
Remains of an Era

With the Great Galactic War still going strong, Jedi Master Coval and Darth Ominit clash aboard an ancient Rakatan ship in an attempt to gain control of its powerful technologies for their respective sides. Unfortunately however, when this technology is damaged during the battle, their two apprentices are catapulted into a future wildly different from their present. One part is consistent however. A galaxy spanning war. It just so happens that this war has a lot of clones in it. ***** Basically me dragging two people I made up from the old republic era and throwing them into the clone wars era. I consider my knowledge of star wars lore to be comprehensive enough, however if you notice something point it out. Please point out any grammatical or plot errors you find. If you decide that the general quality of the story is low please leave feedback as to why so I can improve it. This part is especially important because I went on a long hiatus and am likely incredibly rusty. Suspected issues: Lackluster scene descriptions. Over describing certain aspects IF YOU SPOT ANY OF THESE ISSUES PLEASE REPORT THEM TO YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER COMMENT SECTION 1 chapter a week on Sundays

The_Grey_King · Films
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40 Chs

Chapter 26: Spontaneous alliance making

Several plans formed within Vancil's mind as time seemed to slow and he analysed the situation before him. The security forces which had previously been focused on he and Kandria were now in a frantic reorganisation to face the new oncoming threat, and while their expressions were hidden by the visors they wore with their grey armour, Vancil could basically smell the terror on them. Whoever these fellas in the jetpacks were, the local security was acutely aware of them. And they must have been quite the threat if they no longer paid the two force wielders any mind.

Unfortunately for the security forces, there was not much reorganisation that could be done. The speeders that they had were arranged so that they could take cover from whatever was coming out of the ST-70, leaving many to simply turn towards the other Mandalorians and stand in the open. Only mere moments had passed, yet bright yellow blaster bolts were already beginning their first volley at each side.Vancil switched his attention to the jetpack Mandalorians. They wore the same sort of armour that the bounty hunters had worn on Krant, except this time they were painted a deep blue, with a few having different markings which likely signified their rank. The speeders that were following the jet packers had already fallen, the security forces on them being overwhelmed by the sudden retaliation and falling down, likely to the bottom of this city. Overall, the jetpack Mandalorians also outnumbered the security forces on the platform, and also seemed to be better equipped, using Westar rifles instead of pistols.Finally, Vancil looked to the most pressing issue. The cargo truck that was hurtling towards the platform that they were on. As time sped up again, Vancil wasted none of it, kicking off the lowered hangar door and making a beeline towards the centre of the platform where the truck was bound to hit. He slid to a stop and held out both of his gloved hands, reaching deep into as much of the Force as he could. Stopping a moving object was relatively simple, but stopping a moving object of this size? That was something else entirely.He grit his teeth as the strain of the action filled his mind, giving him a familiar headache whenever he overused the force. The truck was slow to stop, but thankfully did, albeit only a few inches in front of his outstretched hands. His mind had no room for anything else but stopping the truck and what to do with it. Chances were, if they had ditched the truck and left it heading towards their enemies, then they had rigged it to explode.New objective. Get rid of truck.Grunting with exertion, Vancil slowly pushed the transport backwards before letting out a yell of defiance, sending it flying back into the jet packers, catching two of them with the improvised projectile. He only had a second to catch his breath and recuperate before being forced to ignite his lightsaber and block an incoming blaster bolt. These fucks had caught on quickly.It was then as he blocked a few more blaster bolts and allowed his mind to slowly refocus that he realised something. Twisting his head to look behind him, he saw quite the problem. One of the security forces was sitting on his ass right behind Vancil, staring dumbstruck as Vancil casually deflected the blaster bolts. The Sith hadn't even noticed the man, having been focused entirely on stopping the truck.A flash of anger entered Vancil. This little bastard who had been pointing a gun at him seconds ago probably thought the Sith had turned the other cheek and was saving him. Vancil planned to resolve that. With a snarl he twisted, deflecting a final bolt before grabbing the dumbfounded security by the collar."Get the fuck out of the way!" He yelled as he threw the man over and behind one of the speeders before vaulting over and taking cover behind it himself.That seemed to knock the guard out of his stupor, and he let out a yelp as he scrambled to his knees and crawled over to take cover beside Vancil. The Sith in question had pressed his back against the grey speeder, glancing out as much as he could without getting domed in the head.The jet packers had landed, whether out of fear of Vancil lobbing another large object at them or due to the fire from the security forces was anyone's guess. Right now though they definitely held the advantage, and were minimising any return fire from security forces through the sheer firepower they were producing. Vancil's gaze flicked back to the ST-70, having nearly forgotten all about the Kandria. Thankfully the former Jedi had managed to react quickly, taking cover underneath the hangar door.Vancil licked his lips as he rubbed a gauntleted hand over the smooth exterior of the speeder. If they thought they could escape flying objects just because they had landed, they were sorely mistaken."You better be ready to start firing." He said to the cowering guard who only looked at him bewildered."Wha-" Whatever the guards response would have been was cut off as Vancil pushed out with the force again, this time on the speeder which the guard was lying against.Unlike last time, the strain was far less and the speed far greater, shooting out and colliding with three Mandalorians, taking them off the edge with it. With a roar of rage and glee Vancil sprinted forwards, closing the distance between him and the Mandalorians too fast for the latter to react. His lightsaber sliced clean through the closest one before he dashed after the next. It was at this point that the others had noticed the sudden counterattack and begun to aim at him, however they were forced to fire elsewhere as the security forces took advantage of Vancil's distraction, now being able to return fire at the Mandalorians.The Mandalorians closest to Vancil began to use their jetpacks to get away from him, only to land right into Kandria, who had joined the fray at some point, Vancil was beginning to lose himself in the fighting. Using the force, he dragged one Mandalorian who was trying to fly away back down to the ground, rather forcefully he might add considering that the man stopped moving after the impact.A devilish grin of malicious glee graced his face beneath the mask as he darted towards the next closest one. This was what he lived for. Pure adrenaline."SHIT! Skip the killing! Just destroy the ship!" He heard the garbled voice of one of the Mandalorians with additional markings.The others reacted almost immediately; rockets being launched from that funny little point at the top of their jetpacks. Vancil puffed up indignantly as he promptly seized one of the rockets and brought it straight back down onto one of the Mandalorians, killing two others in the following explosion. These bastards thought they could just destroy what he had killed so hard to get? Not on his watch.He repeated this process of stopping rockets mid-launch and sending them back down, each time taking under a second to complete the action. He couldn't get all of them however, and some of the first that had been launched were already shooting towards the ST-70. Thankfully, however, he wasn't the only force user.Kandria had thrown herself in between the rockets and the ship, and summarily froze each one that got past Vancil with the Force. For some reason that irked the Sith. Not her stopping the missiles, he was quite happy with that part. Rather, it was her throwing herself in between them and the ship. Irrationally leaping into danger was his thing, and seeing her do the same filled him with dread that she would fail and suffer tremendous consequences.As Vancil slammed the final rocket down, he looked around with a sweeping gaze, taking in all of his surroundings as he scanned for any enemies. As it turns out, launching rockets was the worst mistake the enemy could have made, as they were all either dead, dying, vaporised, or severely wounded. Vancil made a self-note to mentally thank the leader of that little group for making such a decision, as it shortened the whole battle immensely.He shifted his head to look at Kandria, mentally sighing in relief at seeing her safe and sound, albeit still holding the rockets midair, a bead of sweat falling down her face at the strain of holding so many different objects which moved so fast."What, you want to keep them as pets or something?" He said to her teasingly in regards to the death bombs she held still.Kandria only scowled silently in response before heaving her hands up upwards, sending the rockets spiralling in a pattern upwards before colliding with each other in a spectacular explosion, causing Vancil to cackle at the sight. She had quite the flair when she tried. Looking around, the landing platform was like something out of the many battlefields he had seen, although that was mainly due to the large amounts of explosives that had been present only moments before.The once grey that made up the platform had been almost entirely covered with black scorch marks, with bodies of both their attackers and the security littering everywhere. Vancil turned an uninterested gaze towards the remaining security in question. He had forgotten about them for a second. The survivors had gathered into a cohesive group which now watched Kandria and Vancil warily.Vancil worked his jaw as he considered what to do now. He had saved one of their comrades, but they had seemed pretty keen on apprehending them before the attack. That may have been more so due to the ship which he and Kandria had been piloting however, considering that destroying the ship seemed to have been the primary objective of their mystery attackers.Maybe he could threaten them into letting Kandria and him get out of dodge. They had just seen the two of them basically single handedly slaughter these Mandalorians after all. Something caught his eye in the distance before he could enact that plan however. More transports. A lot more transports. All of which were of the same make and colour scheme as the security's speeders.With a dejected sigh Vancil trudged back over to Kandria and clasped a hand on her shoulder."I can't threaten my way out of this one. You want us to not kill any of these fellas then you'd better do the talking."