With the Great Galactic War still going strong, Jedi Master Coval and Darth Ominit clash aboard an ancient Rakatan ship in an attempt to gain control of its powerful technologies for their respective sides. Unfortunately however, when this technology is damaged during the battle, their two apprentices are catapulted into a future wildly different from their present. One part is consistent however. A galaxy spanning war. It just so happens that this war has a lot of clones in it. ***** Basically me dragging two people I made up from the old republic era and throwing them into the clone wars era. I consider my knowledge of star wars lore to be comprehensive enough, however if you notice something point it out. Please point out any grammatical or plot errors you find. If you decide that the general quality of the story is low please leave feedback as to why so I can improve it. This part is especially important because I went on a long hiatus and am likely incredibly rusty. Suspected issues: Lackluster scene descriptions. Over describing certain aspects IF YOU SPOT ANY OF THESE ISSUES PLEASE REPORT THEM TO YOUR NEAREST LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER COMMENT SECTION 1 chapter a week on Sundays