
The King of Evolution

A game called 'Evolutionism' is the revolutionary MMORPG that allows the player to become either an adventurer or a monster. Meet Alden Gray. He is a high ranked player in the day where he also created a guild that can topple the balance of the world. At night, he is a rebel soldier. Alden is fighting an government that is trying to put all of the world under one rule. However, Alden lost his life and is reincarnated to a different world, but not as one would hope. Alden first reached the realm of the gods and was ridiculed by the Goddess of Order named Arukatha and was banished into the Void which no powerful being can survive, not even Deities alike. However, not only Alden survives in the Void, he is getting stronger there as well. Yet, he is not alone, he meets other beings with traits incomprehensible through normal means. Alden then transports himself to the world similar to his favorite MMO with the same identity in his game named Kain Void. Will he survive in a world like he did in the game or die again before he gets the chance?

NightlyWinter · Fantasy
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245 Chs

Territory War (Part 1)

I kept tailing them, maintaining the distance so that the adventurers doesn't find me. Well even if they did, they'd be preoccupied fighting off the wolves and goblins.


That howl is loud... I'm getting close. I keep running and the sounds of wolves and goblins fighting each other.

*Beep! Beep!*

An alarming sound came into my head and a screen appeared. Unlike the pale blue, it is yellow instead.

[Caution. Strong enemies detected.]

Back in Evolutionism, the game alerts me when there is a monster 2 ranks higher than me. Still killable, but it will be a struggle if not suicidal. I kept running towards the battle to see that there are dozens of goblins and wolves while the three adventurers are fighting them. At least those monsters are around G to E rank.

However, I'm not worried about that. For I see a wolf larger than any wolves out there. A Dire Gray Wolf. Normal Gray Wolves are 5 feet long and 3 feet tall on four legs. A Dire Gray Wolf is 7 feet long and 5 feet tall. Additionally, their fur is darker and their eyes are red instead of a normal one who had yellow eyes. Its claws are more gray than white and its teeth are longer and sharper. A Dire Silver Wolf specializes in Wind Magic and speed.

"System, check that wolf's status."


<Name: Dire Gray Wolf>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Beast>

<Rank: C>

<Skills: Intimidation*, Body Strengthening>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

Oof, this might be rough for the three. Dire Gray Wolf is an evolved form of Gray Wolf where it usually up for raw power. Strength and Defense from this wolf is comparable to a Bronze or Silver ranked Adventurer. However, it is weak to Fire. A Tier I Fire Magic is enough to light it on fire.


Oh, can't forget the Hobgoblin over there.

"Check its stats over there."


<Name: Hobgoblin>

<Gender: Male>

<Race: Goblin>

<Rank: C+>

<Skills: Earth Magic-II, Thick Skin*>

<Unique Skills: None>

<Ultimate Skills: None>

The Hobgoblin is the size of an average adult, but much stronger and smarter than regular goblins. This Hobgoblin is wearing armor of wolves and some deer, but seeing that the wolves see the hobgoblin wearing their kin, it only enraged them including the Dire Gray Wolf.

"It is a territorial dispute. However, if either side wins, the village would still be in danger." Altan said.

"I'm casting a Fire spell now." Elliea said.

"I wouldn't do that. You'll cause a forest fire and force the Nolten Village people out. You'll even force bigger monsters out, putting them in danger." I said inwardly.

"Raging flames, heed my call." Elliea said as she began chanting. A red magic circle appeared underneath her, small puffs of flames appeared around her.

"You're really gonna use that Tier III?! You'll bring out a bigger monster if you do!" I yelled inwardly.

"Protect Ellie!" Flint said.

"Right! Mana Wall!" Altan replied, creating a wall to protect themselves. Flint ran towards the battlefield and began cutting down goblins and wolves alike.

"You're really gonna do this, huh!?" I facepalmed. Just like the anime where characters go one-and-done like it's some one night stand and worry later.

"Burn thy enemies from above and bring a new beginning! Meteor!" Ellie yelled, pointing her staff where Flint is fighting. A large red circle appears from the opening of the tall trees in the forest where the battle is taking place. The Dire Gray Wolf's ears twitched and looked up to see a giant fireball in the sky and looked at Elliea. It snarled at her and began dashing towards her with deadly intent. What wolves, no, predators hate the most is where someone tries to steal their prey in front of them.

Altan sees the wolf and ready his shield to block the wolf's attack. However, the fireball is coming towards the forest above them and the meteor is nearing impact.

"Hey system, am I gonna get caught in this explosion?"

[Positive. Gain distance and find shelter when possible.]

Heeding the advice, I ran past 3 trees to gain distance away, but not too far from the battle. Flint sees the fireball and ran towards his team to regroup.

"C'mon! It's about to land!" Ellie yelled. Flint kept running at full speed as the meteor is coming fast. However, the Dire Wolf is still fighting Altan and is gaining the upper hand. Altan grunted from the force the Dire Wolf is striking. Flint jumps up to strike the Dire Wolf, but the wolf knew it was coming and dodged it. However, that wasn't Flint's intention.

"Flash!" Altan yelled and emitted a flash, which blinded the wolf. The wolf yelped and staggered back. Flint jumped into the barrier and watched the meteor fall closer.

"Brace yourselves!" Altan yelled and reinforced the Mana Wall to brace for a huge explosion.

[Explosion imminent, cover your ears.]


A massive explosion blasts away the wolves and goblins alike, scattering them around the battlefield along with the plume of flame. The three inside the barrier were shielded by the flame, debris, and the shockwave. Me who is further back was also safe from it. I uncovered my ears and looked at the carnage.

Most enemies were killed in the blast and only a handful on each side still lives where the surroundings were scorched aflame and the flames begins to spread.

"Crap, this is where the Forest Guardians come out. If they don't stop the flames from spreading, the Forest Guardians would jump out and 'punish' those who's responsible." I said inwardly, worried I could get caught in the crossfire of an enraged Forest Guardian. These guys are strong monsters that range in animals of a Bear, Goat, Moose, Wolf, Fox, or a Bird. In rare cases, a Dragon. In my times as a Dire Red Wolf, using Fire was effective and I was doing it to grind for resources. Due to my disregard of the destruction, I ended up angering the Forest Guardian. Luckily, it was a Greenwood Deer, weak to Fire, yet I barely managed to beat it. Afraid of encountering one again, I left the forest.

Now the reason they're not here yet is because either they did not deal enough damage to the forest or they did, but had not here yet since it is over 300 miles worth of trees and very far from the center. They better wrap this up and settle this quickly or we'll have a bigger problem than the hobgoblin and the wolf combined.

Intimidation: The ability to scare an opponent with their oppressing aura

Thick Skin: Makes skin harder than usual. Easier to resist physical attacks to an extent.

NightlyWintercreators' thoughts