
One Piece - The Collector

Thrown into the world of One Piece. Follow the adventures of Telflaire Hunter. Watch him establish his family, power and how it affects the flow of events in the world of pirates. Just try it, First time writting a fanfic. People! Just don't be too harsh and btw English is not my first language.

TrumpetSoap · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

6 Time

"How do you feel? You been asleep for 3 days" Hunter asks the woman in front of him

Gion was startled to hear a voice,' Who is this person and what's up with him? He has no aura around him like he doesn't exist at all.

"...is this Snakes Pit? And who are you?" Gion asks.

"Yes this is Snakes Pit Island, and I am Telflaire Hunter, I washed up here a year and a half ago... I lost my memory and all I can remember is only my name and the ship I was on was destroyed by a storm." Hunter tried to look sad.

"I also found a den den mushi, your sword is also there" taking out a snail and handing it to Gion.

"By the way what's your name lady Marine?" He thought and stared at the Marine in front of him,' She seems to be quite familiar but I can't tell who she is?'

"Gion, A marine captain station in West Blue". Gion extended her hand to Hunter

'oh! She is Gion' Remembering who Gion is, she is related to Vice Admiral Tsuru. And Tsuru treats her like a little sister.

He also shook her hand "Nice to meet you Gion-san".

" Let's go outside Gion-san, I cooked some meats, it will help you recover faster."

And then both sat while eating their food.


Then Hunter asks a question to her, trying to find out current events around the world.

So this year is Sea Circle 1507, seven years have passed since the Pirate King was executed in his hometown Loguetown.

He is 15 years old, born in 1492, the same age as Boa Hancock and 2 years older than Lucci, Luffy is just 2 years old, 15 years before Luffy goes out to the sea.

I am currently on an island called Snakes Pit located in West Blue it's one of the deserted islands due to the terrible weather surrounding the island.

The Buster call already happened, and Nico Robin became wanted by the world government. Rob Lucci Massacred a lot of people, both pirates and soldiers who became hostages.

'I think that's all I can remember that notably happened.

Sitting around the fire he asks "Gion-san can you take me with you I want to start a new life, since I can't remember anything"

"I can do a lot of things" declared Hunter in front of Gion.

Contemplating what to do, she decided to help to repay him as thanks for saving her.

" Sure, do have anywhere to go?"

'I guess there's no harm in bringing him to the Marines' She looks at Hunter still having little doubts, the man looks strong, a towering man but with no aura around him. He is like a natural-born assassin.

"No, I don't know where to go, I just want to get out of here. Do you have any suggestions Gion-san?."

" Hmm. You need money to survive...how about becoming a marine? You look strong enough". She smiled at him proudly " And besides we are the strongest force on the sea".

"I don't know about fighting people, but I'm good at other things". Trying to act naive and a bit scared.

'With things currently at, it would be best to join the Marines. I would progress faster with their training facility. But I also want to get inside cipher pol, but I have no idea how to join, as far as I recall they recruit children to be trained as an agent. Maybe there'll be an opportunity later on' Hunter decided his next plan.

"What other things are you good at?","I am good at finding things, and I also ate a weird fruit before that gave me the power to change my height which is pretty useless in fights, but I think I can use it to infiltrate places." Hunter answered trying to sell himself like getting an interview for a new job.

"I could bring the Marines a lot of useful information". Hunter declared

"The weird fruit you ate is probably a devil fruit... Becoming a devil fruit user loses the ability to swim, can you show it to me?." Gion thought that Hunter used some kind of smoke to heal me.'Maybe I am seeing things.'

"So that's why I lost my strength when I tried stepping into the water".

Hunter then stood up, closed his eyes, and tried to channel his powers.

His current and original height was 10 feet tall, then he started getting bigger.

12 feet

15 feet

18 feet

And finally stops at 20 feet tall. He is now as tall as Gecko Moria.

"It's the highest I can achieve for now, I can also go smaller as small as a person that can fit In the palm of your hand," Hunter explains his devil fruit fake ability.

"Becoming bigger consumes a lot of stamina". Gion then nodded at him believing the things he said.

Hunter then reverted to his original height.

"Yes, that is certainly a devil fruit that's the only thing that can grant unusual abilities." She explained to Hunter.




"Let's call my ship first" Gion then used his Transponder Snail."


Somewhere outside Snakes Pit Island. A damaged marine ship is seen

Puru puru puru

Puru puru puru


Picking up the transponder snail. " Captain Gion!! Is that you? Where are you now?." The lieutenant of the ship worriedly asks.

"I'm fine, after the battle, I washed up in Snakes Pit, where are you currently at?"

" We are at the northern side from Snakes Pit, we tried looking for you Captain, but our ship got damaged from the storm. But don't worry I already called the base and their sending a rescue team now".

A day later, the rescue team arrived at Snakes Pit Island picking up two people

"Let's go home now" Gion gives the order.

Her lieutenant asks "Captain, who's that person", "That's the person who saved me he is Telflaire Hunter and he will come with us to be a marine".


4 days later

Arriving at the docks of the marine base.

Gion tells one of his men, "Take care of his food and lodging I'll go make a report first". The soldier saluted and took off.

Using a den den mushi " Sister Tsuru? I have something to ask, Can you look for information about a person named Telflaire Hunter."

"I heard you went missing for a couple of days?", "Yes, I got stranded on an island, that's where I found Hunter, he is the one who rescued me."

"I'll see what can I do, and Gion, how many times have I told you not to underestimate any opponent you encounter" Gion got reprimanded by Tsuru.

" By the way, why do you care about this person?." Tsuru changed the topic.

" He seems like a good kid, but I just can't shake this feeling that I have, that he feels very dangerous or maybe I'm just overthinking it."

...both talk for a while, "...Thanks, Sister Tsuru. I'll test his skills tomorrow and decide what to do after."
