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im so confused, who is he, who was the dude in the slums, i feel like im dropped mid into a story without any background pls help me.
im having a stroke can someone dumb it down what happend in these chapters i feel like i didnt read them.
tyftc, really like story keep it up, hope we get more chapters soon.
you deserve 1 star for the comments and flaming people trying to help you, and you story is soo bad i had a stroke trying to read, hope you drop it and dont waste the ranking place so something good can be seen.
author has giga c@ncer, when someone comments bad about the fanfic, anything rwally, he goes off and flames everybody
ah yes the clasic c@ncer writting
aphelios is that you? chakrams,guns, lunar energy, assist from sister?
i need bleach for my eyes, dont read, plotholes in 2 chapters ggs