
MHA: A hunter in the world of heroes

They run and run and run, in order to get away from their family's clutches. until they can't run anymore and one of them ends up dead and the other in another world. How will Killua react to this new world and most importantly to his sister's sacrifice in order to save his life? He will meet new people, but will he be able to become the cheerful, mischievous teenager he once was, or will the darkness of reality will consume him? ***************************************** English is not my first language, so there might be a few mistakes.

EmeraldMoon · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

The entrance exam

At the crack of dawn, a young boy with silver hair that reflected the beautiful colors of the sky could be seen sitting on the beach cross-legged, in a lotus position meditating, while blue lightning danced all around him.

Today, after two whole weeks Killua would finally see some action, why? Because today was the entrance exam. He was certain he would pass both portions of the exam, even though it had barely been three months since he started studying for the written exam, which was his and Aizawa's biggest concern in the begging, after all, he learned how to read almost four months ago and he was still adjusting himself in this new world. However, he was a fast learner and Aizawa was a good teacher, a little bit of a pusher at times, but that only helped him learn faster. And fast did he learn, he finished with his studies a week after he moved in with Aizawa. Having nothing else to do - besides playing video games and watching anime that is - he indulged himself with intense training, not just nen training but also physical training. After all, he believed that both his physical and his nen abilities should be on equal ground. He didn't focus just one or the other, he focused on both keeping a perfect balance between the two.

For the past two weeks he had been coming to the beach every day, he came the earliest time of the mornings, specifically at two a.m., and left at the first sight of the rising sun. Now, normal people wouldn't be able to faction properly with training hours like this, but Killua is anything but normal, he only needs one hour of sleep. Of course, he can stay awake for multiple days too, without closing an eye, but he liked to sleep, even if it was just an hour; that was his normal.

Killua was also some kind of training addict if he had the chance to train all day he would. Now, why doesn't he have the chance to do so, you may ask… it's simple really, this beach was already occupied. Another good question would be, why not find another place to train? He had actually thought of the woods but there were even more people there. Homeless people, young couples that liked to mess around, college students that liked to party. As weird as it was, the woods were always filled with people. He could find an abandoned building, but they were too close to the city and the noise annoyed him. Don't get him wrong, he could just ignore it, but later in the day, he would find himself with a headache, something he would avoid.

Killua took a deep breath and open his eyes upon hearing voices coming close. It would seem like the other occupants arrived earlier today. Well one of them was here for almost an hour now, moving trash and training his body. It was funny how he never took notice of Killua. The boy was just way too focus on his training to do so. What was funnier though, was the fact that these two people haven't been caught yet. Let's go back to two weeks ago, on the first day our silver-haired protagonist came to the beach to train. His training was cut short – based on his opinion, not normal people's opinion – when a green-haired boy came to the beach alongside a blonde man. He then took a decision and stalk observe them, since they seemed rather interesting to him. The broccoli boy, as he liked to call him, was determined to push himself to the limit and become stronger to inherit one for all, as he came to know it. He didn't really know the specifics but it would seem that one for all, was the blonde man's quirk and he wanted to pass it down to broccoli boy, who needed a strong body, that is if he didn't want his limbs to explode from the sudden surge of power. What surprised him the most though was the blonde man, this scrawny, skeleton man was actually All Might, number one hero, and most importantly a humongous man, with a lot of muscle mass. How did he know this man's identity? Aura. The man had the same aura as All Might. Auras are different for everyone; they are unique for every living creature. So yeah, it was definitely the same man.

"Today he must be getting that quirk, I wonder what it is. It could be a muscle enhanced quirk or something like that. Though it's a pity he didn't get to train with his new power at all. That won't end good, for him…" Killua thought as he watched the two Silhouettes interacting. After a few minutes, he decided to go back home to get ready, after all, he didn't want to be late.

As he walked back home, his mind drifted off in the events that occurred two weeks ago. That's how long it had been since Killua and Aizawa completed 'their' mission on the underworld, and ever since that day they haven't heard from Setchi and the higher-ups about their plan. Well, Aizawa hadn't heard anything. Killua wouldn't be able to participate in the mission, either way, seeing how young he was and without his hero license, the only reason Aizawa agreed on his spying mission, even if it was for a day, was because he saw him in action and because he was already in the deep. Not to mention that only the two of them were aware of his 'mission'. Imagine how people would react in the knowledge that a pro hero let a teenager become a vigilante. In all honesty that pissed Killua, he was a part of this mission one way or another but he was forced out of it because of a hero license, he knew it wasn't Aizawa's fault and he didn't blame the man, but he was pissed. The best that Aizawa could do for him was to let him attend the meeting with him, under the excuse of 'teaching him strategy and planning' but even that was a big if.

He let a long sigh escape his lips. Ever since he came into this world, he became a little bit hot-headed, he could still be considered a calm person, but in comparison to how he used to be four-five months ago, he wasn't.

Killua: I'm home. He said hoping to get a reply, but he didn't. he walked into the kitchen and saw a note on the counter from Aizawa.

«I'm going to school early, there is breakfast in the fridge. Don't be late» Killua allowed a small almost invisible smile to be drawn in his face.


"Wow, this place is humongous" Killua thought as he was standing in front of the U.A. with his skateboard in his hand. As he started to walk towards the entrance, he saw the broccoli boy falling down face front, "Dude, you must have the worst luck possible…" Killua thought as he watched him falling, then he averted his eyes to a small figure before looking back to the broccoli boy, whom instead of hitting the ground he was now floating a few feet above it. "or maybe not" he completed his thought. He saw the small figure that happened to be a brown-haired girl, lifting him with her quirk. He let out another small sigh as he started walking once again and passed by them, without them ever noticing him.

Once he got inside, he went to the office to retrieve the exam information, he walked to the auditorium and found the seat with his number 1219, -which ironically was also his number on the second hunter exam-and sat down waiting for the first portion of the exam to begin.

After a few minutes a man with a frown on his face, silver – light gray hair, and a yellow mask walk in. introducing himself as Vlad King, gave instructions for the written test, which was easy, Killua finished within the hour but had to wait for the rest of the participants to finish. After the three hours that concluded the test was up, they gave them a thirty-minute break. Once they went back inside and sat down on their seats the lights turned off silencing all the conversations, now Infront of the participants stood a blonde guy with a hairstyle that seemed to empty a whole can of hair spray.

Hair spray guy: What's up UA Candidates, thanks for tuning in to me, your school DJ. Come on and let me hear ya! -He exclaimed with a rather enthusiastic voice, but unfortunately for him, he was met with silence- keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk all about how this practical exam's going to go down, okay? ARE YOU READY!? "Oh, fuck this, if Gon was here he would go crazy," Killua thought and a grin took place in his beautiful features.

Killua: YEAAH!!! -he yelled making every single person in the auditorium look at him- what? I felt bad for the guy; besides it helps with the stress. -Not that he was stressed, but he tried to encourage the rest of the examinees-

Hair spray guy: Yeah, this guy gets it. -Present mic says pointing at Killua with excitement- Like your application says today you Rockin boys and girls will be out there conduction two-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings, where you can also bring whatever you want with you to help you. Your joy my friends after I drop the mic here you'll head to your specified battle center. "That means I can keep my skateboard cool. I'm in battle center D this should be fun" Killua thought.

Hair spray guy: Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. "Hmm… it's like a video game and just like every video game, there has to be a secret point system. Well, this is a hero school, so it's probably help and rescue or something like that" Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!!

Four eyes: May I ask a question? Said a tall young male with glasses and blue hair. He picked his printout and presented it to everyone. On the printout, there are four types of Villains. If that is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We, examinees, are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes. "Jeez, that guy has a stick on his ass or what?" In addition, you over there with the curly hair -as he said that he pointed to the broccoli boy- You've been muttering this whole time. If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately! "Pleasure trip??? This guy worked his ass off to be here…"

Killua: Will you relax? The guy was probably about to explain before you interrupted him. And about broccoli boy over there… -"Broccoli boy?" the greenate though uncertain of how to feel about his new nickname- he's probably nervous not everyone can be calm and collected. Learn to have some patience and be more relaxed being this uptight will lead you to problems. Killua told him while looking at the pro hero – present mic, as he heard broccoli boy call him- his chin was on his hand and he looked rather bored and at the same time irritated with the four-eyed guy. On the other hand, the blue-haired teen stared at Killua with an expression filled with shock and embarrassment.

Hair spray guy: Okay, okay, let's calm down. Thank you, examinee, 7111 for pointing that out but as examinee 1219 said I was about to explain.

Four eyes: I see I apologize for the interruption. He said and then sat back down.

Present mic: It's okay. You see young listeners the fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guy's an obstacle, so to speak. There is one in every battle center – "So, they are the strongest" – an obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either. – "in other words, they want to test our reactions towards a powerful opponent, how will we react towards it and towards the rest of the examinees."- I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it. Finally, I'll give you listeners a present, our school motto!!! The great hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said... 'True heroism consists in being superior to the ills of life.' Plus Ultra!! Break a leg, everyone!! – "Eeeh? He just told them the secret point system. Hmm? Did they get the message I wonder?"-

While on the bus Killua thought over the exam orientation. "It's kinda disappointing, fighting robots doesn't Compare to real fighting. Besides people with mental quirks or quirks that aren't distractive, don't stand a chance to earn distraction points they can only count on rescue points, but will they figure out the secret system or will they focus on the robots ignoring the people? Furthermore, will some people are in need of help? These people after all are supposedly future heroes." he looked around the bus and watch as every student tried to think of a way to disable the robots with their quirks, there were a few people that had smug smiles. Most probably people with distractive quirks, these people most of the time end up failing.

As the examinees made their way towards their respected battle centers, they couldn't help but admire the sight in Infront of them. The battle centers were exact copies of actual cities, with traffic lights and shops. Not to mention their size and there were seven of them. At that moment all the examinees thought of the same thing "Just how much money does this school have???"

Present mic: Okay start. – Present mic's voice was heard as he gave the signal for the exam to begin. At the moment the doors cracked open, Killua run through the doors and started skating down the road- What's wrong? There are no countdowns in real fights!!! Run, Run. You're wasting your time here.

As Killua made his way through the city with his skateboard, he had countered plenty of robots, in the beginning, he used his Yo-yos and destroyed their heads, and as he started to get bored of that tactic, he picked his skateboard and made his way towards the roofs. Jumping from roof to robot, using lightning palm, electrocuting them, and jumping back to the roofs or the robots.

When he finally had enough of this never-ending cycle, he decided to just stop and skate around the city to see anyone who required help. He also had the chance to see plenty of unique quirks, a girl that could enlarge her hands, a black-haired boy that could hardened his body, a black-haired girl with the ability to change the size of objects.

As he was skating, he saw a purple-haired boy that was trying to lift a robot's upper body, seemingly there was another boy trapped under the robot. He made his way over to the two.

As he got closer to them, he jumped off his skateboard, and lifted the piece of metal with ease, freeing the other boy. While the purple-haired male helped him on his feet.

Robot boy: Thanks, guys.

Killua: No problem. Are you okay?

Robot boy: Yeah, luckily, I didn't get too hurt. Killua scanned the boy from head to toe, he seemed mostly fine, he had multiple bruises and cuts, but what was worrisome was his left leg. It seemed like he had broken it.

Purple hair: Can you walk?

Robot boy: I don't think so…

Killua: Come on, we need to find a cover, away from the battles. Unfortunately, you won't be able to continue the exam since your leg might be broken.

Robot boy: Yeah, I excepted as much.

They started walking towards a big building when the ground started to shake and the present mic's voice rang all around the city warning them that they now only had two minutes.

Purple hair: Damn it…

Killua: Not enough points?

Purple hair: … Yeah….

Robot boy: Yeah, me too

The shaking became even more tensed, and other examinees' loud voices could be heard from afar along with the distraction of the buildings.

Killua: I'm going to check if there is anyone that needs help over there, can you look after him?

Purple hair: Sure.

Killua: Thanks, man. He said as he ran towards the distraction. As he made his way over, he saw all the examinees running away. Fear visible in their eyes, he ran even faster than before, realizing that it was the zero pointers. As the robot came into his view, he also noticed a girl with blue hair in pigtails, she was running as fast as her little body allowed her, she was almost under the robot's foot, if she were to slow down, she would be crashed.

Without a second thought, lightning appeared around Killua, indulging him and becoming one with the lightning. 'Godspeed' he whispered and his eyes took a cold demeanor. In a matter of nanoseconds, he was beside the girl, he picked her up running far away from the robot and to the safety of an alley.

Pigtails: There is a boy stuck on the robot's waist. The girl told him while she was still held bridal style in his arms.

Killua: Seriously??? Why??

Pigtails: Either didn't realize the danger or he just wanted to seem cool.

Killua: Basically, he's an idiot… Quirk?

Pigtails: I can heal and enhanced my targets and myself… let me guess, superspeed?

Killua: Cool… electricity actually, here's the plan I'm gonna get us close. I'll distract the robot while you enhance your abilities and grab the idiot off of the robot.

Pigtails: Dangerous.

Killua: Don't worry, I've got a plan. He said and grinned at her, making the pigtails slightly blush. Emphasis on the Slightly.

As Killua run back to the robot, the girl activated her quirk. He threw her to the robot and hang onto it, beside her was the other boy, currently too freaked out to speak.

While she struggled to free him from his self-made safety belt, made by a spider web, Killua distracted the robot. Once free, the girl enhanced their abilities and jumped off of the robot, well, she jumped while the other guy was being pulled by her. seeing them off the robot, Killua jumped in the air and landed on the robot's head 'Thunderbolt' he said and a powerful thunderbolt descended from the sky and stroked the robot, Killua jumped off the robot and landed beside the girl and barely conscious boy. They watched as the thunderbolt became stronger eventually causing the zero pointer to explode. Killua sweatdropped, realizing that he might have used a little too much power. He looked around and saw few kids with a dumbfounded expression and mouths wide open.

Present mic: Times uuuup!!! He yelled in the microphone.

Pigtails: Y-you we-were really co-cool just now.

Killua: Thanks, you were too…

Pigtails: We-Wendy, Wendy Marvell.

Killua: Nice to meet ya Wendy, the name's Killua. He said looking her straight in her chestnut eyes, their eyes locked with each other's as she looked up at him and by instinct, she looked at his beautiful sapphire eyes.

[Meanwhile Monitor room]

Every single person in that room now had their eyes locked, on a silver-haired teenage boy. Throughout the whole test, this boy showed them incredible fighting skills and quirk control.

In the back of the room, a man with long black hair had a proudful smile on his face. A smile he rarely showed and when he did, it was only directed on his best of students, which their number could be count on the fingers of one hand.

While in the front of the room, there stood a confused skeleton man with blonde hair. He had obviously recognized the boy. He was glad that the boy looked healthy but he was baffled. He turned around and saw Aizawa looking at the screen where the boy could be seen with an almost invisible smile that yelled pride. Aizawa, noticing All Might's gaze, looks at him and whispers to him "later".

Of course, All Might wasn't the only one that recognized him. A specific dog, mouse, or a bear. Or whatever he was. Had recognized the boy as well, after all, he helped to the investigation of the missing boy. [Interesting, this year's First-year students are all very interesting. Especially those two. All Might's successor and the silver-haired hair boy.] Nezu thought as an evil grin adorned his face. [This is going to be rather fun]