
Pacific Rim: Anubis

Ink_Verse · Films
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3 Chs


12:36 PM  

PPDC Headquarters.

Inside the massive construction site that was called a headquarters, a young girl could be seen patrolling around as she gazed excitedly at the massive machines being moved around.

These machines had saved humanity time and again. They were heroes whose names alone were enough to bring order to any region they appeared in, even if their mission had nothing to do with said area.

Each one of the machines had gone through cycles of pilots over the years, most of whom had died as heroes in battle, while others had died of cancer or untreated wounds later in life. The underlying truth was that these machines were hero makers, and just being in the presence of one was enough to get you in the history books.

"Mmm mmm," the unmistakable sound of someone clearing their throat was heard as the girl immediately stiffened up and turned around to see a man in a high-ranking uniform.

"Uhh... I wasn't doing anything, I just happened to see them moving the Rogue Widow," the girl said while pointing towards the massive machine behind her.

"The PPDC doesn't restrict guests from having a view of the Jaegers," the man said while pointing towards the tag she wore around her neck.

"Oh!" she said in realization and embarrassment.

"You don't need to feel embarrassed; I work here and even I am amazed by them. You know, I always wanted to get into one of these in my lifetime, but it seems that won't be possible," the man said as he placed his hand on the glass.

Outside the room, in the main area of the headquarters, a very familiar Jaeger could be seen walking back to its dock. Its menacing looks and height, the massive glowing holes in its chest, and the sleek design made the Jaeger a fan favorite. It was the Gipsy Danger, returning from another successful Kaiju takedown.

[General Mors, I see you're still jealous of my big ass!!] a loud and familiar voice called out from the massive Jaeger.

"You wish, Pentecost," the man said as the girl's eyes widened in realization.

"Oh my god, you're General Mors... Oh! My! God! You're General Mors!" the girl said repeatedly, each time with increased pitch as though she couldn't believe it.

"I didn't realize you were a fan. I thought you followed the Giant Mecha trope," the man said with a proud smile. He was naturally happy to know he had a fan.

"A fan?!... Sir, you have no idea how beloved you are by the people. I mean, it's you, General Mors, you are a living legend," the girl said in an exaggerated manner.

"I do try to tell him that, but he never listens," a voice was heard as the door opened and two men entered the room.

"You know the man practically lives on this base," another voice added in.

"Holy...." the girl said before she suddenly passed out, but before she could hit the floor, Mors caught her and carried her to one of the couches in the room.

"I get an exaggerated greeting and she faints for you two. I think the title of living legend should be re-evaluated," Mors said as he placed her down.

"You literally have a cult worshiping you and there have been hundreds of petitions to replace the actual god with you. You deserve that title more than anyone else."

While they talked, Mors ensured that the girl was breathing and was fine. After all, while they dismissed it as her fainting because she saw her favorite pilots, it could also turn out that she fainted because of some other extremely harmful reasons.

"She seems okay. She's breathing properly and all, so she should wake up soon," Mors said after a series of checks to ensure the girl was okay.

"Now for you two, how did the mission go?" Mors asked.

"The same as always. We found it and we beat it down before it could cause much damage."

"I still wonder why the government still allows for the existence of coastline cities…. It should be costing them billions to continue repairs in these cities," Mors said as he shook his head.

"At least the people are safe for now."

"If you say so."

"Um... sorry to interrupt, but I have a favor to ask," a voice interrupted, and turning to its source, they saw the girl who had just woken up.

"Great, you're awake… I nearly thought my handsomeness blew you away."

"Pentecost!" Mors scolded as the man immediately got himself in line.

"Sorry, Ma'am."

"Uh… no worries. I just wanted to ask if I could interview you. I'm part of my school's news club and we haven't been getting a lot of reads lately, so I thought that maybe an interview with you will, you know... boost our ratings," the girl said as she played with her fingers.

"Why are you here?" Mors asked.

"Oh, I came with my father. He's an engineer here and he got permission to show me around, but he was needed, so he told me to wait here."

"I see. Name?"

"Rachel Patel…. My father is Anurag Patel."

"Okay then, I will send word for him to join us later. You can have your interview… let's hope you stick to the source material unlike many news outlets these days. They seem to make it their duty to make everyone here a hero of unparalleled bravery and kindness."

"My father used to say that. He also hated interviews too," Ranger Pentecost said.

"I know, I was quoting him," Mors replied as he sat on the sofa provided and gestured for her to take a seat opposite him.

"Really?!" the girl asked excitedly.

"Sure, go ahead," Mors said as the girl immediately fished out a recorder from her bag and a notebook to write down what he says.

"Well then, we will excuse ourselves," Ranger Becket said as he and his friend left the room.

"Okay, first, I would like to know, sir, how did you become Anubis?" the girl asked as her demeanor switched to that of a professional. It was clear that she had done a lot of these, even though he could see a lot of mistakes when compared to other actual reporters.

"Ah, for that, you would have to start from the very beginning. August 10, 2013," Mors said as he began to reminisce.

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