
Phoenix Flight

The start of an Adventure... Strange Beasts, that some would even label as Monsters... Vast wealth, and all the gold you can carry... Treasures long since buried and forgotten by the world... Evil Ghosts, and Foul Devils... Unexplored lands, filled with uncharted territory. Vast Quests and all the world's Mysteries. Those who find themselves determined enough to go through the trials of hell and discover all the secrets this world holds, and the true secrets of the Mana go by a single title... They are called... The Arcane Knights! The world of Ava is home to numerous powerful magic guilds where wizards known as Arcane Knights, apply their magic for paid job requests taking on Quests and exploring dungeons. Davi Hawker, a Wizard from the Phoenix Flight guild, explores the Kingdom of Avalon in search of magical orbs that grant him the power of ten weapons he calls the Caliburs. He wishes to bring these orbs together in order to bring someone dear to him back from the dead. A story of Magic, Friends, Family, Love, and loads of Action. An Adventure begins here.

RainyLiquid2020 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Please Just Live (Part 1)

'The Rising...'

Several Years Ago...

An Unknown City...

The sounds of bells tolled loudly through the unknown city as another ritual was about to begin...

Within a small little building a young boy with messy blue hair, and cold blue eyes could be seen. He stared up at what looked like a metal doll that rested in a chair. The doll had long black robes and lacked a face. The reflection could be seen shinning the boys face back at him. A man shrouded in the dark who seemed to be wearing a lab coat could be seen who patted the dolls shoulders as the darkness on him twisted giving him a large blood red smiley face...

The boy wasn't wearing a shirt, and on his back what looked like a red metal coin, could be seen sowed into his flesh. The coin was seemingly sown in recently based on the fact that it was still scarred and seemed to still be bleeding slightly.

"Come now my dear Davi Hawker!" The shadowed man announced waving his hands around.

"Is what you said true Mr. Hyde?" Davi asked staring at the doll. "You can bring her back from the dead and answer all my questions?" Davi asked with hope in his voice.

"You betcha!" The figure seemed to twist around suddenly appearing behind Davi. He was still covered by the darkness keeping him hidden. His hands came out as he began to rub Davi's back. "Those sharp teeth of yours say it al... You're a child of the Mother of Monsters aren't you. Well let me let you in on a little secret of Magic my boy. We draw our power from a thing known as the Mana Of Life. A place where the other Mana lies. A powerful Magical formula that can bend the world around. We can use this power to do so much. Far more than anyone else knows... It was a gift from the many Gods after all..."

The man reached out using his finger to squish a bug killing it and making Davi's eyes go wide.

"Now watch this." He said in an excited tone. A black energy shined out of his hand forming several runes. It shined down onto the bug as it began to twitch and move once again. Seconds later its body was fully healed as it began to run off. "See the power I have... The power of Soul Based Magic... Necromancy." The man said excitedly. "It is known as revive. My Magic allows me to bend certain aspects about this world and allows me to bring the dead back from the other side. Though my power doesn't allow me to bring an actual person back fully. That is why I had to sow that thing into your back and set up this doll. This will let us amplify it. And all because you signed my Wish contract. Your wish shall be fulfilled. All you must do is say their name. Say the name of the person you wish to bring back! Thanks to my darling's precious dolls that they built we can place their soul inside the doll!"

Davi gave the smallest hint of a smile as he stared at the doll. "I... I just have to say her name then? It's that easy."

"It's that easy! Isn't Magic the best! Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep! That's right! Just say her name and it will happen. The girl who saved you and the one who can answer the questions you have. Now just say her name and I'll do the rest for you!"

"R... Right! I just need to say her name... Than... Mary Law!" Davi said taking a deep breath and yelling the name out calling for her. The girl who saved his life. The girl he was in love with. The one who helped him. "Mary L-"

Before he could say anything any further a thin needle like blade was thrusted through Davi's back piercing his heart and coming out the front of his chest. Blood poured out of Hero's throat running down his chin as the man placed a hand on the back of Davi's head quietly shushing the boy.

"And now! Using your flesh, your soul, and my powers, along with the amplifier I will bring the one you called Mary Law back to life at the cost of your own life! Your souls will be placed in the doll! You'll have all of time itself to get your answers now! Hahaha! Such a wonderful time- Are you glowing?"

In a flash the entire building exploded as Davi's entire body began to grow with a dark blue light getting bigger and bigger...

"Wait! Don't-"


"That's enough..." Ben said stepping forward. "I'm ending this." He snapped his hands and the three people in robes threw their black cloaks off showing metal bodies underneath. "Each of these dolls have two souls in them. The soul of a dead, and the soul of someone who wanted to bring the dead back to life. I wonder boy, will you be able to stop them?"

"I will." Davi said in a serious tone as he activated his power shifting the guitar into his sword. "I'll put them out of their misery and end their suffering! Their despair will be washed away from my Hope!"

"And it'll be your turn soon my dear!" Mr. Hyde laughed jumping forward. "You'll be able to live peacefully with your love once again! But you'll need to die first!" He stabbed forward with his needle intending to run the girl through only to miss when Davi grabbed her and jumped back avoiding the blow and deflecting the strike with his sword.

"Leena!" Davi said holding onto her and landing next to the doll that was in the groom outfit. It still hadn't moved. "You can't give into that despair. The Dragon Dwellers is clouding your mind with a hopeless situation. You have to fight it! If you can destroy his doll you can free his soul and break the contract!"

"Or!" Mr. Hyde laughed. "You can allow this to happen and be reunited with him, and a peaceful safe world for all entirety!"

"W... What?" Leena said as both sides looked at her.

"Only you can do this Leena! It's up to you to make the right choice!" Davi, and Mr. Hyde both yelled at her.

The girl stared back and forth at the two of them. "M... My choice is... Is..."

The entire room was in complete silence. Davi's eyes were glaring at Ben, Mr. Hyde, and the three metal men. Meanwhile the two men, and the three metal men stared back at Davi who was pointing his metal great sword at them. No one moved or said a word. They all waited on Leena to make the first move. What would her decision be... It was all on her.

The silence was unbearable as Leena felt a tremendous pressure pouring off of all the magic users as the tension grew and grew and they all waited on her.

Davi felt a hand shove him to the ground as Leena jumped forward wrapping her arms around the metal dolls lower half pulling it in for a hug as she let out a loud painfilled cry.

"L... Leena!" Davi said with wide eyes apparently not expecting her to pick this option.

"I don't care if we become a weapon!" Leena yelled loudly shocking everyone in the room. Even Ben, and Mr. Hyde didn't seem to expect her to do this. "If it means being with him I don't care! Even if we have to live in a fake world! I would rather be dead than have to live in this world full of so much despair! I hate it! I want to be together with him forever! No matter what it cost I'll pay it! Even my own life! I don't want to live if it means being alone! So just finish the ritual and leave me alone Davi!"

"Than!" Mr. Hyde jumped forward swinging the needle down. "Your wish is my command! I'll reunite you two together at last! Good Night my sweet Bride-"

Before the needle could reach her Davi suddenly appeared blocking the blade with his own and shattering the needle. He swung his arm out grabbing Mr. Hyde by the jacket and jumping forward dragging the man with him.

"W... What the hell are you doing!" Mr. Hyde yelled. "Can't you see she's given up! Out of my way you brat!"

"Fine!" Davi yelled as he thrusted the blade into the shadows chest spraying yellow blood out of the man as he began to roar in pain. Davi also let out a loud yell as his blade began to glow. "I can't stop you from wanting to die Leena. I get that. I really do... It's your choice. I'm not strong enough to drag you out of your own misery and despair, but... I can at least make sure he can't kill you. If I can't pull you out of despair I'll just do everything I can to keep this despair from reaching you! Long-Calibur Extend!" He screamed at the top of his lungs activating his weapons magic.

"Wait! Long-Calibur! But that weapon is-" Mr. Hyde began but was unable to finish his sentence as the blade extended still impaled into him. The blade grew in size dragging him across the ground and slamming him into one of the many walls in the church causing it to collapse on top of him as he let out a cry of pain as more of his strange yellow blood flowed out of the large hole. The blood was like acid or some other form, as it began to eat away at everything it touched but didn't seem to affect the blade that was stabbed inside of him.

Davi brought his sword back as the blade pulled out of the man and it shrunk back down. Davi brought the sword up as he it began to grow again, and he got ready to slash it down. "I'll finish you off with this!" He announced. "Blue Vein!" He yelled as his veins lit up with blue mana flowing out of him like water.

"D... Damn you!" Mr. Hyde yelled. He tried to get up but was stuffed into the wall, and due to the large hole in his gut he couldn't move. "B... Ben! Don't just stand there you fool! Save me!"

"I guess I should do-"

"Your sins are to unforgivable for any person to forgive!" Davi announced cutting Ben of as he got ready to just kill Mr. Hyde and end the mans evil life. "I'll finish you off with this one attack... King's Guillotine!" He yelled as the blades size grew to be much larger reaching the ceiling. "Take this!" He yelled slamming it down into Mr. Hyde and sending him crashing back through the rest of the church throwing the man out of the building and collapsing the walls of the building. "Allow your sins to burn away as your soul is devoured by this cursed blade of the devil! Now begone-"

Before Davi could finish his speech he was suddenly attacked by the three metal dolls which sent him flying crashing next to a shocked Leena as he came to a sliding stop. His blade reverted back to normal as it shrunk back down to its normal size.

"Ow... That hurt..."

The dark silhouette of Mr. Hyde came crashing out of the hole in the wall as smoke slowly came off of his body. A black energy crackled around his body as the shadows twisted forming a large grin on his face and his lab coat made out of fur seemed to rise up and down as if it was breathing. "That was really close." Mr. Hyde said smirking. "That last attack was powerful but not quite enough to blast me away in one shot kiddo. You screwed up." He asked. "There are many kinds of Magical abilities in this world, from bending flames, time, or water. And then there are Item Magic, magical abilities the rest within items like that sword of yours. Out of these magical weapons a few stand out, but the ones that are the most well known are Excalibur the blade of the king, Sky Splitter, the weapon found within the Pendragon family, and of course the ten Devil-Caliburs, ten powerful demonic weapons made by a Devil, all said to rival the power of Excalibur. That blade you have is one of them isn't it. The ever lengthening blade Long-Calibur! I've decided! I'll kill you and dissect your body, child of the Mother of Monsters! Clearly your special if you can wield one of those blades! I'll find out your secrets!" Mr. Hyde yelled breaking out into loud laughter.

"Oww..." Davi said rubbing his busted lip as he glared at the dolls which had kicked him. "One kick did that?" He said staring down at the small droplets of blood on his hand. "These guys are no joke... I should have just sliced down and split his body in half when I had the chance... I'm gonna have a hard time finding a way out of this situation..."

"W... Why?" Leena asked staring at Davi in shock. "Just stop. This is my choice... So stop worrying about me... Stop fighting for my sake you selfish jerk!"

"She's right you know." Ben said taking a lighter out of his pocket and lighting one of his cigarettes. He snapped his fingers causing the three dolls in front of him to grow gaining large spinning spikes along their body. "Listen boy. We aren't forcing her to do anything. The ritual doesn't work if they don't agree after all. She's choosing to do this. So why fight for her sake you fool?"

"Don't get this situation mixed up." Davi sighed. He wobbled as he stood back up and slowly stared the two men down as he held his blade out pointing it at both the men. "I'm not exactly fighting for Leena's sake in the traditional sense. And I'm not fighting because either of you two are my enemies. It's true that it is a Magic Guilds job to slay Magic-Beasts and stop and Dark Guild you guys are a part of... However I am not a member of a Guild yet. As such I have much different reasons for fighting. I'm fighting for my own sake. If even one person in front of me thinks they have to turn to despair to win I will do everything in my power to pull them back. Being a knight isn't about saving people and going on quests. it's about giving people the will to stand up for themselves and save their own lives! I was never fighting for Leena's sake. Rather I've just been fighting to destroy the Despair that clings to her. So even if it's selfish that's just what I'll do."

Leena stared at the back of Davi for a moment as she bowed her head. "I get it. I'm really alone. I've always been... No... rather I'm going to always..." Small tears streamed out of her eyes as she stared down. "Ever since he vanished. I was always alone... And I'll always be..."

"You crybaby."

The words practically knocked Leena down as she stared up at Davi in shock. "W... What?" She asked with wide eyes.

"Be strong Leena. A lot stronger." Davi said giving a small smile. "After all. You're still alive. If a crybaby like me can smile in a situation like this then someone as strong as you doesn't have a right to roll over and give up. Despair isn't a good look on you. I'd rather see that kind smile you gave me when we first met. So stop those tears."

Leena's tears slowly stopped as the smallest hint of a giggle escaped her lips.

"You're so much stronger than you know Leena." Davi smiled. He held his sword up as both his arms shook and his breathing got heavier. "You're a lot stronger than me Leena. So let that strength show."

Mr. Hyde let out a small hiss as his eye twitched. Several black needles began to jut out of his body as he raised his arms out. "I don't like you... You think you can actually save Leena."

"I do." Davi nodded. "I really do. And until I'm proven wrong I won't stop. And I refuse to lose so you'll never prove me wrong. I will save Leena! I'll drag her out of the darkness that's clouding her even if she kicks, and screams at me the entire time."

"D... Davi..." Leena said staring at the beat up kid. "You're such an idiot..."

"Kill him!" Ben yelled. "Just kill him already and get this over with!"

Davi smiled his shark tooth smile causing everyone to slowly step away from him when they saw his fanged teeth. "Get ready..." Davi announced. "From this point on I'm serious!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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