
Strange Carnival

Vlad Yazykov, a young man who has been trapped in a broken body for fourteen years finally dies. That seems to be it, the end, but just during this period of time, a dignitary of the dead Arch Shadow needed to perform some sort of ritual ...

uchiha_izuna97 · Films
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45 Chs

Chapter 40

Name: Yasuna


Level 301


Flesh: 30000 {Body limit reached} OP.

Reg. Flesh: 800 OP/sec.

Spiritual Power: 75567 OD

Reg. Spiritual Power: 2000 OD/sec.

Spiritual Power Density: 3.9 category

Mental Strength: 90601 OM.

Reg. Mental Power: 5000 OM/sec.

Soul Sleep: Integrity 75%; Void: 25%

Void: [Desire]


Race: Menos

Menos are no longer empty in the literal sense of the term. They are often intelligent beings capable of coexisting with other menos and even generating societies. If we consider the race from the physiology of the soul, they are in fact intelligent animated reatsu.

Depending on the path of development of the menos soul vice, it evolves into a higher order race.

Species: Vaster Lord

The strongest members of the Menos race. They have many different abilities and can even subjugate other menos while completely denying them the chance to become independent. Depending on their chosen path, Menos have different ways of reaching this stage of evolution (as well as the body of Adiukas must be sufficiently developed): 


1.The  soul{personality} of menos born from reatsu must awaken the soul{personality} of the base and then merge with it, giving birth to a godlike soul with no source of prana. 


2.The  menos soul{personality} born from reatsu must awaken the base soul{personality} and then completely absorb it, while becoming a demon-like soul.


3.The  soul{personality} of the menos born from reatsu must completely destroy the soul{personality} of the base, then the menos must give up its vice at the level of its soul. In doing so, the soul will become a shadow. 


4.The  soul {personality} of a menoso born from reatsu must be completely absorbed 



Type: Lord

Experience rate reduced by 25%

Evolutionary speed reduced by 25%

Fractions are capable of evolving into Vaster Nobles

The number of Vaster Nobles in a faction is no more than 5.

Vaster Nobles is absolutely loyal to the Lord.

+5% to all stats for each Vaster Nobles

+100 to Charisma for each Vaster Nobles.


For evolution, absorb a minimum of 17000000000000000/1000000000000 entity units. 

Additional conditions are required for evolution: Due to the nature of your path, the conditions are unknown.


1st Class: [Asura]

Is it wrong to want to be strong? To throw off the shackles of weakness and beat a simple truth into the heads of your opponents with your fists: No one can order Asura, not even the Gods! Born in battle-dying on the battlefield, Asura is the very embodiment of strength in all its forms. 


The [Spirit] characteristic has been improved to [Power], more information on the changes can be read in the help.

The [Wisdom] characteristic has been improved to [Wisdom of the Strong], more information on the changes can be read in the help.

available [Asura Codex]

All Monk class bonuses and penalties are retained

The development speed of all combat skills and abilities is increased by 50%

All types of unarmed strike damage have been increased

The speed of each following attack on the enemy will be increased by 10%

Negative emotions greatly increase all fighting qualities

All of your companions/comrades/subordinates are now subject to Asura's passive Aura, significantly increasing their parameters

Asura Aura is a special ability and its effectiveness increases as your level increases 

The skill [Yaki] is available

The [Titan Strike] ability is available

The [Tactician] skill tree is available

Skill tree available [Strategist]

Skill tree available [Trainer]

The [Spiritual Mentor] skill tree is available

Reputation with beings of a higher order when first encountered is hatred

Asura art [Soaring Serpent]{Battle Style}

the talent tree [Titan's Stomach] is available

Talent tree available [Dominance]



[Yasun's scripture]:


Life is a constant evolution. Death is only a revolution of new life.

Bonus : {+25% rate of evolution (soul, body, mind)/information assimilation/character development; Death clears karma/removes mental divine influences}

Prerequisite: {You must continually evolve in something throughout your life; creating phylacteries/striving for immortality/volunteering the way of the lich is FORBIDDEN}.

Penalty: {All types of mental/physical/spiritual evolution will be halted; Splitting of the soul after death}



As I develop, I learn about life. As I cognize life, I start searching for the answer to my question.

Bonus: {Characteristics cap per level increased by 50%(in material body only); Speed of skill/ability development with a clearly defined dream/purpose +50%}

Condition: {You must gain at least 1 level for every year of your life (only in the material body)}.

Penalty: { Level Cap (in material body only)}


The search leads to a dead end, all my knowledge of life is nothing. I make a revolution through death to find the answer to my question in a new life.

Bonus: {Compliance will increase bonuses for each life; Ability to reset statuses from personality/soul upon death}

Postulate: {Asura class will be assigned at birth; taking a second class is only possible after 5% of the average life expectancy for your race}


Being born and dying hundreds of times, I am breaking out of the wheel of Sansara.

Bonus: {A wide range of birth criteria}

Prerequisite: {For 100 rebirths, become an entity of the Astral Order}

Penalty: {Soul rebirth into a creature of the Abyss}


In freedom, the answer itself finds me, giving me the power to ask a new question.

Bonus:{When you become at least an Astral God/Devil/Archie Shadow/Titan/Lord of Element/Imperfect, etc.* all Scripture penalties will be canceled for you; it will be possible to gain a second type of astral class without penalty}}

Prerequisite: {After becoming an Astral Order entity, a minimum of two lines must be added to the Scripture(For new lines, penalties will apply)}

Penalty: {Abyssal imprisonment}




2nd Class: [Lord of the Sound]

Fluctuations of frequencies, vibrations of energy, all kinds of complex movements of particles - this and much more is the domain of Lord Sound. The very concept of sound is as multifaceted as its power. Rarely does anyone dare to discover the secrets of motion and oscillation, rotation and vibration, but those who dare and walk the path to the end are equal to the creators.

The [Intelligence] characteristic has been improved to [Structured Thinking] information on the changes can be read in the help.

The [Control] characteristic is improved to [Control]

The ability [Power of Motion] is available.

The skill [Sound Control] has been changed to the ability [Power over Sound]

Added School of Magic - School of Motion Geometry (Locked)

The ability to see vibrations

All of your enemies are affected by a unique passive aura [Sound Fury]

The mystical power of music has been greatly increased

The damage for each next hit in the series is increased by 15%

Damage from wobble and vibration attacks is increased by 50%

There is a 5% chance of creating an uncontrollable skill/ability/attack resonance 

Chance to extinguish an uncontrolled resonance / Chance to bring a resonance under control depends on the [Control] characteristic

You will have access to a talent tree [Cognition through Fluctuations]

You will have access to the talent tree [Lord's Voice] 

The [Geometry of Life] skill tree is available

Lord of Sound [Crazy Wolf] {Battle Style}



Profession: [Titan] 8th level.

By combining various professions, you have achieved the creation of a mythical profession! The progression of skills has been preserved!



Major Characterization Categories:




Strength 10480 {Wisdom of the Strong + Power/4): Determines how much you can increase the pseudo physical and physical damage you inflict by explosively injecting Spiritual Power into and out of flesh. Increases sprinting speed of movement.

Stamina 3900 {Stamina + Power/4}: Endurance increases the amount of spiritual power that integrates with flesh, thereby increasing its density, volume, and regeneration. Stamina also increases physical, pseudo-physical, and a bit of spiritual resilience. Slightly increases movement speed.

Dexterity 8200 { Dexterity + Power/4}: Ability to quickly redistribute portions of spiritual power within the body. Responsible for general mobility, stretching, and muscle memory. The speed of movement is directly related to Dexterity.




Structured Thinking 4570: Controlling large amounts of spiritual power outside the body, directing spiritual pressure. Speed of information processing, speed of learning, intelligence determines the speed of reaction and the maximum amount of information you can use at one time. Also significantly increases mental powers.  Added features: Your mind is more structured, which led to increased strength of mental shields, as well as significantly increased all parameters related to thinking. Significant acceleration of thinking without harming your body is available. The possibility of background calculations of abilities is available. The quality of information received from all sensory organs, as well as its processing is significantly improved. The number of Mental Forces is increased by 3 times. 

Wisdom of the Strong 8780 (Wisdom + Strength): Determines the minimum amount of spiritual power you can control outside of your body. Wisdom determines the ability to spot effects on other living and pseudo-living organisms. High [wisdom of the strong] allows you to process information more fully and make informed decisions based on that information. Enhances intuitive thinking. Increases mental powers and their recovery speed. Added features: All information processing stats are increased by 2 times if this information has a connection to improving your combat abilities. The characteristic Wisdom of the Strong absorbs the characteristic of Strength.

Willpower 1090: Resistance of your mind and spirituality to the effects of harmful mental and spiritual forces. Willpower increases the amount of spiritual power slightly. Reduces the cost of using skills based on mental powers. Increases the amount of mental power.




Integrity of your soul 75%(100%)

Spiritual Power Color: [Liquid Darkness]/[Melted Silver]:

It is possible to develop Soft and Aggressive DS without restrictions

Mixing of aggressive and soft DC is available to you

+100% to the growth rate of Control.

+300% to the growth rate of Unholy Beauty.

Your Spiritual Power is poisonous to everyone but your faction

Your Spiritual Power cannot be absorbed without your consent 



Negative Spiritual Power: 211% (Over saturation).

Negative Spiritual power is effective when using attacking abilities. 

When using support abilities, deals damage to neutral and positive organism(soul/spirit/projections, etc.) 

A negative spiritual force can only be Aggressive

Abilities based on negative spiritual power are effective against Positive organisms (souls/spirits/projections, etc.) 

When the threshold of 100% is crossed, all attacks will have Negative energy damage added to them


Positive Spiritual Power: 105% (Over saturation)

Positive spiritual power can be used for any ability.

Positive spiritual power can be aggressive, neutral, and soft. 

Abilities based on positive spiritual power are very effective against Negative Organisms ( souls/spirits/projections, etc.)

Positive Spiritual Power can be used to heal any body. 

When the threshold of 100% is crossed, all attacks will be added with Positive energy damage


Attribute: [Cold Glow of Unlife].

A ghostly force based on the Force: Death, Light, Life

Be vigilant, factions using these Powers will not tolerate competition.

All your actions with DC, MC, Flesh, Magic, etc. can impose an additional effect.

All healing abilities/skills/techniques/etc. work 2x more efficiently

Your spiritual Power cannot be sealed.

Once absorbed by an enemy, your spiritual power will cause irreversible and uncontrollable mutations with your spirit and soul 

Your reatsu now has healing/poisonous properties



Power 6800: Power is one of the three most important characteristics in this universe. It determines the volume and density of your spiritual power. [Affects the soul-reatsu stats of the Spiritual Sword that was born]. Added features: Power greatly increases all flesh characteristic category stats. The effectiveness of all fighting styles/martial arts, as well as the abilities within them, is increased by 75%. Significantly increases the amount of spiritual and mental power. 

Sensory 922: Sensory is one of the three most important characteristics in this universe. The ability to hide one's own and effectively detect hostile spiritual power. [Affects the Soul-Reatsu scores of those born in Spiritual Sword.]

Control 3865: Control is one of the three most important characteristics in this universe. Control is responsible for your ability to manipulate spiritual power. Increases the effectiveness of spiritual-genetic abilities. [Affects the Soul-Reatsu scores of Spiritual Swordborn]. Added features: Significantly increases the connection between Mental Power and Spiritual Power. Reduces the chance of uncontrolled resonance. Affects all abilities of the [Lord of Sound] class 


Mystical Category:


Charisma 670 (30+10): The so-called power of personality. Responsible for interaction with society, in general, and its individual representatives, in particular. High Charisma will allow you to work more effectively with forces.

Luck 158: Mystical characteristic, responsible for random phenomena.

Unholy Beauty 701: A vision of beauty, the ability to create beautiful things, move, dress and speak beautifully. Beautiful attacks, skills, abilities and techniques are much more effective. Added features: You can more easily sink light and neutral creatures into darkness. Beautiful kills bring an additional 200% experience. High NKr makes you much more attractive in the eyes of the dark. The chance of successfully seducing an innocent creature of the opposite and less effective gender depends on your NKr. 



[Legendary shrink] {Doesn't work due to loss of communication with the mediator}

  [Angry Friend] { Doesn't work due to loss of communication with the mediator }

[Master of languages] 


[Martyr of Pure Reason] 


[RPG Life].

[Ancient Cat]



Spiritual organs:


An additional reiku channeling system enhanced by the Cold Glow of Unlife. 

Three additional Sero enhancers/manipulators {Hair, Claw, Tail}

The shape of Starlight Quickness

Flexible Body


[Digital Eye] level 1 first form:

These eyes were one of the three treasures of the Planet-God Er Alpha. They were created to counter the threat of the Reapers, but unfortunately, they did not help the cyborg race win due to the weakness of the host. Perhaps you can unlock their infinite potential? 

The type of organ is the eyes

Number of forms - not set

Activation - active all the time, full visual masking is possible when using less than 25% of eye potential

Conditions for the evolution of the form - not established

Level increase conditions - constant reatsu drink for 100 hours; level increase requires 10% of all available mental power; complex math calculations

A-World Requirement - Spiritual world or High world or Presence of world weaving in the world or material world of at least medium order




Data cognition of a soulless object (resistance to receiving information is completely ignored) - The spiritual or magical potential of the object does not exceed 75% of yours

Cognition of object data with soul (resistance to receiving information is completely ignored)- 100% information if the object is 25% and below you in level

75% of information if the object has 76 -100% of your level

50% of information if the object has 101 -125% of your level

25% % of information if the object has 126 -130% of your level

5% information if the object has 131 -135% of your level

when the object level is above 136% of yours, information acquisition varies widely


Direct connection - the eyes allow you to connect to any object of a synthetic-digital nature in the focus of your vision


Understanding a number - you realize what a number is.

The math is much easier for you.




{Skills do not require a sequence of actions to activate, just a desire}:



[Absorption XVIII]{Active/Passive} 91 std:

+100% of the beneficial elements of the ingested food

The flavor of the food is improved.

+25% chance to get a random characteristic when eating a meal

100% of Essence is absorbed when killed by contact.

When absorbed, the essence is filtered of unwanted/harmful impurities

Full Resistance to Food Poisons

You can choose which of the elements of the food you eat should be consumed and which should not be consumed

You're not getting fat. (Blocked)

When activated at a distance of 9100 meters, all available essence is absorbed, activation 5000 ohms.

Creatures with a reatsu density lower than you will be absorbed

Activation at will blocks taste buds

You are 91% more efficient in your use of the spiritual organ [Void]

The regression rate of you and your faction has been reduced to 1%

The opponent whose spiritual power/essence you absorbed regresses 10 times faster

Your attacks do 3 times more damage to the opponent whose spiritual power/essence you absorbed

Burning absorbed essence reserves you: Restore OD, restore OM, restore OP, during the burning of essence all your characteristics work at 100%

There is a 9.1% chance that after absorbing more than 1,000 units of essence reg. Spiritual Power for 91 minutes will increase by 91% 

Permanently increased all regs by 91%.

Passive Aura [Aura of Gluttony]{Fractions absorb +91% of essence; 10% of faction damage goes to essence}

Absorption of objects from neutral reatsu is available 

When the ability is canceled, 91% of the costs are refunded

+9.1% Restore Soul Integrity/Soul Sleep when consuming food containing at least 10000 essence units

The [Absorption] skill is forever imprinted on your soul

The rate of digestion/entity processing is instantaneous

The Absorption skill is imprinted in your reatsu


[Espionage II]{Active/Passive} 11th level Activation-10 OM:

The amount of information received has been increased

There's a good chance of talking up the target

You have a chance to solve the cipher. 

When activated, your charisma and beauty will increase by 100% for two minutes



[Killing X]{Active/Passive} 50 max ur (Must have the appropriate class to upgrade). Activation-5000 OM:

A vision of the target's weaknesses is available.

Hidden Strike +500% damage

+5% chance of killing the target instantly

Every second hit to the same place (radius of the place is not bigger than your "palm") is critical

Once activated, any wound you inflicted heals very slowly (regeneration at the wound site is stopped for 100 min).

When activated in case of a hidden strike, the damage is increased according to the formula ((4*Ability + Strength)/2) %

If the target is killed, the next hit on any enemy within 1 min will deal 4 times the damage. 



[Resistance to Negativity]{Passive} 28ur..: 

Reduces the damage received from Negative by 56%


[Intuitive Logic]{Passive} Mach ur..:

30% Chance based on circumstantial evidence to intuitively find missing puzzle pieces. 


[Cunning III]{Passive} 17th level:

+15% that your ruse will succeed.

You find it easier to learn different feints and tricks

A 75% chance of recognizing a lie


[777]{Passive} Max. Ur.

1% that any action will be 777% more effective


[Overmind V]{Passive} level 26: 

Mental Power +260%

MS regeneration +26%/sec.

Telepathy ability branch {Blocked by A-world law}

Empathy ability branch {Blocked by A-world Law}

Telekinesis ability branch {Blocked by A-world law}

A fourth stream of thought has been added

Mental power can be invested on par with reatsu in any of your actions

By combining all thought streams into one, mental efficiency is increased by 10x, with each tick of Flesh reduced by 5%






[Stalker's Eye III]{Active} 18 level. Activation - 25 ohms:

You see through obstacles.

Your attention is not being noticed.

+75% Surveillance Cloaking



[Sphere of OulRe II]{Passive/Aura} 11th level:

Radius: (Int + Mudr)/10 m

The effectiveness of all of your skills and abilities, as well as mind-based martial arts, is increased by ((Int/2 + Willpower/3 + Wisdom/5)/10) %.

The aura will allow some degree of reality control with your mind

The effectiveness of the [Wish] feature within the radius of the sphere is increased by (Int+Mood)%

The effectiveness of the [Void] organ within the radius of the sphere is increased by (Int+Mud)%

Unlocks access to legendary and mythic abilities.


[Spider Tip]{Passive Skill} 3rd level:

There is a small chance of manipulating a friendly minded intelligent through conversation or advice.


[Predator Body III]{Passive/Active} 15 level 15 ohms, support 1 ohm/minute

You leave no marks, no fingerprints.

Upon Activation, you gain: Visual Cloaking 75%.

Masking Spiritual Force 25%

Dexterity +5%

Strength +5%

Cns +5%

Upr +5%

Wis. +5%


Mental Power +25%

You navigate in the forest/jungle



[Predator Tag X]{2x mode} 50 max ur (You must have the appropriate class to upgrade)

The number of simultaneously used tags is unlimited

Bait: The prey feels mental pressure with the [Hunger] characteristic towards the marked object. 

The bait doesn't fade over time

There is a chance to permanently embed the tag in the object

Lighthouse: You always know where your mark is.

The effectiveness of [Sonido] abilities is increased by +100%

Ability Accuracy [Gray] 100% 


[Cat Acrobatics]{Passive} max level:

You jump higher and farther

Falling from a great height does not cause damage if you manage to land on your feet

You can maneuver through the fall

Dexterity +5%


[Sizzle] {Passive} 50 max level:

Your hissing is [horrifying] to anyone who hears it.

Your hissing is causing [panic] for anyone who hears it.

Your hissing causes [weakness] in anyone who hears it.

Your hissing is causing [insanity] to anyone who hears it.

Your hissing causes [confusion] to anyone who hears it.

Your hissing causes [stuns] to anyone who hears it.

Your hissing is [hysterical] to anyone who hears it.

Weakens the strength of mental shields


[Silent Death X]{Passive} 50 max level (Must have the appropriate class to upgrade)

If your target was killed by a stealth attack, your cloak from just 1 minute becomes 100%

+5% Dexterity

+10% Wisdom 

All stats are increased by +5% on a stealth kill


[Yaki III] {Active/Passive} 17th level Maintain: Variable 

A [Fatal Fear] debuff is applied to opponents below you in level

Reduces the strength of mental shields

Reduces the opponent's Ohm in proportion to the Ohm invested in using the skill

Bloodlust pressure has a 5% chance of imposing a mental debuff on an opponent above you in level (no more than 50 levels difference).



Skills and Techniques:



[Fog I]{passive - active ability} 5th level:

There's a chance of confusing the listener 

Many will find a secret meaning in your words, even if there is none

There is a chance to inflict a random mental buff/debuff on the person you are talking to




[Power over Sound IV]{Passive/Active} 23rd level activation - 10000 OM:

Your voice is beautiful.

You're capable of modulating any sound

The chance of convincing the other person is increased

There is a possibility to charm the interlocutor/victim with a simple conversation

Your voice reduces enemy aggression for every tick(15sec) of conversation by 75%

Your theme chant improves the buffs/curses/effects you cast by 367%

You can predict the effect of Words of Power

You can predict the effect of the Order of the Force

+100% to the Mystic Power of Sound

You can level a hostile/harmful Mystic Sound Force with a 75% chance of leveling up

When activated, direct control over the mystical power of sound is possible


[Feeling the Essence of Image IV]{Technique/Ability} novice level 21 4000 OM-activation; 100 OM/second-maintenance:

Using the ability, the speed of learning something increases by ((4*Wisdom+ 4*Intelligence)/2)%.

Optional: the speed of information acquisition increases by (Intelligence) %.

Optional: After applying this technique while learning a language, the speed of learning that language increases by (Wisdom + Intelligence)%.

There's a small chance of understanding the essence of a phenomenon

While using Mudras, Int and Willpower increase by 210%


[Internal Force IV Programming]{Technique/Ability} 20ur. 50 MS:

You can give your inner power (Reatsu, Manna, Ki, etc.) certain properties that do not contradict its nature.

Conversion efficiency is equal to ((2*Mud + Int) /10) %

Chance of getting an extra 2% effect

You can set a program in your inner power and place it in an object

You can slightly alter the still-unformed inner power of a creature friendly to you. 



[Meditation X]{Active/2x mode} 53 level..:

Know thyself: by immersing yourself in inner meditation you can follow the processes happening to you at the level of the pseudo-body. It also speeds up the work of the mind by 10 times. 

In inner meditation, you have access to creating additional reiku channels. 

During meditation, all negative effects are removed down to a complexity below the divine level

Removal of mental parasites/marks is possible

Cures for curses are possible

Separation of the subtle soul bodies is available

Restoration of the subtle bodies of the soul is available


Know the world: by immersing yourself in outer meditation you begin to more fully understand the world around you on a pseudo-physical level. You can understand beings no higher than you on a spiritual level with a 75% probability within a radius of no more than 500000 meters. The work of the mind is also accelerated by 5 times. 

You see the reaku channels of beings not above you in spiritual level (reatsu density). 

You can transfigure(change properties) a material, giving it different properties - the cost of change is the same for any transformation

The connection of two spiritual bodies is available

Spiritual chimerology is available

Creation of rerack channels in material/weapon/entity is available

Stasis is possible


[Sero XIII]{Active } 84 level cost is variable:

Damage from Sero-like abilities +840%

Open [Verde Sero] {Additional Periodic Damage} 

Open [Amarillo Sero] {Additional Burn Damage}

Open [Marron Sero] {Chance to Stun}

Open [Turgessa Sero]{Powerful Blast}

Open [Grand Sero]{An evenly enhanced sero, combination with other types of seros is acceptable}

Open [Oscuro Sero]{Amplified beam damage effect, combination with other Sero types is allowed}

Open [Rojo Sero]{Enhanced beam piercing effect}

Open [Marcha Atras Sero]{Long-lasting beam burns through, but does not explode}



[Line of Sero IV]{Active} 19th level cost varies:

  After creating two points of unstable reatsu, you can connect them with a beam of sero.

Maximum number of instability points 19

It is possible to use different types of Sero in the same constellation of the Sero Lineage



[Estrella Sero IX] {Sero-like ability} 45 level cost varies:

Stacked with bonuses from Sero's ability

The gray carries a mixture of positive and negative elements

Ignores 95% Resistance.

Ignores 95% of the Defense

Additional +450% damage Reduces the characteristics of enemies in the affected area within a wide range.

There's a chance of irradiating the target with Cold Glow.

The creation speed of this type of Sero is additionally reduced by 50%


[Sonido XII] {Fast Movement} 61 level cost varies.

Available to use six accelerations without rollback 

Ability rollback reduced to 1.4 sec.

The angle of vision in Sonido is unchanged

Sonido silently

The first physical strike within 2 seconds of Sonido's application deals an additional 610% damage

Reatsu densities below category 3.9 cannot interrupt or slow the ability. 

When you apply Sonido, the sensory abilities only work at 19% of their effectiveness against you 

Available to stop Sonido during use without consequences




[Estrella Sonido VII] {Fast travel}36ur. cost varies:

Stacked with the bonus from Sonido's ability

Reatsu densities below Category 4.3 cannot interrupt or slow the ability. 

It is possible to pass through obstacles

Passing through barriers is possible

It is possible to pass through Sero's Beam/Explosion from Sero, etc. with no consequences

Minor maneuvering is possible

If you use [Estrella Sero] within 5 sec after coming out of [Estrella Sonido], the damage will increase by an additional +500%

75% cloaking for 10 sec after leaving [Estrella Sonido].


[Power over Movement] 2nd level; the cost of using the ability increases in direct proportion to the amount of energy being operated.

You gain complete power over the movement of all soulless objects within a 5*Meter radius

You can set the object's motion pulse

Available to restore Mental Power and Flesh when absorbing an object's kinetic energy.

The power over gravity is forever out of reach

The power over radiation is forever out of reach

In the physical world, the cost of using the ability is increased by 100%



[Titan's Fury] 1 level: 

Rage(Peak of Rage) increases damage

Rage(Rage Peak) increases all types of defenses

The ability to use the Flame of Fury has been unlocked

The ability to use Fury Cold has been unlocked

Lightning Fury has been unlocked 



Combat Styles and Martial Arts:


[Martial Art of the Singing Asura] great master 8th level:

This martial art was created by Asura Yasuna based on the following fighting styles: [Soft Paw Style], [Hornet Flight], [Falling Snake], and [Crazy Wolf].

The martial art combines all the bonuses of each style

This martial art can only be used with 100% effectiveness if the fighter has the following criteria: 

1.  Ability to manipulate Reatsu or Prana, other types of internal and external energies will reduce martial art capabilities 

2.  High value of Control (Control) as a characteristic

3.  Presence of the monk and bard archetype class


The ability to combine 3 of the 4 combat styles simultaneously is available 





[Craft I] medium 7 grades:

You're a jack of all trades

Information on creating low quality items is available 

Chance to get an additional effect/characteristic when creating an item 5%

Opened the [Artifact Creator] skill branch

Opened the [Culinarian] skill branch.


[Mining] Beginner 5 level:

Information about mining lower quality resources is available to you

Chance to mine a rare resource 0.5%


[Artifact Maker I] average 8th level:

You can access information about medium pentagrams artifact making

You can access information on medium-sized artifact building rituals

This skill branch interacts with the skills [Ritualist] [Master of Runes] [Alchemist] [Warlock] [Armorer] [Weaponsmith] [Master of Crystals] [Healer]

Opened the skill branch [Master of Runes]



[Spiritual Anatomy VII] Legendary 3rd level:

This skill branch combines knowledge of spirit/living/shadow/undead anatomy

Information on internal force channels/rareuku is available

Damage to creatures whose anatomy you know is increased 

All medicinal skills/skills/abilities work much more efficiently

Creation of a billet for Spiritual/Living Weapons is available

Creation of Living Creatures is available

Synthetic Shower Creation Available

You can access information on all stages of the creation of Spiritual Weapons



[Master of Runes] novice 1st level:

You can access information about the first 50 symbols in the rune alphabet


[Culinarian] Beginner 1 level..: 

Full information on flavor combinations and non-combinations is available

You can cook


[Tactician I] average 6 levels:

You have more control over the battle

Information on small group battle tactics is available (100 different randomly selected small battle tactics have been studied)



[Strategist] novice level 2..:

You're better at planning for the battles that present themselves and strategizing for the operation/war, etc.


[Trainer] novice 1 level: 

You know 100 types of training for each characteristic



[Spiritual Mentor III] Level 4 Expert..:

Your patience limit has been greatly increased

You know how to properly present the material to the student(s)

You know how to instill your views in the student(s)

You know how to quickly raise your credibility with your student(s)

You know how to put your thoughts on paper in a way that the person reading understands from the first reading

You know how to write great textbooks



[Geometry of Life] Beginner 1 level..:

You know the basic structure of the spiritual Atom.





Talents are features of the soul that will influence yours, open access to skills and abilities, as well as unlock physiological genes indicators when reborn in the material world



[Cognition through Fluctuations]:

[Radius] invested 2 talent points: 100 meters 


[The Lord's Voice]

[Powerful Voice] 2 talent points invested: reduced chance of voice disruption; your voice is louder and clearer 



[Titan's stomach]

[Black Hole] 4 talent points invested: Stomach Capacity increased by 400%; Digestion Speed increased by 75%; your stomach will be able to digest harmful substances up to a medium level of harmfulness 




[Personal Reality] invested 4 talent points: at birth, you will gain mystical/magical/psi powers specific to the rebirth world with a 25% chance of being born; growth rate of extraordinary abilities and skills +25%




Soul Protocols:

Activation of the protocol occurs only when special conditions are met:request for activation from a world soul; request for activation from a higher soul; [?]; [?]

Once the protocol has been developed to 100 points, its menu will be available.

After developing the protocol to 500 points and having a source of prana, you will receive a special bonus

By evolving the protocol to 1000 points and fulfilling special requirements, the protocol evolves



Legend Protocol - 100 points.

By accomplishing feats, you inscribe yourself in the history of the world, the universe, the universe, and they inscribe a part of themselves in you.


Legend Menu:

[Rumor of the Apostle's murderers] {The name of the legend may change as we progress}:

Across the vast desert world of Hueco Mundo, there is a rumor of six menos capable of killing the Apostle of the Soulless One (Astral God ???/Body of Nemesis). But is it true? Who knows...

You gain an initial reputation with some factions of the Three A-Meers Constellation.

Current Legend Level - One Hearing


The Lord of Wishes Protocol - 15 points.

You are the Lord of Desire


Protocol Gamer - 10 points.

A direct link to the universe infopole is available through the game menu



Protocol Anarchist - 5 points.

Certain fundamental laws of this A-World do not apply to you

Under certain conditions, you can violate a complex law of the universe





Features of the Soul


[Curses of Unholy Purity]:

In an effort to cleanse oneself of dirt, one can overdo it and become a tasty prey for the creatures that lurk in the darkness

Aggressiveness of monsters, critters, predators is maximized

Demons will try any way they can to take over your soul

The gods will try any way they can to capture your soul 

The shadows will try to wipe you out at the first opportunity

The Abyss is interested in you

The Absolute hates you

Since your existence perverts the very essence of purity of soul, the Golden City will be closed to you.

Your flesh(spiritual, mental, elemental, material, etc.) has healing properties

Your blood(spiritual, mental, elemental, material, etc.) is capable of rejuvenating and cleansing the curses of the lower and middle categories.

The characteristic Beauty(Kr) has been changed to Unholy Beauty(NKr)(All information on the characteristic can be found in the help). 

All your secretions (spiritual, mental, elemental, material, etc.) have unique properties.

Your hair/wool/bones/skin are now considered mythic class material




Name: Botsom


Level 292


Race: Menos

Shape: Vaster Nobles


Flesh: 51,000 

Reg. Flesh: 2514op/sec. 

Spirit: 27001

Reg. Spiritual Power: 250 ds./sec.

Reatsu density: 3.6 category

Mental Power: 5000

Reg. Mental Power: 50 m.s./sec.

Sleep of the soul: integrity 78%


Lord: Yasuna

Faction: - 

Obsession: Loyalty

Menos type: pure survivor


Class: Knight of the Throne

+100% to damage when performing the Lord's orders

+100% to Resistances in Lord's defense

+150% to Defense when defending a Lord

+75% to all defenses

+50% to all stats if the Lord's life is in danger



The main categories of characteristics are:



Force 4780

Stamina 10300

Dexterity 1431



Intellect 905

Wisdom 804

Willpower 2890



Spirit 2890.

Sensorica 478

Control 2400




Beauty 1253

Charisma 5

Luck 10


Spiritual organs:


[Shattered Mirror Shroud] - Menos, who has focused all of his energies on developing Negassen, gains the ability to create space-time barriers out of special feather shards. These shards can also be used to seal inanimate objects. 

The density and stability of the barrier is directly related to the amount of reatsu invested.

The edges of the space-time barrier are very sharp. 


[Infinite Regeneration] - The flesh regeneration of this menoso is constant, it is also possible to increase the ability to a maximum of 300% through reatsu drinks


[Regeneration Blast] - instant recovery of all damage. The cost of use depends on the amount of injuries and damage.



[Monument]- Menos anchors his body to a specific point in space, thus preventing his enemies from moving himself even a millimeter. 




Name: Diana


Level 289


Race: Menos

Shape: Vaster Nobles


Flesh: 13,000 

Reg. Flesh: 400 op/sec. 

Spirit: 31005

Reg. Spiritual Power: 400 ds./sec.

Reatsu density: 3.8 category

Mental Strength: 8000

Reg. Mental Power: 50 m.s./sec.

Sleep of the soul: integrity 100%


Lord: Yasuna

Faction: - 

Obsession: Unrequited Love.

Menos Type: Dexterous/Sensor


Class: Executioner

+800% to stealth damage

+100% chance to stop regeneration at the site of a wound inflicted on the enemy

99% of Resistance and Defense is ignored

+200% damage when using poison and shadows

+500% to damage when using Glaive; Halberd; Axe

The ability to walk between shadows has been unlocked


The main categories of characteristics are:



Force 5230.

Endurance 2467

Dexterity 11431



Intellect 2005

Wisdom 1404

Willpower 1478



Duh 4,000

Sensorica 5478

Control 4400




Beauty 53

Charisma 75

Luck 100.


Spiritual organs:


[Poison Generator] - Menos can create a wide variety of substances ranging from poison to drugs. The complexity of the substance depends on the amount of reatsu invested, as well as the menos' knowledge.

The use of poison with Sero is available


[Form Revitalization] - Allows you to give your techniques/abilities etc. pseudo life according to a set program. 



[Heart of Shadows] - Greatly reduces the chance of being seen

Allows manipulation of the shadow of the world

Sensorics works with 100% efficiency

Ignores interference up to divine difficulty level


[Multidimensional Thinking]- Menos is capable of performing many actions simultaneously.

Developed four-dimensional thinking

You are capable of flight.





Name: Bio-Robot Chimera 001/BIOHI


Level 271


Race: Menos/Synthetic.

Shape: Vaster Noble/Synthetic


Flesh: 32,000

Reg. Flesh: 150op/sec.

Spirit: 40000

Reg. Spiritual Power: 1200 ds./sec.

Reatsu density: 3.8 category

Mental Strength: 13600

Reg. Mental Power: 1000 m.s./sec.

The dream of the soul: integrity #%


Master: Yasuna

Faction: - 

Vice: #

Menos type: gray type

Class: Psion/Synthetic

Int, Mudr, and Willpower increase damage and effectiveness when using psi abilities

+789% to the strength of mental shields



The main categories of characteristics are:



Force 4100

Endurance 3032

Dexterity 2980



Intellect 5561

Wisdom 4001

Willpower 7789



Duh 5000.

Sensorica 5780

Control 5550




Beauty 0

Charisma 0

Luck -10 [Synthetic]


Spiritual organs:


[Drone] - Menos can spawn symbiote drones in quantities of ten. 

Drones can use gray-like abilities.


[BIOHI Transformation] - Menos is capable of entering a battle trance state. 

All attack abilities are enhanced by a factor of 6

Strength, Control, Intelligence are increased by 6 times

Hierro cannot be used in this mode

Flesh regeneration is on hold 

+100% resistance to main weapon fire


[Body Synthetic] - menos have no pain.

no regression

Jerk speed increased by 500%

Menos always utilizes 100% of his potential


[Psi-Annihilator] - The hand is transformed into an annihilator cannon, fueled by the mental power of menos.

The range of fire is between 50-60 kilometers.

The power of the shot depends on the amount of mental power invested

The shot deals pure psi damage that destroys the object's matter-soul.




Name: Kwai Gong-jinn


Level 260


Race: Menos/Power Spirit.

Form: Waster Noble/Spirit of Power


Flesh: 26,000

Reg. Flesh: 500op/sec.

Spirit: 26,000

Reg. Spiritual Power: 500 ds./sec.

Reatsu density: 3.7 category

Mental Strength: 26,000

Reg. Mental Power: 500 m.s./sec.

Sleep of the soul: integrity 100%


Master: Yasuna

Faction: - 

Vice: Trust.

Menos type: special

Class: Martial Prophet/Jedi/Sith

The ability to directly control all types of reatsu is available

Telekinesis is available

Event Vector Lightning is available

A Vision of the History of the World is available

An understanding of the voice of Higher Beings is available



The main categories of characteristics are:



Force 2600.

Stamina 2600

Dexterity 2600



Intellect 2600

Wisdom 2600

Willpower 2600



Duh 2600.

Anticipation 2600

Control 2600




Beauty 5200

Charisma 5200

Luck 10400 


Spiritual organs:


[Midichlorians] - Reveals supersensitive perception and foresight


[Sword of Sero] - Menos is able to stabilize the sero beam, creating the special ability Sword of Sero


[Spirit Force Body] - Menos develops evenly all of its characteristics

The dependence between the characteristics has been changed

+10 to each characteristic per level

+100 to DS, OM and OP per level


[Life Force Center] - Menos carries a part of a higher being.

Beauty and charisma increased by 2 times

Luck increased by 4 times






Name: Peru-Peru


Level 255


Race: Menos 

Shape: Vaster Noble 


Flesh: 10,000.

Reg. Flesh: 150 op/sec(Reduced)

Spirit: 10000(Reduced)

Reg. Spiritual Power: 100 ds/sec(Reduced)

Reatsu density: 3.1 category

Mental Strength: 2000.

Reg. Mental Power: 100 m.s./sec(Reduced)

Sleep of the soul: integrity 56%


Master: Yasuna

Faction: - 

Vice: Motherhood

Menos type: special

Class: Devil Queen

Class properties are downgraded due to regression

+15% to enemy mind control 


The main categories of characteristics are:



Force 800.

Stamina 2100

Dexterity 1439



Intelligence 1607

Wisdom 789

Willpower 1378




Spirit 4045

Sensorica 8780

Control 4550




Beauty 11567

Charisma 0

Luck -1000 [Reduced]


Spiritual organs:



[Succubus Supreme Beauty] - Full control over the body's secretions is available

Reinforcement of the effects of excretion is available

Full body excretion change is available 





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