
I need a job......


This is honestly great food. This texture is also amazing. I just migh...Oh... *cough* I lost myself there.

"May I ask who was the one who made this dish?" I ask to engage a conversation. "It truly is delicious."

"Why that would be Rem." Roswaal replies. "She truly is an amazing cook."

"I'd rate this a 10 Rem, nicely done." I say to her.

"Thank you sir." Rem says calmly. "My sister however can be said to be different."

I appreciate the thank you. But was her inferiority complex that severely complicated?

"If I may so ask suburu." Roswaal then starts. "What was your purpose in Lugnica?"

"Oh, I'm just a merely traveling to find a job." I reply but then smile.

"Oh why would you be traveling?" Roswaal asks. "I'm sure you have some sort of family to help out?"

I then frown and look down at the plate of food.

"My village was attacked by some spirits when younger, but thankfully I was found by a nice old lady who took me in."

I then look up and smile at roswaal.

"I truly owe my everything to that woman." I say while turning my smile bitter. "She unfortunately is no longer here also."

I was an orphan in my past life and there was an old woman who took me in. She truly was a really nice woman. And as long as I use the feelings from those times, I can pass through pucks emotion detector test.

"This tracksuit as it is called was my friends possession." I say while slowly turning my face into a frown. "He unfortunately is not here today either."

Indeed, suburu is not here today. I'll make sure to do better than him though.

"How truly unfortunate." Roswaal with not a trace of pity says. "Well, I'm assuming you heard of Lugnica's situation correct?"

"You mean that the royal selection candidates are being picked?" I reply. "If so, I have, anything else I haven't enough time to learn about."

"Well the current king of Lugnica has disappeared." Roswaal begins. "And with the royal candidates being chosen, it has led to some confusion among the public."

"That must be a pain to deal with as a lord." I state.

"It is indeed." Roswaal says with a sigh.

"So May I ask why you have healed me and are treating me to dinner?" I question. "It's not everyday a man of nobility helps a commoner out of good will."

"Suburu." Roswaal says flatly. "You do realize how much of a help you where towards Emilia correct?"

"It was the sword saint who did most the work." I say honestly. "If he where not there with me Elsa would have killed us. And if he where not there when I needed help, I would also be dead."

And I would have definitely have not gone to help Emilia without Reinhard either. I'd much rather try my chances with the wild than fight Elsa solo.

"My, my, what exact danger where you in?" Roswaal asks with a hint of amusement. Wait amusement?

"A couple of thugs where going to kill me for my possessions." I say sighing. "Truly not a good experience for my first visit to Lugnica."

"Well I assume we have gone off track." Roswaal suddenly says. "I might as well tell you straight for now."

Finally, I was getting bored of this talk also.

"I'm listening." I say while placing down my utensils.

"Now suburu, if you had never led the sword saint to Emilia, she would be dead no doubt about that." He says. "And even if the bowel hunter had not attacked, Emilia would have lost her insignia effectively making her position as a candidate null."

"I guess so." I reply. "But what exactly are you getting at here? Sure I indeed helped her out, but I also did it indirectly."

"My, my, suburu." Roswaal then says smiling. "Isn't it obvious? As the supporter of Emilia here I owe you."

"So merely say the word." His hands raising up to his sides. "You may have anything your heart desires."

"Well then I won't be stingy." I reply while leaning forward to rest my elbows on the table resting my hands on my Chin . "My request is actually rather simple."

"Well now you have me curious." Roswaal says. "How simple is your desire Subaru?"

And with my hands lowering I seriously gaze at roswaal.

"As you know I came to look for a job in Lugnica's capital city." I then continue . "So my request is to receive training to become a butler at your mansion."

"Achoo" Ram suddenly sneezes. To which everybody just stared at her.

Huh, guess something's don't change from the cannon.


Suburu asks for training in being a butler. I decided on mere training as I insight a butler of a lord being somewhat proficient in all areas including combat. So our Suburu will get both training in reading and writing along with gaining a tiny bit of knowledge in combat.

Havengicreators' thoughts