
MHA X Various

After being sent through a mysterious portal, Kaida Fujiryu is sent to the world of My Hero Academia. Soon after her arrival, Zara Malin is found inside of the USJ with Kaida. ---Will contain spoilers for my characters--- ---Some characters may not act like they're supposed to---

Joe_Clucks101 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

CH: 3/A one-sided beat down x3

Alexandria's POV...

I hum a tune while walking around the battle zone, arms behind my head. I already know where the group I'm fighting is, I just have to get to them.

I turn a corner and duck under a kick. I grin and summon a favorite of mine, my AR-15, with rubber bullets of course.

I take aim and fire, hitting my attacker in the shoulder a few times, before they back off, "This isn't fair, she has a gun!" The ear jack girl cries out.

"I think it's completely fair! I'm only using rubber bullets! And 'a' gun? Oh please..." I unsummon my AR and pull out a .308 sniper rifle, "I'm American, I have multiple." I then snipe the armored dude as he tries to get a running start at me.

All of these shots are with non-lethal rounds, I don't want to be arrested after all~. I turn around and dodge a punch from broccoli boy, before grabbing his arm and flipping him into the ground. I grab the capture tape I was provided and tag the broccoli, before moving on to the downed armored dude and tagging him too.

I then look up and see a pirate cannon be aimed at me, "Well shit." The cannon goes off and I am sent flying into a building, my bio-electric barrier shattering.

I groan as I slowly get up, noticing my helmet is cracked. I take it off and store it away so it can repair itself, "You got a lot of nerve, thinking that would be enough to take me down. I was just playing around before, but if you wanna tussle, then I'll tussle." I then ditch the sniper and pull out a beam rifle.

I set it to stun and begin unleashing hell on the black-haired girl who shot me with a cannon. It doesn't take long for her to go down. I quickly tag her and turn towards the two that are left, "Give up while you still can."

They sigh and raise their arms in defeat, "We surrender..." I grin and put away my gun, 'Time to go and watch Zara obliterate her competition.'

Zara's POV...

I stand in the middle of the fake city and focus, my vision losing its color. I see two heat signatures, one is a large group of people, and the other is the bomb boy.

I decide to deal with bomb boy last, I voltaic dash to the top of a building and begin jumping across the roof tops towards the group.

I reach a nearby roof top and begin stalking them. As soon as one of the eyes on six arms' hands gets close to seeing me, I dash away out of view.

I decide to stop playing with my food and begin my attack.

Third Person... Minutes before...

"Don't you think this is kind of unfair? For Zara I mean." Kaminari says. Tsu comments, "Not really if we're going by how the last fight went, ribbit."

"I think we should be more worried about ourselves." Mineta says. Tsu nods, "We don't even know what her quirk is."

Suddenly Shoji tenses up a little, which Tsu notices, "What's wrong?" Shoji loosens up, "Its nothing. I just though I saw something."

Tsu nods, as Kaminari continues on why this fight isn't fair, "I mean, think about it. We have Bakugo on our team. Even if he isn't co-operating with us."

"That is true, ribbit." Tsu comments. Suddenly, the crackling of electricity could be heard, with Shoji falling to the ground, electricity running through his body.

Everyone turns to Kaminari, "Dude, what the heck was that for?!" Mineta yells. Kaminari waves his hands, "Hey! that wasn't me!"

Suddenly, Mineta is hit with a bolt of blue electricity, and he too falls to the ground, "See?! it wasn't me!"

Tsu goes to speak, when she is suddenly drop kicked in the back of the head, knocking her out. The culprit is revealed to be Zara.

Kaminari, in a panic forgets that he has teammates in the crossfire and uses his quirk to attack Zara. The attack lands, doing nothing.

Kaminari is confused at why his attack did nothing but doesn't have to think too hard on it as he is knocked out with a chop to the neck.

"Now, onto bomb boy."

Zara's POV... Present...

I use my thermal vision to look around for bomb boy and eventually find him heading my way. I dash onto a nearby roof and wait.

Bakugo's POV...

I've been looking all over this damn place for that stupid extra. I head towards the sound of struggle and find my 'teammates' all down.

'Useless!' I look around before spotting the white haired extra on a nearby roof. I fire off a blast from my gauntlet at her.

When the smoke clears, she is nowhere to be seen. I look around before hearing a whistle behind me.

I turn around and set off an explosion, hitting nothing, "Stop moving you damn extra!" suddenly she stops moving. I use this chance to hit her with a fully charged gauntlet attack.

She doesn't move and takes the hit head on. I wait for the smoke to clear, and when it does, I can't believe my eyes.

Standing there, without a scratch, and glowing red eyes, is the white haired extra. Her clothes are all damaged, but still cover her up.

"My turn." In a moment, she is in front of me, hand outstretched. Before I can react, she grabs my face. I feel a shock, then darkness.

Zara's POV...

'That was disappointingly easy.' I think as I look down at myself and sigh, 'I should not have taken that hit head on. That was stupid of me.'

"Welp, time to go watch Kaida kick some ass."

Little did I know that my bandages were burned and falling apart, revealing my scar.

Kaida's POV...

I stand in the center of the faux city. I use my earth element to try and detect the group. I find them and fly up into the air.

I then fly over to them and begin my attack by launching {Ice Bombs} at them. Elbows tries to launch some tape at me which I dodge. I land and am almost immediately encased in ice.

I cast {Immolation Ring} and flash melt the ice, shocking the peppermint boy. I then decide to taunt them a bit, "Thats not how you freeze someone. This is!" I point my hand out behind me and freeze the invisible girl who was trying to sneak up on me.

The bird headed boy then sends his shadow creature at me, to which I respond with a {Blinding Light} causing the creature to retreat.

I somehow fail to notice the normal looking girl run up behind me. She slaps me across the back, and I find myself floating upwards.

"I got her!" She cheers. I chuckle at her positivity, before crushing it by using my wind element to propel myself at her, pinning her to the ground and hitting her with a dose of {Knock out breath}

I feel gravity return to me after she falls unconscious. I face the bird man as he tries to send his shadow at me again. I repel it by blasting it with a {light beam}

I then decide to take out the source and use {Knock out breath}, thus getting rid of the problem. Tape boy then hits me with a strand of tape and pulls himself towards me, fist extended. I grab his tape and yank on it, pulling him to me faster.

I grab him by the neck and again use my {Knock out breath}. I then turn towards my last opponent, "May I know your name before I beat you?" He doesn't respond, "Ah, well. I tried to be nice."

He then tries to launch a wave of ice at me, which I destroy using my {Immolation Ring} and change my arm into that of a dragon's.

I then punch him in the stomach, sending him flying into a nearby building. I fly over to check on him and find him unconscious.

"Ah, well. It's to be expected. Not many can keep up with me these days." I then walk back to the observation room, waiting for my results.

To be continued...