outside.

He found Long Chen and they flew away to a city. People looked at them in shock and Long Chen smiled as he said "Excuse me, how much did the Longteng Trading Company offer for our heads?" the man answered "500 million crystals, a Realm Weapon, and a golden Elder Token for each of you."

Cross was silent and Long Chen clicked his tongue saying "That's it? So stingy." he shook his head and walked to the center of the city to leave, someone shouted "Running away with you tail between you legs?" Cross pointed at the crowd and an old man exploded into blood mist as a ring floated threw the air into Cross' hand before disappearing.

People started muttering "The Silent Ghost is so terrifying!" Cross felt his eyes twitch at the name 'Silent Ghost' and Long Chen laughed, someone said "Long San Ye, you have to escape! The Longteng people are coming!" Long Chen smiled and licked a Magic Water Lily seed at him.

The young man was stunned and filled with endless gratitude, originally he worshiped Long Chen because of his strength. His qualifications were just ordinary but with the seed he could rise to the sky! Long Chen literally changed his fate with a single flick of his finger.

Cross looked at the transmission array and touched it softly, the entire array exploded and a blackhole formed as dozens of old men appeared, they were instantly attacked by space blades, some were killed instantly.

Cross disappeared and crippled people, Long Chen followed up and killed them as Cross stole their rings, weapons, and any armor they had. His scythe was a bit different now, Aurora said that because of the materials of the ghost ship, the blade of the scythe had a small power to cut through higher tier weapons and armors, not only that but faith as well.

Maybe, one day it could become like the dagger Long Chen had.

In the end, only one old man escaped with half his life. His ring wearing arm was severed and his entire life savings were stolen. People finally realized how naïve they were to think that they could even catch Long Chen and Cross to get the reward from the Longteng Trading Company. These two were absolute monsters! Especially the 'Silent Ghost'! He was the worst! Before you even knew it, you were looking at your own corpse and your storage ring was stolen.

Long Chen said "Where's the City Lord?" an old man came out and said "It's me, is there something I can do you you?" he was terrified at the moment, but Long Chen smiled and waved at Cross, who took out a box of Fairy Crystals as Long Chen said "Is this enough to repair the array?"

The old man looked at the box and jumped as he said quickly "Only 3 million Crystals are needed, this..." Long Chen cut him off saying "Then use the rest to give everyone food and drinks, it was robbed anyway, who cares." before he and Cross disappeared, flying away.

The old man was happy and did as Long Chen said, everyone in the city sang praises of the duo and cheered as they enjoyed free food and drinks.


Monkey_Godkingcreators' thoughts