

Primagen: A crystal-like fruit created by the Progenitors. Considered to be an agent of evolution used in the creation of the Kree and the Cotati. ... Join Oliver as he tries to accomplish his task to dominate the Universe in a universe where people that can rewrite reality, erase all of Existence, evolve and devolve people at will etc, exist. .... If you want to read ahead, you can do so on my patreon. @patreon.com/King_frosh You gain access to about five (5) or more chapters ahead

king_frosh · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs


"Okay that does make sense, anyway get ready, I'm sending you out of here"


"Just shut up and accept your rebirth" the voice said as everything went dark.

Unknown City

In the large city that never sleeps, the people could be seen going about their day as usual. The roads covered with cars, the sidewalks filled with people.

The air filled with anger as usual. It was a typical day in the big apple. However in an alley far from human eyes, lightning crackled as mystical light filled the area.

Space warped and folded as time seemed to crawl to a stand. The lights shone bright blinding all in the area for a brief moment until all vanished.

The area returned to normal, the lights had vanished, the lightning was no where to be seen. Looking around there was no proof of this weird phenomena, even the ground wasn't singed by the heat from the lightning.

The entire thing had vanished as though it never happened in the first place however in its place lay a man.

It was a young man who seemed to be in his twenties. The man lay there completely naked and showed no movements at all.

"Would you stand up, you are already reborn" a voice was suddenly heard as the man immediately drew in a sharp breath.

"What?... What did you do?" The man asked as he tried his best to catch his breath

"Is that the thanks I get for bringing you back to the land of the living?" The voice asked

"What?... Thanks?" The man asked confused as he tried to understand what was happening

However in his quest to understand, his nose immediately caught a rather horrific scent. Shuffling backwards the best of his abilities, the man immediately noticed what was amiss

"I'm alive?"

"Yes, you have been reincarnated or well just returned to life"

"Wait, you still brought me back after clearly disagreeing with your proposal... This is unacceptable" the man said as he quickly stood up from the ground only to remember what the voice had done

"You, Earthlings are really one of kind, aren't you all?" The voice asked as though amused by his anger

The man on the other hand, didn't plan to let up nor drop his anger. True, he was grateful for being brought back to life but what was the point of it if he would die soon anyways.

He didn't know what universe this was, neither did he know if the voice's opponent's champion was also here.

His worry was simply that even if the universe he was sent to was okay and normal, he would still have to worry about the Celestial empowered being that would be his opponent for whatever bet, these gods were having.

At the moment, regret filled his mind as he regretted even going along with the voice or even listening to it in the first place. He should have acted deaf to it and he would have been free from all this.

"Don't worry, after what I have seen my opponent give to his champion, there is no way, I expect you to win without any help so here" the voice said as a mini portal appeared.

The portal was no smaller than his head and out of it fell, a large fruit-like thing. From first glance, it looked a melon but it had the standard coating, corn had.

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