
Finishing the Day

"You look absolutely ridiculous Busaru." Ram said in her usual tone.

"Absolutely shady and gross, please allow me to take your measurements." Rem said also in her signature tone.

These two really know how to tease. I mean sure this suit is way to big and makes me look weird. But even I have feelings.

"It's not my fault this doesn't fit my body." I breathe in embarrassment. "Who where these clothes even made for anyway?"

Rem then tilts her head.

"I honestly do not know..... how strange."

"How strange indeed sister." Rem showing confusion in her eyes states. "Now please keep your arms raised suburu."

Rem then gets to work on my measurements.


Sticking my leg in I can't help but groan in relief. Honestly, Roswaal is the definition of filfthy rich. Just this bathroom alone probably costs a house to make. But then again, I guess when you live for 5 centuries, you would learn a thing or two.

"Oh, suburu you are also in here as well?" Roswaal suddenly calls out.

Speak of the devi.. I mean clown and he will come.

Now turned around I honestly can't help but be shocked. Just how can a human being's skin be so shiny. This is scientifically impossible... oh yeah.... magic.

"Oh hello my lord." I speak to Roswaal in greeting. "May I ask if you want to be alone?"

Roswaal not showing any reaction to my statement calmly just gets into the bath.

"No Suburu, you being here doesn't trouble me." He says as he dunks his head beneath the water.

"My lord, in my opinion you look better without your makeup." I state to him. "But I guess you have your reasons correct?"

Roswaal then brings his hair back and leans back and looks forward.

"Indeed Suburu." Roswaal states with a look of grief flashing in his eyes. "We all have our reasons don't we?"


Getting out I can't help but feel light headed. I guess I should leave my bathing time to a minimum of 10 minutes in the future.

"Oh hello barasu." Ram says to me when I walk out the door. "May I ask you to hide your digusting bits?"

"Sure." I say as I calmly turn away and grab a towel. I then grab my clothes and quietly put them on.

Once done I face towards Ram.

"I'm guessing you are awaiting lord Roswaal?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Why, yes I am." she replies only to continue. "Honestly I am impressed, I expected you to jump upon me as soon as you saw me and ravage me like a beast does their mate."

"Who hurt you?" I say with a look of sadness. "And is my image really that bad to you?"

"Yes." she says flatly.


And with that I make my leave.

"Oh Yes." Ram suddenly says. "I also have to show you around the mansion so please wait for me outside."


It is about dark now, and I can see the sun setting over the horizon.

"This truly is fascinating." I suddenly say. "Just how do you understand what the spirits are trying to communicate?"

Emilia now done with the spirits just turns to me and says. "Well to be totally honest with you, It's more or less just then sending a feeling similar to emotion towards me."

So they or more or less communicating through intention instead of words.

"But besides that Suburu, what do you think of the mansion?" She says with a innocent look of interest. "I heard of Ram showing you around."

Ram did indeed give me a quick tour. Thankfully she even showed me what to do for when I begin work tomorrow.

"Yeah and I also met with Beatrice along the way also."

When visiting the lavatory I walked in on her snuggling with puck. Being the understanding adult in this situation I reminded them to use protection. Beatrice of course didn't understand what that meant but still got annoyed and blasted me out.

And just because I got a bit bored, I decided to find her door almost immediately. And well.... Puck was impressed.... Beatrice was shocked....mostly angry though.... I can't feel my back anymore.

Emilia notices my expression and just giggles.

"That must of been a very fun time?"

But in the corner of my eye I see Roswaal in his office. I can only assume that he and Ram are discussing the chances of me being a spy.

"I suppose you could say that."


Well, I currently find myself buried in a stack of children books. Actually not even at that level.... THE BOOKS THEY USE TO TEACH TODDLERS!

"Are you joking me Barasu?" Ram questions in a tone of annoyance. "These glyphs are litteraly the most simple ones to learn, even a toddler can learn them. At this rate we won't even get up to the children books until next week."

"But as it is getting late, I'm going to have to go deal with my nightly duties, I recommend you practice a bit more until you decide to sleep."

So she's finally going to get her horn drilled in by magic.

"Sure" I reply not really focusing on her as I write a simple but messy 'Hello'. "I'll make sure to at least learn a simple greeting."

"Barasu." Ram starts off flatly. "Judging by your capabilities, the chances of you doing that is nigh impossible."

"Weren't you leaving?"
