
MHA X Various

After being sent through a mysterious portal, Kaida Fujiryu is sent to the world of My Hero Academia. Soon after her arrival, Zara Malin is found inside of the USJ with Kaida. ---Will contain spoilers for my characters--- ---Some characters may not act like they're supposed to---

Joe_Clucks101 · Anime & Comics
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CH: 2/An offer

Tsukauchi's's POV

"So, according to All Might, you said you were brought to the USJ against your will, Is this true?" I ask Kaida.

"Yes, that is correct." Kaida says. Truth. I write something down on my notepad before turning to the white-haired teen, "You were also brought to the USJ unwillingly, correct?"

"Yeah, I was just sleeping after a long day, and woke up in the air falling to the ground." She says. Truth. I write something down before turning to Kaida again, "According to pro hero Eraser Head, you killed one of the villains involved in this attack, why?"

"Simple. That thing wasn't human or demi-human; therefore, it was a monster that needed to be slain." Truth. I turn the page on my notepad, "You do realize that what you did was against the law, right?"

Kaida suddenly looks confused, "Since when is slaying monsters a crime?" I pinch the bridge of my nose, before turning to the white-haired teen, "What about you? Why did you attack one of the UA students?"

She scoffs, "Thats easy. I was simply defending myself." Truth. I jot that down, "According to the results from the x-ray for the boy you attacked, he had multiple broken ribs. Luckily, none of them hit any vital organs."

"Little shit's lucky I didn't go full strength on him." Zara mutters. Truth. I stop writing for a moment, before asking, "You said your quirk was electrokinesis, right?" I ask.

"That is correct, my 'quirk' is electrokinesis." Lie? I decide to probe further, "Are you sure its electrokinesis? Not, I don't know, super strength?"

Zara begins to look visibly upset with me, "Would you like a demonstration?" She says threateningly.

"No, I would just like to know why you're not telling the full truth." I say. I glance at the suspiciously clean bandages on her arm, "I would also like to know why you have bandages on your arm."

Suddenly Zara's eyes flash a crimson color, "That is none of your business, detective." She says with venom.

I write her reaction down, "That will be all." I say as I stand up and leave the room before going into the observation room to talk with the others.

"What have we got on them?" I ask forensics, "Nothing noteworthy, except for their DNA samples, and the fact that they are not in any system." I urge the man to go on.

"The white haired one, Zara, her DNA is filled with some kind of virus which acts almost like a parasite." The lab technician says, "Elaborate."

"Her blood, instead of being the normal red, has this greenish tint to it, and the virus inside of her body has made modifications to it, changing her to suit its needs. How she is still alive, I have no idea." The tech explains.

"And the other one, Kaida? She doesn't even have human DNA! When we tested it, it came up with an error!"

"And the weirdest part? They don't even have quirks!" The tech finishes. I go to open my mouth, when I hear a thud, followed by a groan of pain, come from the interrogation room.

I look through the glass and see an armored figure on the floor with long white hair peeking out of their helmet. The two who were originally in there look at the newcomer, "Hey Alex."

The armored person takes a moment to get up, "Hey Kaida, Zara. That hurt." I rush out of the observation room and into the interrogation room, along with a few other officers.

The armored figure looks at us before looking at Kaida and Zara, "Care to explain why you two are in a police station?"

Kaida just sighs, "Its a long story." "I got time."

Later... Alexandria's POV...

"So, you all know each other?" The man dressed in a trench coat asks. I sigh, "Somehow, yes." The detective writes stuff down in his notebook.

"Alright, what's your name?" He asks me, "Alexandria Smith. I'm a ten-star mercenary." The detective writes something down, "Are you a part of any kind of group?"

"I am a part of the Ashburn kingdoms mercenary's guild." I answer, "Ok, I'm going to have to ask you to take the helmet off for me please."

I sigh and go to remove my helmet, "There, happy now?" The man nods, "Now, how old are you?" I snort at his question, "Don't you know its rude to ask a girl her age? But fine, I'll indulge you. I'm 21."

"Ok... Now, what's your quirk?" I try and think of where I've heard that term before, when Kaida uses her telepathy to talk to me, {Tell him its physical enhancement.}

"I can increase my strength to absurd levels." I reply. The man frowns a bit, "Are you sure it's not something else?"

"I'm sure." The man goes to open his mouth, when the door opens, revealing a large man in office attire, a homeless looking man, and a mouse? Bear? Thing? I don't know.

The mouse thing jumps off the homeless man's shoulder and into the chair across from us, "Hello! My name is Nezu, I'm the principal at UA high." All three of us blink in confusion, "Are you like a... Mouse? A bear? Sorry if I am being rude, I'm just curious."

Nezu chuckles and avoids the question, "I have an offer to make to you three..."

A week later... Izuku's POV...

After a week off, the school re-opened, a rumor started spreading around the school, saying that there were going to be new students in our class.

I sit down at my desk behind Kacchan and think, 'I wonder what the new students' quirks are. Are they nice? Or will they be like Kacchan? Maybe even like Todoroki...' I shiver at the thought of another Kacchan.

The door to the classroom opens and the room goes silent. Our teacher, Mr. Aizawa, steps into the room, "All right you brats, I'm sure you've all heard the rumors about you guys getting new classmates. Well, the rumors are true."

Mr. Aizawa turns towards the door, "You can come in now." We all look at the door as it opens, revealing three girls in the female UA uniform.

One has black hair, silver eyes, and dragon like features. The second one has advanced looking boots and white hair with orange eyes, which are looking around the room curiously. The third and final one also has white hair, but with yellow eyes that seem to be assessing everyone's capabilities.

"Go on and introduce yourselves. I'll be taking a nap." Says Mr. Aizawa, before curling up in his sleeping bag.

The three walk to the front of the room, the dragon girl starting, "My name is Kaida Fujiryu. Some of you may recognize me, from where I will not say."

The orange eyed girl goes next, "My name is Alexandria Smith. I hope we can all somewhat get along."

The yellow eyed girl reluctantly steps up, "My name is Zara Malin. Don't try anything with me, and I won't bother you."

The dragon girl, who seems to be in charge of their little group, steps up again, "Any questions?" I raise my hand almost immediately.

"Yes, you, with the dark green hair." I lower my hand and ask, "What are you guys' quirks?" Kaida taps her chin a few times, "I won't tell you the others' quirks, that is their job. I will tell you mine however."

Kaida holds out both of her hands, one morphing into a beastly claw, and the other holding a small flame, "My power is called Elemental Dragon. I can wield any elemental power and change my body parts into that of a dragon."

She demonstrates by changing the fire to a ball of water, then to a spikey rock, then to a small swirl of wind, before getting rid of it completely.

Her arm changes back to its normal form, her clothes not damaged. Alexandria then steps up to answer a question.

Kaminari raises his hand, "Yes Pikachu?" she says nonchalantly, "What happened to your arm?" That was when I noticed that her left forearm is mechanical.

"Ah, that. For personal reasons, I will not answer that. You can ask something else if you'd like." she says professionally.

Kaminari goes to speak again, but is interrupted by Iida, "How did you three get into UA so late? Last I checked, UA does not accept mid semester enrollments!"

Alexandria chuckles nervously and replies, "Principal Nezu saw potential in us, and decided to let us in. Anyways, onto the last question."

Zara then steps forward, "Ask your questions." She then points at Sero, "Yes elbows?" Sero looks slightly offended at her name for him, but asks his question anyways, "Are you single?"

The whole class goes deathly quiet, with Zara's mouth twitching in annoyance, "No, I am not single. I have a girlfriend."

Sero sighs in disappointment, and before anyone could ask any more questions, the bell rang, signaling it was time for All Mights class.

The locker rooms... Zara's POV...

'How long has it been since I've been to a proper school? I almost missed it...' I open my assigned locker and get my costume on, which consists of a baggy hoodie, sweatpants, a sheathe for my plasma knife, and my favorite sneakers.

As I am putting my hoodie on, a green haired girl looks over at me and notices my bandages, "What are the bandages for? Ribbit." I glare at her, "None of your business, frogger." I strap on my knife and exit the locker room.

Kaida's POV...

I was putting on my top, when a hear a melodic voice behind me, "Nice Tattoos!" I look over my shoulder, at the girl talking to me.

I see a pink skin and haired girl with yellow horns, "Thanks, but these are natural." I reply as I put on my top fully.

I then walk out of the locker room, Alex following me out while putting on her helmet.

Training ground gamma... Alexandria's POV...

"Alright young heroes!" All Might shouts, "Today, training will be a bit different. Instead of fighting one on one with each other, we will be doing a team battle!"

The class begins whispering to each other, "The battle will be conducted like this. One person will be chosen to be the villain. And five others will be chosen to be the heroes!"

All might calls Kaida, Zara, and I to the front, "I have chosen you three to be the villains! The rest of you will pick lots!"

The teams ended up being the peppermint, the plain looking girl, the bird dude, the floating gloves, and elbows against Kaida, and bomb boy, Pikachu, grape boy, the guy with six arms, and the frog against Zara, and green mop head, spikey red head, the girl with the earjacks, armored dude, and the scantily dressed girl are going against me. The rest are going to sit this fight out and train with each other.

"Group A will be going first!" I smirk under my helmet, 'Thats me. These suckers don't even know what's about to hit them.'

To be continued...