

Primagen: A crystal-like fruit created by the Progenitors. Considered to be an agent of evolution used in the creation of the Kree and the Cotati. ... Join Oliver as he tries to accomplish his task to dominate the Universe in a universe where people that can rewrite reality, erase all of Existence, evolve and devolve people at will etc, exist. .... If you want to read ahead, you can do so on my patreon. @patreon.com/King_frosh You gain access to about five (5) or more chapters ahead

king_frosh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

"Well Mutants exist"

"This is where I live; the bathroom's just behind the house," the lady said.

"Thank you," Oliver replied as he turned towards the house.

The house was small and, from the looks of things, clearly rented. For someone working at a place where people tried to get rich quickly, this was a bit unusual. But then again, not everyone had the same luck as him.

"I didn't get your name," the lady said.

"It's Oliver, ma'am," Oliver said with a smile as he began walking towards the bathroom.

As soon as he got there, he immediately began to remove the itchy clothes he was wearing. Without any hesitation, he flung them away and jumped into the bathroom.

As the Celestial had once stated, it wouldn't matter even if he used a used syringe to inject the Primagen… he shouldn't worry about illness. He, too, wasn't worried about illness.

Though he was a bit concerned since he wasn't used to being immune to disease, he primarily wanted the uncomfortable feeling to go away. As soon as water touched his skin, Oliver felt a new kind of relief that he had never felt before.

Pulling out the washcloth the lady bought for him, he quickly began to scrub off all the dirt that had transferred from the clothes to his skin.

Even just thinking about it irritated him, which made him scrub even harder than usual. After about an hour, he finally stepped out of the bathroom, now fully clothed and looking like a normal human.

"Probably have to repay that homeless guy for stealing his money and clothes," Oliver thought as he buttoned the last button on his shirt.

Now looking responsible, Oliver proudly stepped out, carrying the homeless clothes in a nylon bag to be thrown away. As he walked to the front of the house, he immediately spotted the lady waiting for him.

"Thank you so much for your help. I have to get going now. I should probably use the money I have to better my life," Oliver said with a charming smile as he slowly walked away.

Looking at the lady, he could tell she had other intentions, but unfortunately, those would have to wait. He had important matters to attend to.

"You're welcome!" she said as Oliver finally turned around and, like before, began to wander around like a homeless man.

But as they say, gestures have different meanings depending on one's status. When he didn't have any money, it was him wandering around; now it just looked like he was going for a stroll.

As he walked, Oliver tried to do as much research as he could on the world he was in. Even if he didn't know much about the world, he had read a lot of fanfiction about it.

Though it wasn't an accurate source of information, it was still information nonetheless. Using what he remembered from the fanfiction, Oliver began his research.

First was to confirm the existence of the X-Men, which he did by searching up the most famous one among them, Charles Xavier.

Within seconds, the page on the accomplished man appeared and even highlighted his life as a professor, including his thesis on the mutant genome.

"Okay then, mutants exist," Oliver said to himself.

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