

Primagen: A crystal-like fruit created by the Progenitors. Considered to be an agent of evolution used in the creation of the Kree and the Cotati. ... Join Oliver as he tries to accomplish his task to dominate the Universe in a universe where people that can rewrite reality, erase all of Existence, evolve and devolve people at will etc, exist. .... If you want to read ahead, you can do so on my patreon. @patreon.com/King_frosh You gain access to about five (5) or more chapters ahead

king_frosh · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


"I'm back," the lady said as he handed over all the bags in her hand

"Thank you," The man said as he gave a small bow

"No worries; follow me... I live nearby; you can bath there" she said as she pointed towards the back room

"Wait, I need to do something," The man said as he quickly opened the phone and activated it

"I assumed you would want to use the internet right away, so I got you a plan," she said before handing him over all the necessary details along with the SIM.

"Thanks," the man replied before inserting it and activating all that was necessary Within minutes, the SIM was activated, and he could now use the internet.

Without hesitation, he immediately downloaded the best microfinance bank app he could find. He didn't have an identity, and most microfinance banks didn't need him to put in much information before they would begin working.

After registering and entering all the information he could enter, the account was soon activated, and now he could send and receive money though a limited amount.

"Oh... that's smart," the lady commented

"Okay then, let me get this done," he said as he connected the account to the betting software and withdrew all his free money.

Looking at his account, he could see a total of forty-nine thousand dollars ($48,000) sitting in the account. Very close to the limit of fifty thousand dollars that the account was allowed.

"Give me your account number," he said after setting everything up

"Sure," the lady said, not shying away at all.

Seeing her, the man smiled as he quickly put in her details Without skipping a beat, he transferred a total of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) to her. Seeing the amount sent to her, the lady stood there in shock.

"You... thank you," she said as she quickly bowed, getting a hold of herself, but the tears in her eyes showed her sincerity.

"No worries; without your shop and your help, I wouldn't have it, and besides, compared to the total amount I have now, this is little." He said as he looked at the notification from the betting app he had quickly downloaded

Tapping on the notification, he was immediately taken into the app, and right before him was the familiar pop-up, but this time, it showed that he had won a total of six million dollars.

Clicking on the 'X' icon, another pop-up appeared with a similar message but a different prize. All four bets had gone through, and he had won a prize from each one worth millions.

However, he still maintained a casual expression as he accepted the lady's thanks and followed her into her home. Initially, he had given that huge amount to her because he wanted to both show his appreciation for her help and also so he could get into her good books.

Due to the amount he had as a result of them and the fact that he wasn't sure that the bet would go through, he hoped to stay with her until he had fully understood this realm, but that was no longer needed. He now has the money to not only purchase a house but also enough to add in any luxury car he wants.t

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