
The Bride And Groom

'The Rising...'

"Uh... This will... This will do..." Leena said quietly bowing her head and letting out a quiet hiss of pain.

The young woman was in the back of a large church that was normally empty at this time of day, or rather time of night. She was in one of the rooms near the back slowly being dressed up in a beautiful wedding dress. The people who was molding the clothing onto her body clearly weren't normal. Just looking at them sort of creeped her out but she pushed it down as they expertly put the dress onto her. It hurt a lot though. She wasn't just wearing the dress. Rather they were actually sowing it into her flesh putting the outfit onto her very body in the most literal sense...

The people who put it on her were tall standing at nearly seven feet and wore long black robes and black hoods that covered their bodies. Their skin could be seen on their hands, and it appeared to be made out of a bizarre looking silver color. Small thin like needles came out of the tips of some of their fingers as well as long silver string which they pierced through the dress and carved into her flesh binding it to her. A third one stood behind her wiping her arms, legs, and chest down with a white towel mopping up the droplets of blood.

"This will do!" Leena said with a little more force. The three robed men stopped and gave her a bit of a bow as they stepped away. "This dress will do." She said staring down at the pretty dress that clung to her body. Part of it was dyed red from it being attached to her but that was okay. She didn't care about the look. "I want to see him as soon as possible." She said sternly.

"Are you sure!" A comical voice announced. At the entrance of the room two people could be seen now. The first was a tall man who was covered by shadows. Quite literally... As in his body was shaded out by a silhouette despite the fact that he was standing in direct light. The only thing that could really be made out about him was that he was dressed in a long flowing grey lab coat that looked slightly off. Like it was made of fur? The thing seemed to be breathing slightly moving up and down. And his eyes could be seen which were both ruby red and seemed to suck in the light around them. "This is a special day for you after all my dear girl! Don't you want to make this a truly special day and go all out?"

"Mr. Hyde I think that is plenty." The second man said. He stood behind the man who was in the lab coat who was apparently named Mr. Hyde? He was dressed in a simple white fur jacket with white pants. He had a simple black hat and held a long black cane. He also had fiery red hair and bright blue eyes. "After all my... Let's call them soldiers weren't built to help a girl for a wedding. Besides you didn't even need to sow a wedding dress onto her you just needed to sow the mark in her right?"

"The Mark." Mr. Hyde said clapping his hands in a childish manner. "Yes of course. The thing that makes this all possible. By attaching it to a person, quite literally we can finish the ritual they require in order to bring their precious loved ones soul back to life pulling it out of the afterlife!" He announced happily. "I thought it would be nice to go all out and make the Mark a wedding dress this time!" He said happily. "Aren't weddings the best Ben?"

"I... I believe I'm ready." Leena said cutting the two men off. "Shall we begin now?"

"Well than!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "Shall we begin. Your darling Fiancé awaits. Let us head to the alter."

The walk to the alter was harder than she had expected. Every step hurt due to the shoes that were sown to her feet. Next to her the man called Mr. Hyde was, and on her opposite side the man who was apparently named Ben was. Behind them the three men in robes followed after them at a slow pace.

When they finally entered the front of the church Leena felt her breath hitch at the sight in front of her. She could see the outline of a figure. They looked like a metal doll and were dressed in what appeared to be a Grooms outfit.

"I... Is that him?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "His soul has not yet appeared in his new body but once we finish the ritual it'll be complete. In a new invincible body he'll never have to worry about the thought of death ever again. And with his new power he'll even be able to protect this world from the foul Magic Beasts that killed him in that horrible city! Isn't it great?" He asked waving a hand behind Leena's head as a small black glow covered it for a second. "This is what you want right..."

Small streaks of tears slowly streamed down Leena's face. "Thank you."

Ben rolled his eyes as he planted his arm against the back and folded his arms. "I guess he's carrying this act on a little longer than usual... Oh well... As long as she does this willingly the contract will hold true and allow her to bring him back as one of my soldiers. Of course she doesn't know the cost of it..."

"I'm so happy." Leena said with a smile. She stared at the metal doll not even noticing Mr. Hyde slowly move behind her. A long black thin needle slowly stabbed out of his sleeve as he raised it up.

"That's right." Mr. Hyde said calmly. "Together forever with your darling fiancé! I'm certain he wants this too! Now! Say his name!"

"Yun... Yun Wei! Come back to me Yun-"

"That's right!" Mr. Hyde announced stabbing his needle down towards the girl. "Say his name-"


Before anyone else could react the roof to the church literally exploded as a figure dropped down to the floor sending rubble everywhere. A leg fired out hitting Mr. Hyde on the underside of his chin sending the man flying back. The figure dropped down landing on the and gave a small smirk.


Ben stared with wide eyes as Mr. Hyde crashed into the wall next to him. "What the hell?" Ben muttered. "Is it a member of a Guild? No he has no Guild mark on him... It's a kid?"

"Ow..." Mr. Hyde said slowly pulling his head out of the wall. "Ben? Why didn't you catch me!"

"D... Davi?" Leena said with wide eyes.

"Long time no see Mr. Hyde it's been a while hasn't it." Davi said giving a small wave. "I know it is a bit unannounced but I'll be taking the bride now if you don't mind." He said pointing his ruby red guitar at the man.

Mr. Hyde slowly pulled his head out of the wall as he stared at the boy turning his head to the side. "Uh... Who are you?"

Davi practically fell over as the man dusted himself off. "You mean you don't know who I am?"

"D... Davi?" Leena said again still shocked by his sudden entrance. "Wait? Did you just come from the sky? What's going on?"

"Leena..." Davi said sternly. "You signed his contract right. If that's the case I'll need to get you out of here quickly and-"

"Stop it!" She yelled making the room go silent. Her slapped echoed throughout the silent room as she once again hit Davi across the face as hard as she could. This time however Davi didn't seem to react to it. "This... This doesn't involve you! Why can't you just leave me alone! I was nothing! Nothing without him! I couldn't even leave my room! Every day I just wanted to die! What's so wrong about wanting to bring a loved one back! How could you ever understand that feeling! When I got the letter I was so happy! It was the first time I was ever happy in a full year! So just leave me alone and stop trying to destroy me!"

Davi was silent as he slowly reached up and took off his jacket throwing it on the floor. "There is a group that exist within this Country. The enemies of several of the Guilds, those who misuse the power we were gifted with abusing their Magic. They hate Devils, and Magic-Beasts more than any other wishing to get of them all. So much so they would do anything to wipe every last one of them out, even if that means taking the humans down with them." Davi reached down placing his hands on his shirt as he began to lift it up over his head. "In this group a man exist who somehow finds humans who have lost someone they care about, people longing to have what they once did. He promises to fulfill your wish and bring that person back stronger, and immortal. He does this with the help of another man who makes dolls with his Magic. By completing their painful ritual the one you loved is said to come back within a new body able to fight back against the Bestia Macht but it's all a lie. It's true the soul of the victim is placed within the doll, however they are no longer themselves. They become nothing more than a weapon meant to be used for slaying the Monsters." Davi raised up his shirt showing off his back which had a large red coin sown into his flesh. The scar was clearly old and looked gross. "The names of these two are Ben Alazir, and Mr. Hyde... Members of the Dark Guild known as Dragon Dwellers."

"Ahh!" Mr. Hyde said with a sparkle in his eyes. "I know who you are now... Davi Hawker. You managed to escape my sacrifice."

"S... Sacrificed?" Leena said quietly.

"Oh you didn't know!" Mr. Hyde let out a crazy laugh as several black needles stabbed out of his jacket. "In order to bring the dead back to life I must give up a living soul! In these cases the soul of the living and the dead are trapped within the doll for all entirety! See I'm no liar! You get to live in a made up world with your love for the rest of your life! And that brat over there! He took my deal when he was a foolish child! He wanted to bring back his precious crush who died from a wound she got when protecting him! However after piercing the brats heart an old man with a cursed sword broke in. He fought me off before I could finish my weapon and I guess he saved the boy's life somehow!"

"That's right!" Davi announced slipping his shirt back on. He grabbed his jacket and began to also put it on as he stared the two men down. "The Magic Guilds exist to stop the Magic-Beasts, Explore Dungeons, and stop Dark Guilds like you from existing. I'll stop you both here and now and cripple Dragon Dwellers."

"That's enough..." Ben said stepping forward. "I'm ending this." He snapped his hands and the three people in robes threw their black cloaks off showing metal bodies underneath. "Each of these dolls have two souls in them. The soul of a dead, and the soul of someone who wanted to bring the dead back to life. I wonder boy, will you be able to stop them?"

"I will." Davi said in a serious tone as he activated his power shifting the guitar into his sword. "I'll put them out of their misery and end their suffering! Their despair will be washed away from my Hope!"

"And it'll be your turn soon my dear!" Mr. Hyde laughed jumping forward. "You'll be able to live peacefully with your love once again! But you'll need to die first!" He stabbed forward with his needle intending to run the girl through only to miss when Davi grabbed her and jumped back avoiding the blow and deflecting the strike with his sword.

"Leena!" Davi said holding onto her and landing next to the doll that was in the groom outfit. It still hadn't moved. "You can't give into that despair. The Dragon Dwellers is clouding your mind with a hopeless situation. You have to fight it! If you can destroy his doll you can free his soul and break the contract!"

"Or!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "You can allow this to happen and be reunited with him, and a peaceful safe world for all entirety!"

"W... What?" Leena said as both sides looked at her.

"Only you can do this Leena! It's up to you to make the right choice!" Davi, and Mr. Hyde both yelled at her.

The girl stared back and forth at the two of them. "M... My choice is... Is..."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts