
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantaisie
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36 Chs


 Kyo clenched his fists with burning passion and then took a battle stance, Vanessa who was still shocked as to what Tekashi did to her looked perplexed, then she also took a battle stance.

 Both of them charged at each other, Kyo with his flaming fists and Vanessa with her sword, the blade and Kyo's fist clashed causing shockwaves throughout the area, Kyo moved back and charged again focusing the flames on his feet then he kicked Vanessa's stomach which caused her stomach to melt leaving a whole there and sent her flying, Vanessa regenerated and Kyo thought <From what I know about Vampires, need to destroy her heart>.

 He charged at her moving faster than before with help from the flames at his feet, Vanessa blocked most of his attacks, Kyo joined his hands together in a clapping stance and the he opened his hand which were covered in burning flames, he uses the flames to form a spear and he threw it at Vanessa, she dodged but the heat from the spear burned her skin, evaporating it completely, Kyo sped towards her and then burned her heart to ashes, then he looked up and breathed a sigh of relief.

 <Haha, nice work brat, impressive moves there, I enjoyed the maneuver you used to take her down> said Tekashi <He owned those flames so well, he might even be stronger than Ino at this point and the scary thing is doesn't know how to control his qi yet> thought Rin. <Hey brat, nice flames> said Ino.

 2 beings sitting at a long table, they seem to be having a meeting, both looking young, one on red and the other on black, the one on red frowned then said <Vanessa died huh.> <You can tell Dracula?> asked the other figure on black. <Oh yes, I know what happens to each and every one of my subjects> said Dracula.

 The being on black got up and said <I'm going home, all of this is tiring> <Oh?!, is the king of death afraid?> asked Dracula sarcastically <Everyone, the great Ryuguji Han is afraid of some kids>.

 Han ignored Dracula's taunts and opened a portal to his own world then he said <Know your place Dracula, me not being in the mood to fight doesn't mean I won't retaliate if anyone attacks my territory, you're beaten it bode well for this universe and you know that> then he walked through the portal.

 <Cedric! > called Dracula <Yes, My Lord> replied Cedric <Take Sebastian and Matthew to greet our new guests> ordered Dracula <Yes My Lord>.

 Tekashi rewinded time on Kyo's injuries healing him instantly <Tekashi-san? > <Huh? > <Kyo-kun killed someone who said sh e answers to is far stronger than her, don't you think it's a bit worrying?> asked Ino, <Doesn't matter, I'd win> replied Tekashi.

 Back at the opening of the breach, Liu Xhang looked at his watch anxiously then he told his team <Wait here I'm going in>.

 At that point Dracula sensed his aura and then smiled and said <Someone troublesome is coming, I'd greet him myself but.... forget it, it's been a long time since I've in action>.

 Liu Xhang walked through the land then he said <Hey Tekashi!, can you hear me?!> <Oh!, Liu Xhang-kun were you worried about me> replied Tekashi mockingly. <Shut up, I just wanted to know if you're dead yet> said Liu Xhang <Oh, so you're really worried about me, how cute> said Tekashi.

 <What's the status report?> asked Liu <It's crazy, we've stumbled upon a world of vampires, and guess what, Dracula is their leader> replied Tekashi <Which Dracula?> asked Liu <The 60 same one we beat years ago, seems like this world is his domain> replied Tekashi.

 <Oh.... 3 that guy was as strong hell, we killed him times but he just kept coming back and now he's the final boss again> said Liu Xhang <I'll talk to you later, I have and annoying bat close me> said Liu Xhang and then he ended his telepathic connection with Tekashi who said <Yeah so do I> as the connection ended.

 <That was very harsh Liu Xhang-san, it's been a long time, you hunans who were given immortality as gift by the angels are annoying> said Dracula <But fighting you though after a long time is exciting enough for me to all our the first since then>.

<The last time we met you want all our and lost> said Liu Xhang <You do know that outside your troublesome ability and damned blade, you're not special> said Dracula <Moreover your friend was there to back you up, and I've sent my subordinates take care of him>.

 Back at Kyo's location <Brat, 3 do you think these are on the same level with Vanessa?> asked Tekashi <No, they're way stronger>.