
Omnipotent Ascension

[My WSA 2024 Entry Novel, please vote] "Your sister has been kidnapped" Kyo fell to his knees shocked at the news he was given about his sister's situation. He thought about what he needed to do in order to get her back. Meet Mikami Kyo, a high schooler who's sister got kidnapped by an S-rank criminal and he had to join the Japanese Hunter Association in order to get stronger and have enough power to get her back. In the midst of all that he finds out about his past and about the truth of the world they live in and why everything had to end up like this. In time he gets some shocking revelations along the way. Read on and find out how he deals with all of this and becomes the strongest he has to be in order to change all that he believes is wrong.

AkutoSai01 · Fantasy
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36 Chs


<Blood Technique: Lethal Dose> said Dracula as Liu Xhang's blood started to overflow, Dracula charged at him with speed faster than lightning going for a punch but Liu Xhang was able to react with a punch of his own and both of their fists collided causing both of them to fly backwards from the shockwave.

 Back at Team Tekashi's location , the 3 vampires sent to stop them from getting further stood in front of them staring calmly and coolly at each of them <Now, now, you three are a bit stronger than that beautiful lady> said Tekashi <Hmm, so you killed Vanessa?, that's nice she was getting on my nerves anyway> said Cedric in an emotionless manner.

 <Tekashi-san, Ino and I can take care of them> said Rin <No, leave this one to me, I can't let you guys have all the action> said Tekashi pointing at Cedric <Kyo, you're with me> said Tekashi <Alright > replied Kyo. Cedric charged at Tekashi who dodged effortlessly by slowing down time.

 Kyo put his fists on fire once more and used the flames to increase his speed as well, he threw a furious punch at Cedric which the vampire blocked and then he dodged Tekashi's kick simultaneously, which was infused with the death slash, sending the slash towards towards Ino and Matthew which cut Matthew's arm clean off but he regenerated it instantly.

 <Lightning Technique: Electrocution> said Ino who increased her speed to an astronomical rate and zoomed towards Matthew giving him a deadly punch which sent volts of electricity throughout his body, <My electrocution increases my speed drastically and electrocutes opponent with every touch> said Ino. Rin flew past them and Sebastian was on his heels delivering massive punches to him, Sebastian threw him towards a mountain and continually punched him in that direction.

 Rin was able to steady himself and met Sebastian with a punch of his own, the punch sent Sebastian flying towards the opposite direction but he was able to steady himself in a matter of seconds.

 Sebastian charged at Rin trying to hit him with a flurry of attacks which Rin continually dodged and then <Light Technique: Godspeed>, <Light Technique: Light Saber> said Rin as hus eyes started glowing and a sword if light appeared.

 Sebastian looked impressed then ran towards Rin and was shocked that Rin was able to react to him and Rin went ahead with a slash that cut off Sebastian's nose, the vampire smiled and said <That's more like it><Time Technique: FORESIGHT> , <My ability of foresight allows me to see attacks before they happen and coupled with my speed it makes easier dodge attack faster opponents> said Sebastian. He charged forward at Rin who aimed for his head with a slash from his sword, the slash grazed Sebastian which shocked him.

 <Light Technique: Light Cage> Rin unleashed a cage of light which covered them both, <Light Technique: Arrows of Light> , multiple arrows moving at light speed were sent at Sebastian who dodged most of them but some of them pierced through his skin which he regenerated once again.

 Sebastian started breathing heavily, <Your speed has gone down considerably, now it'll be easier to kill you> said Rin, Sebastian laughed, a laugh that surprised Rin <This isn't even me at my strongest> said Sebastian as he transformed into his true vampire form which left Rin bewildered.

 <Aside Lord Dracula and Master Cedric, I'm the only one with a true form, in this my senses become more enhanced physical abilities skyrocket> said Sebastian, Rin looked and smiled <Let's see if that's really true> then he charged at Sebastian with blinding speed and tried a slash with his light sword which Sebastian dodged easily, he unleashed the arrows of light which Sebastian dodged once again, the vampire laughed magically <You locked yourself in here with me, now you'll die your own trap> said Sebastian.

 <You've become a little slower, don't you think you're pushing yourself too hard> asked Dracula sarcastically, Liu Xhang laughed and said <I haven't used any of my techniques and you think you're winning, that's classic>.

 <You do know that I'm stronger than the guy you fought back then, Liu Xhang> said Dracula <You 60 think you're the only one who got stronger in past years> laughed Liu Xhang.


 An S-rank hunter's technique, what are it's capabilities?.