
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantaisie
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245 Chs

Adventure Request

In the kingdom of Noltia, it is far from the Nolten Forest where it will take 2 days by horse. The populace is diverse where it is known to have Humans, Beastkins, Seakins, Aerokins, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs. Young, aspiring adventurers are also stationed here to slay monsters and help the defenseless.

In this building, it is called 'Adventurer's Guild'. A place where every adventurer come accept quests and return to complete it to earn fame and fortune. However, attaining this job has risks and most prominent is death.

Many adventurers with many weapons lounge, celebrate their success, and venture out the door to carry out the mission.

One man with red hair sees a certain paper out of multiple ones such as caravan escort, monster subjugation, criminal manhunt, raid, etc.

<Quest Type: Monster Infestation/Subjugation>

<Location: Nolten Forest>

<Large amounts of Gray Wolves and Goblins threaten the invasion of Nolten Village. The source is beyond the bridge in Nolten Village where stronger monsters reside. It is possible that there is a Dire Gray Wolf or a Hobgoblin in this area.>

<Adventurer Class Requirement: Stone - Bronze>

<Party requirement: 3-5 members>

<Reward: 20 Silver 150 Copper>

<Additional Info: If in the event that there is a monster stronger than the stated previously, retreat and send adventurers ranked Silver and higher.>

"Looks like Nolten Village can only do so much." the red haired man said.

"You were born there, right?" one silver haired man said.

"Yeah, I got many memories back there."

"Found a quest?" one brown haired woman said. She then noticed that one piece of information about Nolten Forest. "Oh, Nolten Forest. It was a really small village for some time, like a hundred."

"Let's get to the receptionist."

The group of three walked to the receptionist who is a female with long blonde hair wearing a blue suit and pencil skirt. She noticed the three adventurers come up to her.

"Hello, Flint. Are you here to accept the quest?" she said with a bright smile.

"Yes, the Nolten Forest quest." Flint said. Flint gave the receptionist the paper request and stamped it for approval.

"Well, then. I pray for your success." the receptionist said and bowed as they leave the guild to fulfill the quest.

A day later, they arrive at the Nolten Forest and reached the main gate that leads to Noltia. Flint and the other two got off the carriage to see a large group of people, young and old, male and female. Olken sees Flint and remembers him as a child aspiring to be an adventurer.

"Flint, my boy! You came!" Olken said with a hearty laugh.

"Mr. Olken! It's been so long!" Flint said. Flint and Olken hug each other in reunion. Since Olken is shorter than him, Flint crouched down to hug him.

"Look at you all grown up. You were a wee boy, swinging a stick around being an adventurer." Olken said. "Now. You three are here for the quest, right?"

"Yes, my name is Altan Cuzal." Altan said, bowing slightly.

"I am Elliea Dawn. A pleasure to meet you." Elliea said.

"Good, good. Come to the meeting, we will discus more so you are better informed." Olken said, walking. The three followed Olken into the hut where Olken upheld the meeting.

They reached the hut and began discussing about the impending invasion.

"Beyond the bridge, there are stronger monsters out there where goblins are better equipped, adult Gray Wolves, and Big Slimes. However, something went amiss. One person in our village happened to encounter a Giant Colorless Slime past the bridge much closer to our village." Olken said.

"Woah...did the person defeat it?" Flint said.

"Yes, that person did defeat it. I have the crystal right here." Olken said, putting out a crystal. Flint and the others confirmed that it was a D ranked monster.

"Now, we'll give you the necessary items for your journey. But be careful. If you see a Hobgoblin, a Silver Wolf, a Dire Gray Wolf, or an army of goblins, send signal by using this whistle. Tuya and Ezo will assist." Olken said. Flint, Altan, and Elliea were shocked. They remember them.

"Wait...The Torrential Claw, Ezo? And Frozen Fang Tuya?" Flint said.

"Oh, you know them?" Olken said, raising his thick eyebrows.

"They are the best adventurers in the Nolten Village, also the first ones to ever get Black Gold rank!" Flint said with eyes shining brightly. Altan cleared his throat which made Flint snap out of it.

"Oh, sorry. But yes, I do know them." Flint said.

"Then when the situation calls for it, blow this whistle. It will alert us and we will come to you." Olken said.

"Got it." Flint said, nodding.

The three party members left the hut and began heading out of the village. They reached past the bridge until they see a camp. A camp full of goblins wearing leather armor with various weapons, surrounded by a large wooden wall and inside have two watch towers.

Flint readies his longsword, Altan brings out his sword and shield, and Elliea brings out her magic staff.

Yet, here I am, waiting for them to strike. Now let's go back a bit.

Early morning when the sun began to light up the sky, I was discussing what should I do to tail someone without making a sound.

"Hey System, are there skills to help me sneak around? For recon?" I said. A pale blue text appears.

[Affirmative. Do you wish to display them?]


[Filtering out skills...]

[Completed. Here are the skills you requested.]


<Illusion Magic>

<Mental Magic>


<Dark Magic>


Mimicry allows me to turn into a being I choose, but my voice, smell, dialect, and movements remains the same. However, I cannot use a skill where I never encounter a monster before.

Illusion Magic is where I can trick people's eyes, but not their minds directly until it's at Tier IV.

Mental Magic is like Telepathy and Telekinesis. To manipulate their minds, I have to get it at least Tier II.

Concealment allows me to make them think I am part of the environment, but when they're higher rank than me or have a skill to counter it, I'm a sore thumb.

Camouflage lets me blend in places. Like a chameleon. Unless they have skills to counter it, I'm invisible.

Dark Magic lets me to blend in any darkness, preventing anyone to see or catch me. To do that, I have to get it at least Tier II.

They're all sound good, but I'm limited on EP so I can't evolve my magic tiers so early.

"Does any of the skills you showed me are unique?"


"I want to take Concealment and Camouflage."

[The total required is 2000 EP. Continue?]



[Skills Camouflage and Concealment acquired.]

"Do you have skills to help me detect life forms?"

[Filtering skills...complete.]



<Mana Sense>

<Thermal Vision>


Echolocation is good for those who're blind, but it falls through when a being can teleport, levitate, move faster than sound, silent, and or extremely loud.

Perception allows me to get a warning when someone or something is coming at me. However, it only works if it's aimed at me, not someone else.

Mana Sense lets me sense how much magic does a being have, but I could be giving myself away if they have the same skill. Thermal and X-ray are self-explanatory.

"Echolocation and Perception."

[Total required is 2000 EP. Proceed?]


[Acknowledged. Echolocation and Perception acquired.]

"I'm a little more prepared now. There will be times where a strong monster might catch me lacking." I thought to myself. At my first playthrough, a random encounter where a monster is leagues above me has taught me one thing time and time again. 'Prepare for the worst.'

Back to the time at hand, I see three adventurers near the goblin camp, ready for battle. I activate my Camouflage, Concealment, and Perception to prevent any monster from detecting me or catch me lacking.

"System. Check those three over there."


<Name: Flint Skye>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human>

<Rank: D+>

<Adv. Rank: Iron>

<Skills: Body Strengthening, Wind Magic-II, Weapon Enchantment(Wind)>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>


<Name: Altan Cuzal>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Human>

<Rank: D>

<Adv. Rank: Iron>

<Skills: Magic Wall, Provocation, Light Magic-I, Regeneration, Body Strengthening, Magic Barrier>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>


<Name: Elliea Dawn>

<Gender: Female>

<Race: Human>

<Rank: D+>

<Adv. Rank: Iron>

<Skills: Fire Magic-III, Earth Magic-I, Water Magic-I, Wind Magic-I, Healing Magic-I Magic Barrier, Mana Sense>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Hmm...Flint with the sword must be a DPS, Altan is the tank, and Elliea is the Mage/Healer hybrid. Not bad, but it's a problem if a mage happens to run out of magic. Usually, an average party must be four minimum where there must be a DPS, Tank, Mage, and Healer. Throw in a Support to have 5. Oh, is that Mana Sense? Good thing I didn't buy it or she'd know. Plus, she's almost at rank C.

Now, what are they gonna do? Slide in them DMs through the door or launch a special delivery?

"Raging Flames..." Elliea said as she began chanting. A orange red circle appears and embers rise from the ground. The Goblins in the camp are still busy having fun, none of them are at the watch towers.

"Manifest thyself and scorch my enemies asunder. Fire Bomb!" Ellie yelled and a red magic circle appeared above the camp and a large fireball appeared and dropped on them.


"GYAAAAAH!" Many goblins scream at the result from Fire Bomb. A decent AOE skill for lower level. The goblins began banging the wooden gate and attack those who struck first. Flint and Altan jumped in front of Elliea with weapons ready.

"I'll cast again!" Elliea said. She began chanting again for another Fire spell, summoning another circle. The goblins break out of the camp with weapons, yelling for battle. The number is 20 goblins Behind the two men, Elliea completed her chanting.

"Blaze forth! Flame Spear!" Ellie created a spear out of flames and shot at the 20 goblins.


Some goblins were sent flying from the attack while more goblins kept advancing.

Flint imbues his sword with Wind and gusts of wind swirls around his blade.

"Wind Blade!"


Flint swung his sword, emitting a wave of compressed wind at the goblins and took out some more goblins.

"Flash!" Altan said and a flash of light emitted from his shield, blinding more goblins. I covered my eyes before then. Altan and Flint began cutting through Goblins with relative ease. Some of the goblins were ranked F at least. They cut down the 20th goblin and the battle is over.

"That's one down, there could be many more." Flint said. They began advancing past the goblin camp to take care of other monsters.

I, however let them walk, but first, I better get the crystals. They're not gonna collect themselves. I began walking briskly and began cutting open the goblin corpses and getting all E rank crystals.

"System, do these crystals contain skills?"


[There are no skills contained in the 20 crystals.]

"Damn, so they're all just raw power then. Consume them all."

[Acknowledged, consuming...]

[40,000 EP acquired.]

A nice little boost. Now I have to keep tailing them.


A wolf howl was heard in the forest beyond the goblin camp. This could be a Dire Gray Wolf or a Dire Silver Wolf since their tones are similar. Both wolves are equally large, but Silver Wolves have a brighter fur.

With that howl, it means an Alpha is nearby and leads a pack.


That roar...a hobgoblin. An evolved form of a goblin. They're the size of a average adult, but are much stronger and more aggressive. I think this ain't a infestation. It's a battle for territory.

I hope they don't bite more than they can chew and I hope I don't get sniffed out. I began running towards the cries of the two monsters in hopes I get to see some action.