
Starting From Monster Musume With A Chat Group

A man named Ren Katō died and woke up in a dark, void-like sea... He heard a voice and granted him powers from his desires...And now after this rollercoaster, He wakes up to an unknown bed and ceiling together with some memories that "He" on this world possess... Oh! And he also finds out he has this thing called a Dimensional Chat Group that he only saw from some fan-fictions in his past life. So basically, this Chat Group allows him to contact characters from what he thought was only fictional! Now let us see whatever happens to him and his journey in the Multiverse!! (•`u'•)/ ==========∆=========== P.S: This is my first FF and I'm young so dont expect too much, if you don't want a kinda cringe mc, this is a warning. Disclaimer!: I don't own anything except my OC's and everything else belongs to their respective owners! Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 Advanced chapters for 10 dollars! patreon.com/user?u=81011681

I_Sensei · Anime et bandes dessinées
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108 Chs

Chapter-64: Sacred Hinokami Kagura Ritual Starts, and Learning the Sun Breathing..

Chapter-64: Sacred Hinokami Kagura Ritual Starts, and Learning the Sun Breathing..


1st POV | Ren's POV |

As we trek through the white expanse of forests, we followed a path leading up the mountain. Soon, we reached a ground where there was no snow and was surrounded by standing torches all lit with a warm and fiery blaze..

There, Lucien and I saw a person with a peculiar Shozoku, the clothing worn by Priests and Priestesses along with Onmyojis when performing an important and sacred ritual or casting spells, with flame-like patterns and he also wore a white paper veil with the kanji of Fire on it while held together by a red headband.

The person holds in his hand, a wooden staff with several leaves shaped and colored like flames attached to it..

I quickly recognize the person as Tanjuro on his ritual attire. I looked around and saw our environment as well as the children with puffy kimonos that came to watch with us.

"The Hinokami Kagura ritual starts at sunset right?" I asked Kie who was on my left.

"Indeed, the reason why the Hinokami Kagura ritual starts only at sunset and ends in dawn was to ward away evil spirits through the night.."

I suppose that the explanation is technically right, since the Sun Breathing is hidden under the dance of Hinokami Kagura and the demons are afraid of the sun, therefore, warding away evil spirits or demons by becoming the sun in the night using the Hinokami Kagura dance.

"It's starting.." Lucien muttered to me as we all saw the moment that the sky turn into dusk and the world entered it's twilight..

Now, Tanjuro started moving, slowly but surely, We can hear his heart beat like drums due to what I assume is the breathing technique used in the ritual.

'Both my <Thought Acceleration> and my <Slash Emperor Comprehension> has been activated to gather every single scrap of information I can receive..' I started to observe his every movements, micro-movements, breathing rhythm, muscle contractions, wrist angles, footwork, his form, his stance, basically any scrap of data that I could get my hands on.

Similar to how, the <White Night's Eye> works from Tenkaichi, a fighting manga...

While observing and taking in any data I see, hear, smell, or feel, using my <Thought Acceleration>, I started memorizing patterns and start to decode the movements of the Dance and remove the unnecessary parts to find the true movements of the Sun Breathing.

I knew from the Wiki where it was said that the Hinokami Kagura had a lot of unnecessary movements, footwork, wrist angles, and so forth, so I had to analyze the dance to remove any useless movements and truly use the Sun Breathing to it's purest form..

My eyes didn't blink a single second because I was too engrossed in engraving every detail in my head as I focused on the Hinokami Kagura..

* * * * * * * *

3rd POV | Sacred Ritual Site |

After a 12 hours, the 12 segments were finally finished, in the span of 12 hours, Tanjuro didn't stop at any time, not to exhaustion or anything..

Ren was sweating as he finished analyzing and removing the unnecessary movements..

"Yes!!" Ren shouted as he stood his body unconsciously took on the first stance to Sun Breathing..

<Sun Breathing: Enbu!>

Ren performed a singular downwards vertical slash in an arcing motion, bright flames followed his motions and created a pattern of fire the half-shown sun.

The trail wasn't imaginary anymore due to his Verlangen acting up to the emotion of excitement and imbued his wooden sword that he took out of his storage space, with blazing flames.

"I got it!" Ren shouted merrily as he continued, the style, the next technique was unleashed..

<Sun Breathing: Heki-ra no Ten!>

Ren spun around and twisted his upper body in a circular motion, releasing a 360° slash as the flames followed his circular motion. Soon after he unleashed that technique, he just kept going,

Raging Sun, Burning Bones, Summer Sun, Setting Sun Transformation, Solar Heat Haze, Beneficent Radiance, Sunflower Thrust, Sun Halo Dragon Head Dance, Fire Wheel, Fake Rainbow, Flame Dance, and lastly, Scorching Rush and Cross Slash, successfully performing the Thirteenth form.

"Puhaaa!" Ren felt a rush of excitement leave after he was done with the last slash, the flames disappearing into thin air as his streak ended..

The Kamado Family and Lucien looked on in shock as Ren looked back at them.

"I told you I can do it" Ren spoke boastingly to Tanjuro.

"Y-you indeed can.." Tanjuro only replied, shocked as he saw a man doing what he learnt in years, do it in just mere hours of seeing it..

Tanjuro now believed that this man can truly defeat Muzan, at first he was skeptical, but now, he wholeheartedly believes in Ren..

The only one that knew the whole Breathing Style..was his ancestor hundreds of years ago..

The only one who came even close to killing Muzan Kibutsuji...Yoriichi Tuskiguni..

The sole creator of the Sun Breathing and the progenitor of all Breathing Styles to fit the style of those disciples of his that couldn't learn Sun Breathing..

Now, here comes a man who learnt the whole technique of his ancestor within just hours and displayed it in it's purest form within just HOURS!..

Tanjuro now has hopes that Ren can surpass Yoriichi and truly kill Muzan.

"Was that...the Hinokami Kagura?" Kie asked in surprise as she saw Ren perfectly mimic the movements that her husband did..

"Yes..but better..." Ren replied as he wiped his sweat and put his burnt wooden sword back in his Space Pocket..

"You copied Otou-sama perfectly like it was nothing!" Tanjiro chimed in..

Ren just smiled at them with a mysterious aura once more...

"It's my talent, and please keep it a secret" Ren made a shushing gesture as he winked...


Word Count: 1002

Visit my Pa*treon page for 10 advanced chapters: I-Sensei | Imagination_Master |
