
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

5 Art

West Blue

A battleship is seen chasing a pirate ship across the ocean.

A tall slender woman is standing atop the bow of the ship, she has a black curly tied up hair, wearing a marine coat with pink epaulets, and hangs the coat on her shoulders bearing the name'Justice' on her back.

One marine called on her " Captain Gion...the Blast pirates are heading into the Snakes Spit Island. What are your orders?.."

" Of course, we follow them, Even if that area is unpredictable due to its weather. I'm not gonna miss this chance to look for them again. Making me chase after them from all over West Blue" Gion irritatingly replied.

" Did you all hear that? nobody attacks my base and gets away with it "

"Yes Ma'am!" All the marine soldiers replied. 'if I wasn't doing any mission at the time they attack, those scums would already be floating dead in the sea".

Getting closer to the target. She then instructs his men to prepare the can canons on the ship.

"Shoot them!"




" Damn that bastard! "Captain of the Blast Pirates angrily slammed his fist on the table.

one of his comrades panicked and knocked on the door. " Captain! Captain!, there's a navy ship following us.

"All right, it's time to get rid of them...let all the men prepare, and let's head to Snakes Pit island"

The Captain of the Blasts Pirates is thinking that if he can lure the marines into the troubled waters of the island, where he can finally escape.

"How dare they chase after me?, the Great Captain Bordo Blast, following to Snakes Pit would be their end. I'm the best navigator in all West Blue, I can traverse to any storm"

Thinking of his right-hand man who got injured and almost killed during their attack on a Marine Base.

'If it weren't for those Mafia bastards, forcing us to attack a base'.

'What do they even want to achieve? I'll have my revenge sooner or later.'



"Prepare to fight little ones, and fire back".

After the ships exchanged shots for hours.

One canon ball landed on the mast and destroyed it. Which slows down the pirate ship.

" We are close enough now, I will head on first."


While chasing, she then thought that, if she were a bit stronger and mastered the Gepo, she wouldn't have to wait for them to get closer.


Landing above the pirate ship looking down on them.

" You lowly pirates! Prepare yourselves to die!

Blasts stared at the woman marine who shouted above them.

"Bring it on Marine! Coming arrogantly here alone, do you think you can take us all?".

She then draws her sword, one of the named meitos 'Konpira'.


She then flickered and slashed down at the pirates.

"Gion was like a devil on the battlefield, one slash, one enemy down".

it was a one-sided battle

"Damn it! this woman is strong!"

As the battle went on, Blast thought that he wouldn't survive this if he didn't fight with all his strength.

She then dashed toward Blast and Slash. Blast crosses his arm trying to block her attack with his metal arm guard.

He succeeded in blocking her attack, but the power was so strong that he was sent flying to the wall.

Struggling to stand back. He took out his weapon, two small spherical shape bombs.

He threw the bombs toward Gion.

"Blast Bomb"

She slashed both bombs but didn't expect them to still explode in front of her.

"Hahahahaha" Blast laughed thinking she killed the Marine.

Smoke subsided and Blast did not expect that there was a silhouette still standing in front of him


Bleeding, blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

"I underestimated this bastard, if weren't for my timely use of Tekai(Iron Body) I would have been seriously injured".

"I can't believe I let a weak pirate injure me, it's time to finish this."

Nearing the Snakes Pit Island the weather started to get bad. Strong winds, thunder, lightning,heavy rain, and big waves trying to sink a ship.

The fight still went on, he punched, kicked, and threw a couple of bombs again.

He gave his all but he is getting more and more tired.'I don't have much time.

Gion evaded them, the deck got too damaged by the explosions.

Blast was almost out of bombs. He then shouted to his vice-captain.

"Leo! It's time to use our final art!"

Hearing the command of his captain"Have you thought it through?"

"Just do as you're told". Shouted back. His body was already riddled with injuries.

"...Alright Captain! I'll follow you wherever you go!". Shocked by the order, he steeled himself and then ran inside the ship.

Out of breath and cornered by the enemy.

He hears a shout "Captain! It's done."

Blast then started smirking"I may die today, but I will give you a final gift."

Taking out a remote control from his pocket. Then he immediately pressed it

" Explosion Art!"

Seeing the remote she guessed that he would try to use a bigger bomb.

She then started running away trying to escape the blast.


Igniting from below a spark turns into a gigantic explosion



3 days later...

Early in the morning, the sky is clear, the sea is calm and birds chirping in the forest.

A woman is lying inside a hut and covered in bandages.

Slowly opening her eyes. "Where am I?"

Looking around she seems to be inside a hut. Remembering what happened, she was livid.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake."


It Opp

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