
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

4 Going Out!

Time skip

One year after

A 15-year-old teen dripping with sweat and exhausted.

All Hunter did all this time was train his body and devil fruit.

His food ran out 6 months ago. He's been eating the meat of the snake from the inside.

When he first got swallowed, he could barely scratch the insides of the snake.

Now, he can cut it like a butter. His arms transformed akin to a blade.

'I inspired this move by Killuas hand, which can remove a heart without even a drop of blood.' Hunter felt proud of his technique.

He has also improved his control over his poison ability. Which he struggled to practice at first.

Using his poison ability somehow consumed a lot more stamina than his other abilities

The poison cloud can now be hardened.

He has now a four-tailed pointy poison cloud. Which he can use to attack.

It's also good for defense which covers a wide area.

He also discovered a new ability. Which can summon a black hole from his hand which devours and sends it to another dimension.

The dimension though he can not enter it for now.

'I'm gonna be more OP than Blackbeard in this world.'

Hunter can also now access the DNA pool, after he scours all the gold from this place. He didn't know where this snake had eaten all this gold from. When this place is an uncharted island.

Acessing the store, there are only few functions. The most annoying thing is he can't select the specific gene that he wants to buy.

All he had to do is pay 100 million berries and it will give random selected gene.

The next plan of purchase is the 'Character Info Tab', so I can easily organize my abilities and maybe find out my actual race. I was always curious what my race is, because of how powerful it is and how it can easily adopt to harsh environment.

The days he spent inside in his 'Snake Training Ground' it's what he calls it. Feeling every day that his growing in strength is an addicting sensation.

Hunter thought that once he got out of this island. The seas will be even more chaotic.

His supersense is also one of the things he improved. He feels like this is how he would train his 'Observation Haki'.

" I think it's time to go out of this place and put this damn snake in his place."

Contemplating where to go if he would go straight to the mouth or the other way around.

'hmmm, maybe I should use that move.'

'Then it's decided let's punch his head to oblivion.'

Arriving at the mouth of the snake, He concentrates and tries to channel his power into his fist.

A dark and menacing power came forth' focusing on his hand a dark smoke-like power oozing and covering his hand.

Aiming his punch above and shouted.

"Dimensional Impact"


He kneeled from exhaustion. But looking at the result he was amazed.

Half the head of the giant snake was gone leaving only bloody remains.

This is the first time he has used this attack on this scale.

'Dimensional Impact, an attack he accidentally created when he tried practicing his dark ability. It gathers the devouring power and concentrates it to his hand. And once it touches anything, it will automatically spreads and devour, sending it to other dimension. Although there is a limit to the area it's spreads, it is the strongest attack he can do at this time.'

Coming out from the snake head. He took the book that dropped.

'Finally, the book will be updated'.


Arriving at the edge of the area. He releases one of his abilities."Poison Release: Kagune Mode".

Then a purple smoke cloud came out from his back and hardened into four sharp tails.

He plunges his tail into the wall and uses it to climb like a spider.


After a couple of hours of climbing and searching for food. He missed the taste of other foods, Since his only been eating raw meat.

Nearing the shore of the island where he built his temporary base. He senses a human heat signature.

'I'm finally gonna meet another person!' Hunter was excited to find and talk to another person. Being stranded and alone can make anyone a little bit crazy.

What he saw was a person lying down covered in sand and injured. She has a long hair and she is wearing a marine uniform.

Looking at the woman he is trying to remember if there is any woman like her in the anime. Because anyone who survives any storms near this island is anything but weak.

That is also the characteristic of this island. There no storms that happens inside the island. It's like there is an invisible wall preventing the weather from coming in.

Then he carried her to his base to cleaned and treated.

When they arrived he tried slapping her a little trying to wake her up " Hey! Wake up!." but seemed not to be working and is excitement subsided.

"I guess you will be sleeping for a while then, but first let me heal your wound".

He stretches out his hand and a purplish gas can out. He can now also use his poison for healing, which he uses to stimulate the blood of the patient to hasten the creation of new cells.

Although it's not to the point that it immediately restores on the spot. But at least I have more useful abilities.

Thinking about how versatile his Devil Fruit is. It really symbolizes Life, Death, and Rebirth. The Ouroboros.

Once this lady marine wakes up. It will probably mark the start of his adventure in this seas.

He also recovered an injured Den Den Mushi. 'I could try using it, but I don't want to accidentally kill the only thing that can connect us to the outside world.'

Walking outside and sitting in front of a fire. He is thinking about what his future plans are. 'Do I go Marines, Pirates, or Revolutionary Army?.'

'if I'm gonna be a Marine. I can have the license to kill, the downside is I'll need to climb through the ranks and the Government will make me their dog.'

' If I'm a pirate, I'll be chased down all over the world. The only way to stop them is to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, hide, die, or become so strong that won't bother you.'

' The Revolutionaries though, they have righteous a cause, but even if they bring down the Tenryubito, Five Elders, and the whole world government, there will always be an injustice. You can't erase all evil in the world and humans are also inherently selfish, whatever the reason may be, they will only do it for their own interest.'

'Maybe I'll hide in the Underworld controlling anything behind the shadows, becoming the richest man in the world, although a criminal at least they're not gonna be chasing me all the time and I'll just toss a couple of bones to them to make them calm'

'I am not a really a good person, I already tried helping and be a good person in my previous life doing everything I could to make it less dirty, cleaning the dregs of society'

'it's my second chance at life and I will be selfish for the first time. With the cheats, powers and the knowledge I have. I will gather the strongest people with the strongest Devil fruits. I'll bring chaos to this world.'

"Buhahahahaha!" clenching his fist and laughing sinisterly.


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