
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Author: AgentMonke
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.5M Views
  • 153 Chs
  • 4.0
    26 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

Read Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer fanfiction written by the author AgentMonke on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Anime & Comics fanfic stories, covering action, adventure, system, comedy, no-harem. ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



Genuinely I was about to leave after reading reviews but after reading your synopsis warning, I gave it a try and seriously this fanfic is quite good. Reviews are quite misleading.


you deserve 1 star for the comments and flaming people trying to help you, and you story is soo bad i had a stroke trying to read, hope you drop it and dont waste the ranking place so something good can be seen.


Reveal spoiler


I expected nothing less from this author. Thanks for coming back, and with a Pokémon novel. I hope that whatever prevented you from writing before has been resolved now.🐐🐐🐐🐐


I’ll place my ranking here and describe why it is so for my own opinion. But for those who don’t wanna read a long reasoning, tl;dr highly recommended but not without its own problems. Writing Quality: 4/5 The Author can be said pretty experienced in writing, though sometimes consistency is kinda weird? Like we never gotten stats of any Pokemon and it was pretty standard until we get a stat board of Genesect and it was really out of left field for me. Apart from that I really liked his Ash vs Gary chapters, I mentioned it why I liked it there already. Updating Stability: 5/5 Not much to say, except a crazy quick update, I would read the new chapter and 2-3 hours later there would sometimes be a new one. I’m a bit worried for burnout so just take your time for it. Story Development: 2/5 Yeah, it’s a bit weird. I have a lot to say about this so you can skip this if you don’t wanna read it. It’s kinda hard to stomach the first dozen chapters cause of how fast it is but it slows down so it gets better. The overall development is weird as well, essentially what I digested was, gets attacked by a evil team (was it Plasma? I forgot.), wakes up with system, meets Oak and Ash, trains Ash, gets fossil pokemon with his Noibat, somehow get to Oreburgh? Meets his waifu who gets infatuated with him in 2/5ths of a chapter, challenges cynthia, becomes a substitute gym leader, goes to ancient sinnoh? And then some more. I like the story, it’s just rushed in some spots that I would like some more development time, like his waifu (though it’s acceptable on how you developed it later on), there’s only 1 thing that I would really like. Some sort of flashback to his previous team, he had 3 Pokemon, a Noivern, a Sandaconda and another Pokemon that I don’t even remember, yes it’s so rarely mentioned that I can’t even remember what was his 3rd Pokemon back then. MC has a vendetta against some Team dude and wants to kill him, I don’t feel much about the antagonist because I haven’t made a bond or received any bad impression apart from ‘he killed the MCs previous Pokemon’. Heck I have stronger emotions against that inspector Joy and that new Team Rocket inspector, so I feel like some sort of bond needs to be made with his previous team for us to look forward to the MC smash the hell out of the antagonist, and flashbacks are there for that. Besides, the antagonist doesn’t really get mentioned, he showed up in the first chapter, gets mentioned by Sirius maybe around chapter 80s and now 110s he gets mentioned again so again, I don’t feel much about him. Character Design: 4/5 It’s Pokemon, not much to say apart from the One Piece thing is kinda out of place from some time. The main interest is kinda… don’t get me wrong, I loved her in the games and her design is my favourite, it’s just that the Author kinda does this thing? Where he hooks the MC and the FMC up kinda quick when they meet up? Take a look at his MHA story (My personal favourite from this author), they get hooked really quick and kinda unnaturally? Not as unnaturally as his Multiverse Cafe one with the Uchiha. Apart from romance, the other characters fit within their personalities that we know them from games/shows so not much complaints there. World Background: 5/5 It’s Pokemon, ‘nuff said.


Absolutely love this fun adventure in the Pokemon world. It includes - uncommon Waifu - Realistic humans in a pokemon world - enough handwaving to keep the story following but not enough to be brainless - NOT IN KANTO and best of all


To be honest, I find it confusing as it jumps into different parts. In the first part, he was fighting this dude, and then did he die? Or I don't know, why did he teleport to Kanto? The body modification thing is weird for me, I guess, haha. I've read many straight-up bad Chinese MTL novels, yet I could get the gist of the story and understand the flow. I've read up to around chapter 15, yet I'm struggling to understand the flow. I don't know if I'm just dumb or the story is kind of bad. The thing where he gets strong quickly is quite okay, but keep in mind the pacing. English is not my first language, so yeah, pardon the grammar.


I think its at least 10,000 words or less quick update(?) but it seems it was uploaded in one-go I can see the appeal but sheer quantity for stories won't trump over quality still congrats on at least making to number 1 for a time


Good story and when are you going to continue your cultivation ff author?


I decided to read this because of the No Harem tag xD. Hoping for a good read and will update the stars when I read most of the chapters or if I feel so xD.


It’s a good read just hate how he just deposits things like it’s nothing and any hope for 2 wife’s even when it’s a no harem fic




The novel starts off promisingly, introducing us to a protagonist who embarks on an epic journey, battling legendary creatures and ending up in Kanto, right by Professor Oak’s house. This premise, while not entirely original, had the potential to be engaging and exciting. However, the narrative takes a disappointing turn when the protagonist inexplicably gains mastery in multiple disciplines without any apparent effort or training. The author seems to have fast-forwarded through what could have been a compelling journey of growth and learning, instead opting to bestow these skills upon the character as if by magic. The protagonist’s time in the world is stated to be a year, but the development of his skills does not align with this timeline. It would have been more believable and satisfying if the author had shown the character’s progression through hard work and dedication, rather than simply stating that he had become a master. In conclusion, while the novel had an intriguing premise and a potentially interesting character, the lack of believable character development and the rushed narrative left me feeling unsatisfied. I believe the author missed an opportunity to delve deeper into the protagonist’s journey towards mastery, which could have added much-needed depth and realism to the story. Yes I used an AI


it's good but what do u expect? it's monke. As usual


I like it! Now to fill the obligatory 40 characters


I put 5 stars to balance the rating. since some idiot put 1 star without giving a review. and only a emoji atleast put a review why you rate this fanfic high or low not just random emoji in the review section. because some people like me will not read a fanfic if the star is low.


This fic checks a lot of boxes for me. It’s lighthearted but not superficial. My only critique would be that some chapters feel a bit scatterbrained, for example having a multi-week timeskip within a chapter that isn’t a training montage. That could just be my personal bias as a reader, though. Looking forward to more chaps!


Story and main character that is interesting, plus really good comedic elements. Pokemon choices are surprising, most of them are underutilized in Pokemon fanfics which makes them feel refreshing and they're developed well. System is also useful and pushes the MC and story forward in a non-intrusive way. Overall a very fun work.


Reveal spoiler


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