"Well you were injured of course." Emilia states clearly confused by my question. "What other reason would you be here?"
"Oh, so I'm more or less a temporary patient?" I ask. "Or is there anything else I should know?"
Emilia then looked down as if thinking of something. "Honestly, I don't know. Roswaal is the one who usually sorts out these things."
"Well May I ask where this Roswaal is?" I ask. "I've more or less pieced together that he is the master of this house and would like to meet with him."
"Well Roswaal should be back soon." Emilia says with a smile. "I also came to come grab you for that reason also."
"I see...." And while nodding continue . "Well let me first get changed into something presentable first."
Now changed into my only set of clothes, the tracksuit. I follow Emilia closely from behind.
"Say were you the one to help me?" I question hoping for some sort of conversation. "I was honestly supposed to be dead."
"Oh no I didn't heal you." Emilia denied quickly with a frown. "The most I could do was keep your wound from opening. One of the knights was called by the sword saint and had healed you."
Felix? He's really the only healer I can think of. Anyways, I guess I owe Reinhard one.
"Well I'm still thankful Emilia." I say with a smile. "I would after all be dead if not for you."
"No I should be thanking you." Emilia says. "Thanks to you and the sword saint, I am alive and have my insignia back."
Well that is true, puck was indeed asleep when I found her. But i just can't help but be disappointed. Emilia is said to possess a horrifying amount of mana, it's just pitiful that she can't use it all effectively.
But that is strange, I don't remember really doing anything. Perhaps the fact I called out elsa's regeneration counts as contribution?
Speaking of Elsa, the fact she could have survived such a move from Reinhard truly does make me feel weak. Even if I confirmed return by death, the most I could do on my own is memorize all her patterns.
Her speed, strength, and regeneration however would have made a solo kill impossible for me.
"I don't really get how I helped you but ok."
Suddenly the gem on Emilia's person starts to glow and a spirits figure is then materialized landing on Emilia's shoulder.
"Yawn. Good morning Lia." Puck says. "I almost lost you yesterday. I'm guessing this is suburu?"
"Good morning puck, Sorry I put you through so much yesterday." Emilia replies. "And yes this is suburu, the one who led the sword saint over to help us."
Ah so that's what they think I did. Either way, this helps make things Simple. I was worried I wouldn't be able to cash a favor from Roswaal.
"So suburu, what is your opinion of my Lia?" Puck asked while looking at me with his passive smile. But his eyes say otherwise, he's trying to see if I'm a threat or not.
"She's an attractive lady." I reply honestly. "However I'd rather get to know her better before making any decisions that involve my well being."
This answer is totally honest and shouldn't arouse to much suspicion. Puck does indeed have the ability to read emotions. I'm just lucky his question was vague.
"I see." He reply's with a smile. "But May I ask why you are afraid of me?"
Now, now, cut me some slack please. This little cat can go ape mode and freeze the whole world if he wants to!
"Spirits scare me." I reply quickly spewing bs. "It has something to do with what I experienced when younger."
"Puck please leave suburu alone." Emilia cuts in with a from. "Can't you see it's a touchy subject?"
"I see." Puck nodding at my response with a content look. "And I'm sorry Lia, I was just curious is all."
We made it to the dining room and managed to get to know each other better. I mean, Puck stopped trying to test me at least and emilia satisfied some questions I had about the kingdoms situation. After all, a traveler should know at least something about Lugnica right?
"Bubby!" I then hear Betty sound out. "I've been waiting for you! Want to stay with me for today?"
"Sure why not." Puck says jumping into her arms only to be snuggled. Honestly this is much different compared to her calm and composed act. Truly a tsundere loli-baba.
"Are you thinking something bad about me." Beatrice suddenly stops to glare at me. "Your gaze displeases me I suppose."
Just how sensitive can you be! Oh... right spirit...
Quickly denying it, I hear another set of foot steps enter.
"My, my how unusual to see you here today Beatrice..." the voice sounds out. "I'm so happy to see you dine with me."
"That boy is more bearable than an able minded fool I suppose." Beatrice responds coldly.
"My, my, how cold you are Beatrice." Roswaal sounds out. "I'm happy to see our guest here also."
"What was name again?" He suddenly asks. "Oh yes, it is nice to meet you...."
"Natsuki suburu." He says switching to a normal tone.
Roswaal has returned.
Roswaal has returned to the mansion. Just what will he discuss with suburu over a nice dinner?
What exactly should he ask from this clown?