
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


 <Tekashi-san, what's our objective here anyway?> asked Kyo <We're mapping out the terrain and take any threat to our planet> replied Tekashi.

 <But most S-rank individuals are already threats to the planet> said Kyo <Mostly depends on how much qi they have and the techniques use> replied Tekashi. <My qi reserves are large and my techniques time space> said Tekashi.

 Then Tekashi shut Kyo up as he sensed someone else's qi close by, the strange qi felt ominous and inhuman as the perpetrator and owner of that strange qi sped past them, the being attacked at light speed and Tekashi blocked the attack with Kyo's sword which Kyo noticed was gone from the sheath on his waist.

 The shockwave from the collision caused tremors, <Vampires huh, interesting, that explains your blinding speed> said Tekashi <What's your name?> he asked.

 <Vanessa > replied the undead lady <I was sent here to take care of you for your crime trespassing by my Lord> <And who might your Lord be?> asked Tekashi <The oldest and strongest vampire, one whose name sends fear to the spine of his opponents, COUNT DRACULA.< p>

 <Brat, take care of her, from what I've seen she shouldn't be above a B-rank threat> said Tekashi <Huh?, but I'm only C-rank, can't any of the other two take care it?> replied Kyo.

 <It's just to test your ability, moreover have you used a sword before?> asked Tekashi <Only in some kendo classes> replied Kyo <Well, don't die>.

 The female vampire sped at him <She's fast!> thought Kyo as he tried to block her but she punched him in the face in the direction of his teammates causing him to bleed from his mouth.

 Kyo got up and thought <This is what I'll be facing from now on> as he cleaned the blood from his lips.

 He charged at her with his sword but she dodged him effortlessly and then kicked him in the stomach and gave him multiple punches on the same spot before she kicked him away sending him flying back again.

 <Hey brat, what technique so you use?> asked Tekashi <Well... > dragged Kyo <You mean you've never used any technique, well that's just sad, even non-hunters awaken techniques eventually>.

 <If you don't have a technique can't beat her and if low level like this then won't survive with us not to talk of trying find your sister> said Tekashi <Let me show you something>.

 He ran over to Vanessa who felt her movements had become slower than usual she threw a punch which he caught easily dragging her towards him and giving her a knee to tome stomach which made her cough out blood and he kicked her away.

 <What did you do to me?!> shouted Vanessa terrified of the monster who stood before her, Tekashi just laughed as he said <I just hit the rewind button on your metamorphosis> <Huh?, what do you mean?> Vanessa asked again.

 <I rewound time to the point where you were once human, but I on alone, now killing would be easy> answered Tekashi <Hey brat, the techniques we use are engraved into our sources from birth, then something else is added if you were ever blessed>.

 He looked up in the sky and then walked to where Vanessa stood, he smiled at her kindly then said <SPATIAL TECHNIQUE: DEATH SLASH> multiple lacerations and cuts appeared on Vanessa's body which tore her body to pieces and seperating it.

 <My death slashes can cut anything, even space, hey brat see now, she's dead> said Tekashi <TIME TECHNIQUE: REWIND> said Tekashi as he turned back the hands of time on Vanessa's alone as he reset everything on her back to the point he met her, in her vampire state. Then Tekashi told Kyo <Find out what your F affinity is during this fight and beat her or die trying>.

 Kyo dropped his sword and charged at her whilst thinking <If I can find my affinity then get stronger> <He's become faster just from having a pep talk> thought Vanessa. Both of them traded blows which showed Rin and Ino that Kyo has begun growing in strength if he could trade blows with such a monster.

 Kyo and Vanessa continued trading blows but it looked like Vanessa started raining the upper hand as she kicked Kyo on his stomach which sent him back a little but she saw that he reacted fast enough to block.

 Kyo then sped towards her and during his speedy motion, the friction of his body and the air set him on fire and then he punched Vanessa who couldn't react to an attack that fast and the pucnch sent her flying towards a mountain destroying it.

 <I've discovered my technique, it was inevitable that I'd get this, as I heard the one who took sister uses fire well but when face him we'll see has strongest and hottest> thought Kyo. 

 <FIRE TECHNIQUES: FISTS OF HELLFIRE FLAME> said Kyo as he directed all the flames on his body to his fists.

 With flaming hands and determination, what's next for Kyo Mikami.