
Strange Carnival

Vlad Yazykov, a young man who has been trapped in a broken body for fourteen years finally dies. That seems to be it, the end, but just during this period of time, a dignitary of the dead Arch Shadow needed to perform some sort of ritual ...

uchiha_izuna97 · Movies
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45 Chs

Chapter 39

"A legendary event that will be remembered by our descendants. Huh?" - Anna didn't understand why one would go to such a thing. Wouldn't the town's own forces be enough to hold off the werewolves the next night? The girl shot her eyes around. All the other invited guild representatives were also puzzled, but the faces of ordinary people were delighted, and not surprisingly, after Delphin's sage speech, she was almost confused. 


The girl was at the ready, as were all the other warriors, assassins, warlocks, adventurers and caravan guards here. Though it was said that Sage Wolf was allowed to use his powers in case of anything, but it was better to be safe. 


Anna furtively shot a glance in Lex's direction. The guy looked sleep-deprived. She was jealous, wanting to kill him and the bitch he'd spent the night with, but also wanting to be in her shoes.


Anna shook her head, taking her feelings at the same time as this gesture in stride. 

Trying hard not to notice Lex yawning, she looked around the ritual hall.  Oh, the size of it was impressive; she'd never seen such a huge room before, and it had been built in six years, an unprecedented speed of construction. 


- What's this one doing here? - A squeamish female voice distracted her from her thoughts. A woman of balzac age with a young beau was loudly resenting Anna's presence in a public place. According to her, the girl should have been collared like a dangerous monster a long time ago. 


Anna's fists clenched with resentment. No matter what she did, no matter what good deeds she did, she continued to be humiliated and insulted, and there was nothing to be done to such boyars. 


And as usual, Lex stood up for the girl. He went straight to the matron, wanting to make a scene, but Anna didn't let him ruin her future. She held him down by his robe and shook her head in a negative gesture, but it felt warmer. 


"She's not alone, and he may have others with whom he shares his bed, but as a couple they have a chance! She can get him to recognize her! " - the thought ran through Anna's mind. 

Meanwhile, the preparations for the ritual were complete. 


The three wise men positioned themselves at the corners of the triangular pattern in the center, the five guild heads positioned themselves along the rays of the star in the middle pattern, and finally the fifteen strongest guild representatives, the oldest and strongest Ve users stood at the corners of the last pattern. 


- Ertryu La sadfe - The sages sang an ancient incantation.


- G loss La - The guild heads have picked up on it.


- Asmodei ra ladertyno - The fifteen strongest representatives of the city continued.


With each line of the spell, Ve thickened in the center of the ritual figure, becoming visible to the naked eye. Somewhere far away, in the center of the red desert, near the mountain split in two, millions of throats howled. In the guild house of the executioner, now sleeping in the chair, black smoke billowed from the unusual glaive lying at the headboard of the chair, hundreds of voices whispered in the room.


The space in the center of the figure crackled, to then flash with a blinding blue light that blinded everyone in the observers of the ritual. 


When the light faded, the people saw three teenagers in strange clothes looking around in bewilderment. The world around the two unremarkable boys and the red-haired girl was warping and seeming to caress the beings summoned from the other space. 


- Greetings, Heroes! - Shouted the sage Dolphin.


- Greetings, Heroes! - cheered on by all the people in the audience. 


And the Heroes still had no way of knowing where they were. 


Redheaded Vera, who recently wrote a novel about forbidden love on her favorite site, was the first to react. 


- Wow, we're popadans, aren't we? Oh, why is my hair red?  - Her unremarkable voice seemed incredibly beautiful to everyone present. Even Sage Wolf, who was still capable of love feats, caught himself thinking that he would like to take this seemingly not beautiful woman to bed and give her a night of pleasure. The vein of the highest quality secreted by the body-Magnus of the summoned heroine-affected his mind and made him admire his host. 


- What? It's like magical worlds and stuff, right? I mean, I'm supposed to save them from the dark lord, right? Verka, is that you? Hey, I didn't recognize you. You're wearing makeup, aren't you? - A boy of about seventeen years old, of large build and with a short wisp of blond hair, made a bewildered face. Then he turned to a third, thin, gray-haired, bespectacled boy. 


- Hey, Vasek, huh? You wearing makeup too, nerd? You look like a chick, yippee. 

Vasily, meanwhile, completely ignoring the gopnik Valera and the yaoi girl Vera, turned to the tough kid who was closest.


As soon as the fool Verka said the cherished word, the guy's brains went into overdrive. 

A guy who was treated like an ass at school, always wanted to go to the magical world, have a harem and become at least a king. And now his dream has come true! Of course, there is still this stupid gopnik, but Vasya just disdainfully looked at this dorky guy who can not own brains, he will definitely become either a tank or a palam, when Vasya himself decided to study magic.


And not one of the three noticed the changes that had happened to them.


  Vasily stopped feeling fear.


Vera's shyness disappeared and she became more relaxed.


Valera got rid of his excessive aggression.


- Respected, what should we do, and where are we? - Vasily (not Vaska! Not a nerd!) asked the old man a question. 

- You are heroes, summoned by an ancient ritual to save the world! - The wolf shouted a phrase that came from the depths of time. That's how heroes should be addressed under those instructions, and they should speak in a high-pitched voice, otherwise the summoned beings, who are very powerful users of Magnus's inner self, might get angry. 


While this dialogue between the most talkative of heroes and the most obnoxious diplomat of wise men lasted, the rest of the people gazed mesmerized at the miracle. 


Anna was no exception. She'd forgotten about Lex, about her love for him. She saw only the two desirable guys she'd grown passionate about. 


Suddenly, for a second, all sounds faded.


- For...w...k...a...a...oya... - the whisper reached Anna's stupefied consciousness, loosening the chains of Ve heroes. Though the desire to give herself to these two didn't go away, she could at least think coherently. Anna looked around at the people around her and fixed her gaze on Lex. He was eyeing the redheaded heroine, shooting his eyes left and right.

Suddenly Anna felt stuffy. She ran out of the building into the fresh air, not caring what anyone would say about her. 

There were crowds of people in the square now, and they all looked at the girl.  They all looked at her with such contempt that Anna suddenly wished she could wash herself to get rid of the filth. 

Anna's gaze locked on the townsman whose daughter she had avenged recently. The man lowered his head and tried not to look at the girl. Was he ashamed? Hardly, Anna thought, more likely he just didn't want to give away their acquaintance. 


Not wanting to be here another minute, she rushed toward the saving darkness of her cubbyhole. 

Meanwhile, the wise men assured the "heroes" of their chosenness, hoping to themselves that they had done the right thing. 


Traveling and Gathering. 


- So, once every twenty years, night falls here and crowds of monsters attack the land of the living? - Vasily tried to grasp the magnitude of the problem before him. It had been two days since they had been drafted, they had been given luxurious estates with a staff of servants. During these two days Vasya had already managed to lose his virginity and taste a couple of pretty maids that jumped into bed with the hero. 


- That's right. - The head of the warriors' guild, the narrow-eyed, short Paz, confirmed it. 


In the room now, besides Vasily, there were also Valera and Vera, and Vera was suspiciously happy, unlike the empty-headed gopnik.


- What are you doing? A couple million monsters we have to stop with the three of us, huh? You're fucking nuts, aren't you? I can't work more than three fucking guys, and you say a couple million! Are you an idiot or what? 


- Oh, don't worry, within a year we'll have you trained to run Ve, and then all you need to do is gather our allies! It'll only take a couple years! But then you'll be princes, you'll be given lands and servants! And you're practically immortal! There's no Magnus that can penetrate your skin. You are not affected by poisons, you can live without food and water, and you can even not breathe! - The small Asian began to praise their situation, occasionally throwing admiring glances at Vera, who did not get lost and smiled coquettishly at him. The girl suddenly became incredibly popular and had a blast. Even managed to organize a couple of scenes from her fantasies with beautiful guys and boys. 


- For fuck's sake! Is that like a piano or something? - Valera was the only one of the three who didn't plunge into a sex marathon, he had no shortage of whores on Earth, and despite his not very outstanding mind he knew the price of such "relationships". To get sick with something venereal in the Middle Ages not knowing any medicines he did not smile. During these days Valera managed to walk around the city, to get together with the local jocks, to visit the warriors' guild, to get drunk in the local catering and to party.


Valera also noticed that he had stopped getting angry over nothing and not throwing fists at simple jokes.  But it wasn't his style to figure out what it was, he'd determined it was magic. 

- Tell me, what will we learn, and will a year be enough? - Vasya asked a question that bothered him. Though he defined his state in this society as MS (meri siew), but it would not hurt to make sure whether MS only concerns relations with people or his powers. 


- Don't worry. You are actually living Ve, being intelligent Magnus. Just choose what you like and in a year you will be made real sages of your chosen path!


- Oh, can I be a witch? - The redhead spoke up. - You know, a sorceress. 


- I don't see how that's a problem. We'll find you a teacher if you want one.


- Oh! Can I choose it myself? - The girl exclaimed. Her cheeks were flushed, and she was obviously dreaming of something. 


The warrior guild master only shrugged, secretly hoping to be chosen. 


In the course of further dialog, it was decided that:


Faith is training to be a warlock in the support field.

Valera is trained in the martial arts and the arts of assassination.

Vasily, on the other hand, swung into all the martial branches of sorcery, as well as training in forbidden witchcraft. 




The time passed, and before Anna knew it, a year had passed since the heroes were summoned. Nothing much had happened in the meantime; she had continued to complete her tasks, train, and improve her Magnuses. Lex had finally drifted away from her and was now living in Veronica's mansion. But she had caught the eye of the gray-haired hero Vasily. He constantly, almost every day visited her and started strange conversations on some meaningless topics, leaving the girl puzzled. Anna also felt a sexual attraction to the hero, but over time she learned to restrain it and keep a mask. She thought that the feeling she had for the gray-haired man was dirty and slimy, not as pure and light as it was for Lex. 


She had learned a lot of things over the year and had become quite strong, but her accomplishments were nothing compared to what the heroes had achieved. Even lazy redheaded Vera could use up to a hundred different spellcasting techniques, from simple healing to powerful curses. What to speak of Valera, who worked his ass off in training, and Vasily, who practiced spells every day. 


At the moment Anna was returning from another cleanup of the den of sand bandits, which with the approach of night had spread a lot, and it had to happen that today Vasya finally decided to add Anna, whom he had been working on for a year, to his grief-stricken kudere*. 


Vasya didn't even think that he could dislike the cute girl. Oh yes, the hero's opinion about Anna was very different from the conventional ones. Her inaccessibility, grace, combined with some fragility and "nyashnosti" just blew his mind, especially in his harem already had Yandere, Aho and Ojo-sama . He dreamed of putting ear moulages on her head and doing this and that with her. 


True, before the hero, who planned to collect a useful harem, each representative of which will occupy leading positions in his future empire, faced very serious difficulties, namely Anna's father. Vasya, who believed in his immortality and chosenness, learned a very unpleasant thing - there are people who can easily separate his head from his body, executioners and Anna's father is one of them. Moreover, they are preparing another executioner out of a cute girl, showering her with universal contempt and dark Veh. This was another reason why the hero Basil decided to change this world, becoming an emperor and then a god, no less!


But first he decided to get rid of a dangerous element, namely the only member of the Executioner's Guild. It would be insane to fight him, so he simply poisoned him a couple of hours ago and now, wearing a sorrowful expression on his face, went to tell his future mistress the sad news. 

Caught Anna by Vasily at the entrance to the guild.


As it is supposed sympathetically told that her father was poisoned by despicable traitors, but Vasily punished them, also wanted to embrace Anna and calm her down. But it was not so. "Hero" was still completely ignorant of the culture of the people living in this world. The girl bowed, thanked for the message and for revenge, promising to repay the debt, and went to the corpse of her father.


Her expression didn't change a bit, which shocked Vasya, who was sure of his "victory". He stood there for a couple of minutes with his eyes fluttering in shock. 


- You will belong to me, there is no more perfect candidate for the role of the head of intelligence! I just need to choose the right place and prepare one document that will reveal the truth to you, yes, that's what I'll do. - Vasily muttered, then he turned around and headed for his mansion. The crazy twenty year old woman he had broken out of prison was probably waiting for him by now. Animal wild sex was the best way to take away the frustration he'd just experienced.


Anna walked as if nothing had happened in the direction of the house familiar from her childhood. But her calmness was deceptive. No matter what she said, no matter how hard she tried to keep her distance, she loved her father. 

The house was as dusty as ever. She bowed to the indifferent guard who sat on a chair in the hall and, having filled out the paperwork, approached the tablecloth-covered body. 


Bitter tears streamed down Anna's face, and it wasn't just the death of the only member of her family that made her sad. Vasily, in his ignorance, had burned all the Veh out of her father's body, probably to prevent him from becoming a werewolf, but he had deprived her of the opportunity to say goodbye to her father through ritual. Tears flowed and Anna sobbed. Now she was all alone. 


The black glaive mounted on the wall gave no sign of its sanity, the cursed Magnus was waiting for his time...




At the cremation of her father, besides Anna, the imperturbable Vasily was present. The girl was not angry at the hero for his deed, she did not care. 


After burning the body, she ignored everything in the world and wandered into the house that now belonged to her alone. The hero followed. 


-Can I come in? I have an important conversation with you. - Vasily's voice broke the silence. 


She nodded indifferently, letting the eighteen-year-old into the house. 


In the living room over a cup of tea, the hero once again broke the silence.


- I realize it's not a good time, you lost your father and you probably want to be alone, but I'm afraid I won't get another chance to tell you what I learned when I went through the archives. Read these scrolls, they contain the sages' orders regarding you and your father. 


It wasn't a problem to get such documents, Vasya just asked the keeper of the archive to search for all available information on Anna and Georg. And he brazenly forged one scroll. 


The girl still emotionlessly read the notes and as she read she paled more and more.


- What's, uh, what's that? - For the first time in a long time, the girl showed emotion. She was shocked.


- It's just like it says here. You were raised by an executioner. All the filth that's been spewed at you by the council of wise men. I wouldn't be surprised if your father was ordered to cut all ties with you, to ignore you. Anna, listen to me very carefully, I have every reason to believe the Sages were involved in your father's death. He has become too dangerous for almost immortal old men, as an executioner, it is quite possible that you will suffer the same fate. - Vasily took the shocked girl by the shoulders. He had done half the work, it was only a matter of fucking her and he would have a faithful follower of his ideas.


- Why, why, why, why, why?! - The girl was getting hysterical. It's not every day you learn something like this about your life. For eighteen years she had danced like a puppet under the twitching fingers of three puppeteers. 


- Anna, wake up! Listen to me! I liked you right away, your bright character and perseverance, gives me respect, so trust me, help me change the world! 


Anna's weakened will could no longer withstand the psychological pressure from Ve Vasiliy. Self-pity multiplied by lack of love experience, as well as the passion aroused by Ve Vasily did its job. Anna fell into the arms of the smiling Vasily. 


The night that followed, during which Vasya showed everything he had learned from numerous mistresses during a year of active sexual life, finally suppressed Anna, made her only one of several girls in the hero's harem, and she was far from being the most favorite of them. 


The next day, Anna joined the hero's escort squad. 


Damn Magnus was just waiting for one push to fall into the arms of his new mistress. His time was coming. 




How to resist the irresistible force of a million heads of werewolves? It is possible to invent nuclear weapons, but as practice has shown, the physical laws of the Earth do not apply here, gunpowder does not burn, and steam does not want to spin the wheel. So the heroes had to agree with the plan of the wise men and go to recruit allies. 

Valerius set off with his troop northwest towards the mountains, his task was to gather the Highlander clans into a united fist and lead the warriors to the defense of Yugol. 


Faith didn't go anywhere, but stayed in town to create with the sages a so-called Magnus-bait, which would keep the packs away from the city and make the stupid creatures strive to take the bait. Of course, Vera just didn't want to leave her boys, so she decided to do this job, which the sages themselves could easily handle without anyone's help. 


Basil, as part of a group of seven girls, headed first to the east to the Shahs, and then his path lay far to the north in the land of eternal snow. 


A year and a half after adventuring, the heroes hit the road. 


Anna, as it was easy to guess, was part of Vasily's harem group. The silly girl desperately clung to the hero, and she didn't care about the contemptuous glances of other girls, she didn't care about the guy's slightly sick fantasy and the fact that sometimes she had to participate in godly orgies and please other girls. The unhappy girl mistook false love for real love and was very crushed to find out that Vasya didn't really love her, he just used her sometimes, and used her as a staff killer. But she didn't care. 


They reached the Caliphate in a few months, where the harem squad was replenished with a couple more dangerous beauties. Basil had no trouble negotiating with the Shahs for Yugoli's military aid. Ten thousand selected warriors, loyal to the hero, who considered him the embodiment of God on earth is the result of the visit to the desert inhabitants.  Their way now lay to the north, when the army went under the walls of the fortress-city. 


With each passing country the hero's harem grew, he visited Anna less and less often, from which the girl began to slip back into depression. And the less time he spent with her, the weaker his Veh's compulsion became, the more stable Anna's Magnus was. 


North. It took them six months to reach this land, and as long to stay here. 


It was in the north that the hero Vasily finally became convinced of his God-chosenness. In the land of eternal snow Vasily was idolized, everyone poured their Veh on him, changing the character of a very young boy. In the north, Vasily was recognized as Jarl, and he declared the region the first country of his empire. By that time the hero's Ve was so strong that perhaps there was no man capable of resisting his will. 


For six months Anna's bed was empty. A woman cannot be without love, no matter what world she lives in, no matter what she looks like, no matter what culture she belongs to. 


One day she decided to come to Vasily herself, which is unspeakable vulgarity for their culture, however all she got was a kiss. Vasily was "busy" with the new "members" of the squad. 


That day the hero's vehero finally stopped working on the girl, she acquired immunity to him, but the girl got used to Vasya and began to feel a semblance of real feelings for him. But even they were weakening with time. 


Months passed and an army of northerners, led by the hero, marched towards the city of Yugol, but everyone knew that once the threat was repelled their war would only begin, for the hero in his speeches called for unification. 

But it wasn't only in Vasily's head that he had such ideas. Valery also believed in his chosenness and decided to build his kingdom in earnest. 


In the year that astrologers predicted would be the last on this day, the heroes gathered in Yugoli. Their armies were with them. 


Chosenness and destiny.


Today was an important day for Anna, it was today that she would avenge her life and her father's life. 

It wasn't that she was angry or anything, it was just that her life had been empty lately, and she was trying to fill that void with something. What's wrong with hate if love didn't work out? 

Suddenly she remembered Vasya's strong and gentle hands, when was the last time they had been together? She couldn't remember. 


The girl holstered all her Magnuses and headed to the agreed upon meeting place. 

Except no one was waiting for her. When she arrived at the magistrate's office, it was all over. The whole thing is that Vasily, afraid of Valerius' intervention or stupid Vera, himself killed three old men by stabbing them with a sword. The ancient users of Ve didn't even resist the hero. 


He was now, in the company of Valery and Vera, making a speech to the assembled gawkers. 


Anna burst into hysterical laughter. She hadn't even been given revenge, was there any point to her life at all? A useless, useless fool-that's what she was. With each such thought, her Ve became darker and darker. 


Meanwhile, the events in the square were taking their course. 


Vasily, having assured the citizens of the end of the tyranny of the old men, was about to descend as a stray thought pierced his head - "Why does his pantheon need more gods? His one is quite enough to keep the peace in the world, the stupid bitch and barbarian will only get in the way". 


He looked at Valera, who was muttering something profane, dressed in fur armor (and how could the idiot not be hot?), at red-haired Vera, who had finally lost herself in pleasure and constant carnal pleasures with her boys, and made up his mind. 


With a cry of "Traitors!" Vasily used all of his strength and struck a powerful Veh at the two of them, forming a technique whose power he thought was enough to pierce the heroes' natural defenses. 

A multitude of granite spikes formed in a split second and impaled almost everyone here. Vassili hit with all his might, hoping to win with the first unexpected blow. 


But that wasn't the case! While the normal people were killed instantly, the other two heroes were only pushed hard by the spears. 

Dumbfounded, Vera looked from one stake to another. All her favorite boys had died in the blink of an eye, but she would not avenge them. With a girlish squeal, the girl rushed away. 


- You bitch! Decided to take it all for yourself, huh? Fucking nerd, how long has it been since you swallowed shit from the toilet? - With these words, Valera created a sword of magma with Ve's help and swung it at the traitor, wanting to slash and burn the bastard. 


The jerk was fast, and the blow was strong. Except for the scorched clothes, the explosion from the detonation of the sword did no more damage to Vasily. The warlock smiled contemptuously. Waving his hand toward the warrior, he proclaimed pathetically.


- Cursed Ray-


A dirty brown colored beam snapped from the gray-haired hero's hands, throwing the warrior a decent distance away. 

Except that the mango sword blast and the curse beam were more likely to kill ordinary people than harm the opponent. 


  Anna struggled to get out of the wreckage of the building. Her head was spinning desperately, and her skin stung with pain.


- What happened? - More to herself than to ask someone, she said. All the more surprising was the answer. 


- Kha. The heroes have collided. Looks like someone is a traitor and the other found out about it. Kha. - The pile of burnt meat that was once human smiled stupidly. - Aha, it's a good thing that Vera...is alive....


- Betrayed? Betrayed by whom? - But the person I was talking to couldn't answer. He was dead. 


Anna struggled to get up and went wherever she was going. She had no idea what to do.  Somewhere the strongest spells and techniques were being used, explosions were going off, people were howling and calling for help. But the girl didn't care about them all, heroes and heroes, she didn't care about anything until her feet led her to the guild square... or rather to her remains. 

There was an explosion right next to Anna, and she was thrown right back to the sprawling fountain she loved so much. 


Her hand was on something slimy.  With difficulty, she turned her head in that direction and saw the face of the girl whose songs she had loved so much. Surprise and bewilderment were frozen in an eternal mask on her head, lying in a pool of blood separate from the piece of meat that had once been her body. 


- Why? Aren't heroes supposed to do heroic deeds? - The question came out of my mouth. - Why are you doing this, what are we guilty of?! - Bitter tears flowed down Anna's cheeks, and her voice became hoarse. 


- Za...s...s...lu...k...k...ra...g...oya- The sounds died down, only an otherworldly whisper came to the girl's consciousness

-...w...i...a...er... - The whispering grew more and more. All my senses went blank, and my eyes began to flash before my eyes. 


A boy who is given a glaive by a bearded man. The same boy, but older, throws the weapon on the floor of the house, turns around and leaves, slamming the door. The weapon is sad. It longs for the worthy one, but the worthy one does not long for it.  The guy seems vaguely familiar. Time flies and the weapon remains dusty on the wall, but here comes the call. The last of the old worthies is dead and the weapon heads for the departed worthy. 

Anna is surprised to recognize her father looking at the hilt lying on the floor. He picks it up. The weapon pleases the worthy, it will not give it to anyone else. 


Guns have an effect on an unworthy woman, they want her out of the way and gone. And so it goes on and on. Every woman is not worthy of her master! 


The weapon tries to reach its master, but he is deaf and the glaive falls asleep. As the years pass, it senses an ancient enemy coming into the world. It rejoices! At last it will fulfill its destiny, but the trouble is the worthy one is still deaf. The weapon sees the ancient enemy in human form killing the worthy, sees the enemy drugging his daughter. The weapon waits for his chance, and it comes. The strongest call plucks the cursed Magnus from oblivion! The lordess hears his whisper!


- A hero's deserved punishment - Whispers a glaive-shaped blob of darkness. 


- A hero's deserved punishment - The executioner's daughter answers to his weapon. 


A young girl holds her father's weapon, something that is both a curse and a blessing to her family. Finally, she has a meaning in her life. 




Vasily had no way to kill the annoying jock. Who would have thought that the warrior's seemingly useless acceleration techniques would be so effective. 


Vasily clenched his teeth. He realizes that he was in vain, he should have acted more carefully, but he believed too much in his strength and underestimated the gopnik. Even those useless chickens - his harem - were killed in the first minutes of the clash, but nothing, he will recruit new, more beautiful and worthy ones. 


A complicated gesture towards the maneuvering enemy, trying to throw hundreds of fiery arrows from his tail, and a bright lightning bolt hits Valerius, knocking him to the ground. Vasya tries to finish off the enemy, creating quicksand collapsing everything around him, but the warrior does something and the gray-haired hero is crushed by an incredible weight, he falls into the quicksand created by himself. 


Vasya only had time to cancel the spell before Valera was hammering him into the ground with a stone hammer. The blows come in a steady stream. 


" Am I, a living god, going to lose here? "A desperate thought ran through the warlock's mind. He couldn't do anything under the hail of attacks that wouldn't stop for a millisecond. 


Impact. Cracks spreading from the spot where the gray-haired hero is being hammered in. A blow. Vasya is already struggling to keep consciousness, he realizes that if he passes out, he is finished. 


Suddenly the attacks stop. A woman's voice comes out as if through absorbent cotton. 


Vasily struggles to bring himself to his senses. 


The decapitated Valera lay in a pool of his blood, and next to his body stood Anna, whom, to be honest, he had long forgotten about. Vasily was not a fool, he remembered whose daughter she was. The man tries to smile gently at the girl, to mislead her. His mouth speaks flattering words, and his hands prepare battle charms. 


- Anna, my love. 


A stroke of the clot of darkness she holds in her hands and the gray-haired hero's body disintegrates into two halves.


- My name is Anna, and I am the Executioner's daughter, not your love-


A lake of liquid darkness forms beneath her feet, and the girl falls into it. 




Vera ran out of town in a panic. Her eyes were filled with terror, and she didn't want to die. She was fleeing at a good speed, for no matter how stupid she was, she was still the embodiment of Faith, the living Magnus. 


She was scared and ran to the most unsightly place on the planet, her feet carried the red-haired girl towards the red desert. 


She ran until she collapsed. She decided to rest for a couple of minutes to regain her Ve, and sat down on the sand. Only she didn't get a couple minutes. 


Three werewolves, old and more or less intelligent, attacked without thinking. One of them, looking like an upright goat, had gotten under the heroine's legs and was about to finish her off... but he didn't. He didn't let the rest of his fellows do it either, and the reason was not that he guessed the impracticability of this action. The goat liked the female. He turned the whimpering girl on her stomach and without any hesitation entered her pussy.  The goat's friends hummed approvingly. Vera howled. The girl had no strength to resist, all her strength was spent on regenerating internal injuries. 


Anna appeared from the circle of darkness nearby. When she saw the picture, she only whispered. 


- A well-deserved punishment for a hero. - And went the way of the shadows to where the weapon led her. 


But the werewolves took Vera with them, because they liked her...




Time passed, night fell, and the horde of werewolves, unrestrained by anyone, swept across the plains of the Kingdom of the Two Runes, completely destroying the kingdom. The werewolves had reaped a bloody harvest across the continent, killing billions of people and infecting the land as far north as the earth. Now there was no place where a corpse wouldn't rise up as a werewolf after death, no place was safe. But the people survived, a few countries were able to overpower the horde. 

Anna lived another two hundred years and died of old age, she did her duty and punished criminals until the end of her days. She failed to find a worthy candidate to father her children, and the ancient dynasty of executioners ended with her. 


Anna's soul went to be reborn. However, each of her lives bore the imprint of the character of the first life, and there was no personality capable of erasing Anna from her soul. 


Tens of thousands of rebirths later, an old soul was brought into the world of Hueco Mundo through a break in the soul stream. An ordinary spider was born and experimented on by an unusual menos. 


After a while, a new personality was born, and it became so powerful that it awakened Anna's memories to then reunite with her. 


That's how Diana was born. 

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