

Auteur: king_frosh
Anime & Comics
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What is Primagen

Lisez le roman Primagen écrit par l'auteur king_frosh publié sur WebNovel. Reborn only as a part of a bet amongst celestials. A man finds himself in a universe filled with gods, demons and all in-between. His duty is simply to survive and dominate all. Armed with nothing ...


Reborn only as a part of a bet amongst celestials. A man finds himself in a universe filled with gods, demons and all in-between. His duty is simply to survive and dominate all. Armed with nothing but a crystal, he must use his meta-knowledge to rule over all. Will he be a tyrant or will he be a benefactor. .... Please don't expect much from this fanfic.. might probably not finish it like practically all of my books so read at your own risk. I am trans-posting from Patreon so if you want to read more, you can find it on my Patreon patreon.com/KingsleyNnaji or if you simply wish to support me, you can buy me a coffee https://ko-fi.com/kingfrosh

6 étiquettes
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the lord of the rings against the worlds (fanfic version)

What is your wish? I want the builders of the lotr: the revival of the witch-king each builder of their respective race. good guys, author here. this sypnosis is the updated version (2023) after four years of seeing stories that produce cornea cancer or even stories that made me cry or expand my writing and speech, I'm going to rewrite my story, after seeing the comments and/or reviews, I realized the garbage I created when I was sixteen, but now with twenty I realized that I had script holes, contradictions in the story and character/s; which is why I decided to rewrite this with an updated version and shorter chapters (since each episode was over three thousand words or so) plus I realized that I don't remember which worlds I set up in the story, and they may or may not come back (since each world gives me a headache when I research their power systems, politics, geography, motivations, timelines and the way they are written), especially the Chinese ones that are so bad; especially the Chinese ones that are a pain in the balls for the amount of stupid things they say and do or how they describe each character only that they are irrelevant in the canon story; well nothing else I think, but I don't know how many episodes I will release per day or week. well nothing bye The image belongs to:https://www.pinterest.de/pin/494903446549893158/?nic_v1=1asc73Fg9sCXX99tjyR3YJyDpsipEC2SpQbWol3ztkVxb3fIkxeCHX2w415DCqplQS

Galvarino · Jeux vidéo
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28 Chs

Calla’s Lost Joy

[ Warning ] explicit language What would you do if you met someone who can not understand the meaning of joy? Happiness? Love? “It’s not that I believe it doesn’t make sense. I know it doesn’t.” “But Calla, how can you live without love? Joy? Warmth?” “And how can you feed with it? Can you eat it? Will it protect you from a rapist? Will it give you a shelter at night? Will it make you healthy?” “From what you say I can see that you think money is the most important thing” “Money?” Calla laughs and saying, “Can I eat money? I don’t work because I eat, I eat because I work. Without food I won’t have energy, I only do what I must. Money is not a goal, money is one of the means to reach my goal.” “So all you think about is food?” “You really don’t know me. Work, gain money, buy food, eat food, exercise to not develop indigestion, eat properly to not develop gastritis and etc” “You think you don’t need anything else? Really?” “Not all of us have a choice... I’ve never felt sad because love if that’s what you’re asking and how can I miss something that I’ve never felt?”signs Calla, “My dad was a criminal and he wanted me dead before I was even born. My mother was a mad woman that would’ve killed me in order to feel loved. That’s what love and hate are. Harmful extreme feelings that take your ability to think properly. Do you no what hunger is? Necessity to eat. Do you know what happens if you neglect your hunger? Starvation. Just remember that, again, some of us don’t have a chance. Some of us abstain from eating lunch in order to have dinner. The nights with an empty stomach are long. Trust me, I know it, I never had a chance, not when it came to food not when it came to love” Calla stops to breath a little and gazes at the man in front of her “I’ve never loved and I’ve never been loved still it didn’t kill me. You’re right, I only work, eat and sleep. I think about nothing else. So what? What’s wrong with that? Why do I have to live my life the way you want me to live? Can’t you just give me a break?” “I can’t” says the man, “I can’t and I won’t” he raises his voice, “I love you Calla, you have been loved either you recognize it or not, I love you” he sees Calla standing up and then he rushes to hold her wrists, “You are mine Calla, you belong with me... I’ll show joy. I’ll teach you love. I’ll never let you starve, of anything, no matter what” “tsk” ...

saidessa · Urbain
Pas assez d’évaluations
7 Chs


  • Tarif global
  • Qualité de l’écriture
  • Mise à jour de la stabilité
  • Développement de l’histoire
  • Conception des personnages
  • Contexte mondial

You can trust me this guy has lots of knowledge about marvel & DC comics but he did have one flaw which is making Filler


How about making a Superboy fanfic? There aren't many and the ones that are are either bad or abandoned. ..............................................


Bueno una novela interesante pero muy estresante de leer capítulos muy cortos para entrar en algo que llame el interés parece como si escribiera el capítulo para ya terminarlo rápido


Cool story but longer chapters would make this better


En savoir plus sur ce livre

Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating