
A Waiting Wish

'The Rising...'

One Year Ago...

Daffodil City after the attack...

"Damn it!" Davi yelled punching the ground as hard as he could out of frustration for the events he saw before him. The metal floor cracked under the punch as he gritted his teeth in anger. "Damn it, damn it, damn it! We were to late!"

He stood inside the ruins of a massive, destroyed city that was completely wrecked. There were no survivors that could be seen... Just destruction around them.

"What the hell is the point of all this damn training if we weren't fast enough to save all these innocent people... How many innocent people had to die because we weren't able to make it in time... It just isn't fair... We're training to join a magic Guild so we can stop shit like this from happening God damn it!" A second voice muttered. Behind Davi a second student of the master could be seen. She had tied back red hair, and bright yellow eyes filled with a thunderous look. She wore a brown buttoned up shirt, with red linings, a dark red vest was placed over it, and a black skirt, with jeans, and black boots, A pair of red gloves covered her hands and she had a foul look in her eyes as she punched a building as hard as she could knocking it over.

"Does this sight upset you both?" Both the teens turned to look at their Master who had his arms folded and was looking around.

"O... Of course it upsets us." The girl yelled. "Why wouldn't."

The Master seemed to let out a small hum. "Well... You'll have to face much worse if you join a Guild like you both claim you want to. Davi Hawker, Athena Dawn, both of you are strong powerful Wizards, and because of that you will both will know hardships within this world. You'll both see far worse than this, in situations where you will be fast enough, but not strong enough to stop it. Sometimes helping just won't cut it."

"W... What!" The girl who was apparently named Athena, turned to the Master giving the old man a glare. "If we can help than we should! The Magic Guilds are a small group that's why you're training us to join them remember! Very few people have Magic, and even less have the skills, and powers to go on Quests, explore dungeons, or fight Magic-Beasts, The whole point Hawker and I joined you was so we could get stronger to save people! Not so we could let an entire God damn city be destroyed and just brush it off!"

"Uh Athena! Don't make him mad! I like my head on my shoulders!" Davi warned tackling the girl and covering her mouth with his hand. The two wrestled slightly as the Master slowly turned away from them.

"Get off of me you idiot Guitarist." Athena hissed out punching Davi in the face and knocking his head back.

Davi let out a small hiss and jumped up to his feet pulling his ruby red guitar off of his back and pointed it at the girl as it changed into a great sword, with a one on the blade. He pointed the blade at her and glared. "You wanna go?" He yelled.

Athena punched her fist together as yellow lightning seemed to crackle around her arms. "I need to blow off some steam..." She hissed. The lightning covered her arms forming what looked like beast claws made out of lightning.

Both teens stared at each other as if debating if they should really break out into a fight. Finally Athena's claws vanished, and Davi's sword turned back into his pretty ruby red guitar which he placed back on his back. They both sighed and turned away still shooting dirty looks at each other. It was pretty clear they didn't much care for each other.

The Master hobbled forward slightly as he stared down at the body of a young girl who was frozen into the ground. She had such a scared look on her face. "I'm sorry..." As he spoke a nearby building exploded as a massive white monster came crashing onto the streets in front of them letting out a loud roar. "But you should both know that in this world, the only thing that really matters." He reached up pulling off the large great sword that was on his back. It glowed and changed becoming a large curved great sword with a two on the blade. He pointed it towards the beast as it charged at the group. Every step it took sent waves of ice as it lept towards them freezing the world around it. The Master raised his sword up slashing it down and sending out a wave of explosions splitting the creature in half and generating enough for that shook the entire city. "Is power..."


Present Day...

The edge of Middlemist City...

A young man with dark skin, and messy orange hair and flaming orange eyes that seemed to crackle, could be seen standing on the edge of Middlemist City standing on a large building as he overlooked the city. The man looked to be in his late twenties or early thirties and was wearing what looked like a simple short sleeved blue jacket that was unzipped showing off his several abs, as well as a pair of long black pants.

The man gave a small smirk as he folded his arms and slowly walked to the very edge of the building practically hanging off of it.

"So. It would seem that this is where you chose to hide out at."

The smallest hint of a smile crossed onto the mans face as a orange aura covered his body. He stepped off the edge of the tall building and spun falling to the city below...

"Let's get this party started the right way!" He roared as flames crackled around his body forming around his hands and feet turning them into what looked like a pair of flaming orange wings, and bird like talons. "Phoenix Flight! Fight On!"


Loud bells tolled throughout the city shocking Davi, and the restaurant owner who both jumped when they heard them.

"The hell?" The owner said looking around with wide eyes. "Those are our cities wedding bells? We ring them before a wedding begins, but who the hell is getting married in the middle of the night? Must be a bunch of dumb kids playing a dumb joke or something. I mean why else would they-"

Davi jumped forward heading out the door at a fast speed as he ran out.

"Kid where are you going!"

"I have a bad feeling about this!" Davi yelled back. "I got to check this out!" He bit his lip as he ran down the street as fast as he could. He had a terrible feeling in his gut. His Master once told him something about this... 'The Dragon Dwellers... A foul group who wish to bring despair to this world by fulfilling wishes of the damned...'

Davi turned a corner at a fast speed and came to a sliding stop as he saw Leena standing in the middle of the empty night street.


"You hear them to right Davi..." She turned to him giving him a small smile as tears streamed down her face. "Those bells. It's the sound of my Love. He's calling for me. I have to go see him-"

"Leena stop!" Davi said grabbing the woman's arm. "Listen. I know this sounds crazy but you have to believe me when I say this." He told her squeezing down on her wrist as she tried to move away from him. "You're under the effects of a Magic that is charming you and clouding your mind with these thoughts. There were no survivors at Daffodil. I was there with my Master the day after the attack. The city had been caught on all sides by massive Magic Beasts who froze the walls trapping everyone inside. Even the sewers were frozen solid and flying creatures flew through the air. No one could escape from the air, or ground. No one got out, and not even any of the Guilds were able to get in. The people who sent you that letter are-"

"You're wrong! You're wrong! You're wrong!" Leena yelled pulling away from him. "He is alive! He's alive! He has to be! No one would lie about this, no one is that cruel-"

"People are that cruel! Who wrote to you! I bet it was a letter that belonged to someone called the Dragon Dwellers right!" Davi yelled over her. "Did you sign their magic contract? It stated it could grant you any wish right! You had to have known the cost for signing that right! Did you sign it-"


Davi recoiled back as Leena's hand hit his face as hard as she could. The teen fell back as his head smashed into the wall behind him causing him to fall forward and land flat on his face.

"Just leave me alone! So what if I did sign the contract! Why should it matter! It was my choice! I would do anything to be with him again! You don't understand anything! What would a monstrous teen like you know about losing someone you love! So just leave me alone!" Leena turned running off and leaving Davi all alone as he stood there lying on his back in the wet snow.

"You're wrong..." He muttered quietly. "I know better than anyone the price for receiving your wish..." He slowly rubbed his face as he let out a quiet sigh. "Crap this is bad... What should I do Master? I don't want her to make the same mistake as I did."


Three Years Ago...

A much younger Davi Hawker rested in a small wooden chair as various bandages were wrapped along his body. His body could be seen covered in various scars and his veins seemed to be glowing with a faint blue energy.

"Master is it really okay to do this?" Davi asked staring down at his bandaged hands. "I mean you said it yourself... My body isn't normal. Should you be poking around like that?"

Behind the boy the old Master stood. He was dressed in surgeon robs and stood behind Davi poking at the boys back with several needles and rods that he was stabbing into the boy. "Listen well Davi." The old man said. He moved away from Davi's back and placed a finger in the teens mouth opening his jaws and staring at his sharp shark like teeth. "We do this in the name of science. After all it's been a while since I've seen a child of the Mother Of Monsters. Especially one that is a failure like you. You do want to join a Magic Guild right?"

"I mean yeah... I guess..." Davi shrugged raising an arm above his head and staring at it. "I want to join a magic Guild thats true... My goal is to become a world famous Arcane Knight... One my mom, and father will regret letting go. I also want to help everyone I see."

"Well then brat. You have a long way to go..."


The Present Day...

Davi laid back in the snow as he stared up at the black night sky that slowly rained down snow onto his body. He stared at his left hand for a moment as he felt the pain from the slap.

'Remember. Manage the power carefully... That Devil-Calibur that lies within your Guitar is similar to a certain sword in the stone... Who knows how much it could evolve if you aren't careful... And no matter what. Remember to never get cocky and think you can manage more than one...'

For a second the image of a girl with long silver hair and silver eyes came to his mind. "That's right... You... I have to keep living for your sake don't I..." He muttered quietly jumping to his feet. "I'll do my best... Master."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

RainyLiquid2020creators' thoughts