
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Films
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158 Chs

Ch. 78 - Hydra's plot

[Years Ago]

"Mommy, where Doffy? I wanna play with him!" In a familiar orphanage where Doflamingo used to lived, a small blonde girl with a ponytail said to Agnes, who has been furiously biting on her finger nails.

Yesterday, not only they failed to capture Doflamingo, but he even killed himself, without allowing them to study his blood.

Although he seems normal to other people but from her eyes, she could see that Doflamingo's physical growth is very unusual. If they, the Hydra could get hold of his blood, then they could insert this to a bunch of kids to train them faster.

Normally, a child aged from 5 to 10 can't do any intense training as their body isn't suitable for that kind of training yet and not to mention, their minds aren't mature yet to study strategies and a bunch of adult knowledge.

But with Doflamingo's blood, they could make the children's body structure grow more faster, which would open to a possibility of training them vigorously even if they're just at the age of 5 or 10.

Unfortunately, they now lost this opportunity.

Not only that, but she's also gonna get punished because there's no way for Doflamingo to know that he's about to be captured, so the higher ups suspected that either Agnes betrayed them or his conversation about kidnapping Doflamingo must've heard by him.

"I should've catched him myself. They're too incompetent, they can't even catch a single kid!" Agnes scratched her head madly as the blonde girl earlier kept tugging her dress, trying to get her attention.

"Mommy, can I play with Dof-?" Before the girl could finish her sentence, Agnes snapped and slapped her in the face, making the girl fall on the ground with a reddened cheek.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Agnes yelled at her, making the blonde girl cry in tears.

Agnes almost can't stop herself from killing the little kid. And even if she did, she won't feel guilty like normal. After all, she has killed many kids in the past just so Hydra could grow well.

The other children immediately cried after seeing the blonde haired child crying. And just like a chain reaction, soon all the children in the orphanage are now balling their eyes out while some were unconsciously calling out for Doflamingo.


Not wanting to hear this anymore, Agnes was about to pull out a gun out of her desk when someone suddenly stopped her from doing so.

"Agnes, don't do it." A hand tapped her on the shoulder.

When Agnes turned to look, her previous irritated expression immediately changed to a respectful one.

"D-Director Pierce! Hail Hydra!" With a fanatical look, Agnes saluted their iconic salute.

"Hail Hydra!" Pierce responded and gave her a nod before looking at the crying children.

"We still have some use for them, we can't waste such high quality products. I'll have my men pick them up. We can't stay in this orphanage anymore, I'm afraid someone from the Government might come snooping in." Pierce said while Agnes nodded her head and packed her things while a few men in military suits immediately came in and brought the children to some white vans before leaving alongside Pierce and Agnes.



Doflamingo's eyes widened as he could vividly remember the faces of the hostages under the hand of the Mafia Heads.

Although they're all teens now, but there is still some similarities on their appearances between their looks when they're still a child and their faces now.

"B-brother Doffy." One of them raised her head as she looked at Doflamingo and hearing a familiar voice that she hasn't heard for a very long time, she muttered.

"Laura." Seeing her, Doflamingo instinctively muttered her name, according to what he atleast remembers.

"Oh? It seems like your memory isn't that bad. Then, do you remember this boy?" Carlo smirked and said before grabbing a handful of hair from the boy beside him.

"Matt." Doflamingo muttered before finally having enough.

"Even if you have their lives, aren't you afraid that you'll fail at this moment, you don't know our capabilities." Doflamingo said, which earned him a glare from Carlo but was soon replaced by a confident look.

"It doesn't matter, even if I failed. I already placed bombs each inside their bodies. And only I know where the remote control is. It is here." Carlo mocked them by pointing at his head, indicating that the location of the remote control for the bombs are inside his head.

"Torturing me isn't even a method. Because I have a Congenital insensitivity to pain and anhydrosis, if you're smart enough, you'll know that no matter what happens to me, I won't feel any pain!" Carlo said confidently, which also increases the confidence of the Mafia Heads around him who were already thinking that they'll fail in this. But hearing Carlo, they got their morale up.

Hearing Carlo's words, Doflamingo can't help but smirk and laugh.

Hearing Doflamingo's annoying laugh, Carlo can't help but point his gun at Doflamingo and yelled.

"What's so funny huh? Do you want me to blow her head off!?" He then pointed his gun at Laura, however, Doflamingo noticed that Laura didn't even flinched or got scared. Either she's a Hydra Agent that was decided to participate just to get to his emotions or she's gone through hell so much that being pointed by a gun doesn't waver her.

Seeing that this farce is taking too much time, Doflamingo glanced at Momentum.

When Momentum saw his glance, she immediately know what to do, so just by lifting a finger, a strong force suddenly pressured all the Mafia Heads, including Carlo.

"I-I can't move." A Mafia head muttered in fear as he tried his best to move but to no avail, he can't even move an inch.

"I knew this would happen so before coming here I already set the timer by 5 minutes and by wasting time earlier, there should only be a minute left. You lost, Doffy!" Carlo crazily shouted at him while spitting off blood from his mouth.

'Looking at this man's expression, I could tell that he holds a grudge from me. I don't even know who he is and even if he's my enemy, he should be dead, after all, I left no enemies of mine, alive.' Doflamingo said to himself as his inner thinking was disrupted by Momentum's voice.

"Empire State Building, 3rd floor, trash can near the bathroom just after you turn left. That's where the remote control is." Momentum said, and without hesitation, Doflamingo immediately formed a portal and left, under the enemies's shocked eyes.

What have they just gotten themselves into?


It didn't even last 10 seconds before Doflamingo came back with a remote control on his hand.

"Look who gets the last laugh." Seeing Carlo's despaired expression, Doflamingo twirled the remote control on his hand before clicking the turn off button right in front of Carlo's face, as if mocking him.

"H-how? This isn't according to the plan." Carlo despaired even more when he watch as the tables have turned their hostages earlier, including Ms. Honey was safely returned to Sanctuary.

'Although they used to be my friends in the orphanage, but there's no saying that they're brainwashed by Hydra and is now an undercover inside my family. I should definitely ask for Matilda's help for this later.' Doflamingo said to himself before shifting his focus towards the perpetrators of this event.

The pressure that Momentum placed on them has already been lifted, however even though it was already removed, they still didn't move in fear that they might do something wrong and be the lucky person to die under his hands.

"I'm very disappointed in all of you." Doflamingo shook his head and said, finally removing the mask on his face, shocking them except for Carlo, at this sudden reveal.

"K-Kingpin?!" They stuttered in shock and fear. If earlier some of them are still hoping to be spared, after all their enemies are heroes and they're sure that they would just be brought to prison. However, now knowing that it was actually the Kingpin under the mask, they know that their chances of living is already null.

And all of this because of Carlo!

If only they hadn't listened from the guy, then they're probably be at their own residences, minding their own businesses.

"Marko. I even thought that you're already changing for the better good and I'm even considering on making your family the main Family in New York but it looks like you failed me." Doflamingo called out to Marko who turned his attention to him, after thinking about his past actions.

When Marko heard his words, he bit on his lip in regret. He was too arrogant for his own good. Thinking that he'd be able to lead his family to glory but it turns out, he's already leading them to doom right from the start.

"Anyways, I have no used of you guys anymore. Even if this might affect the Underworld greatly, but I'll be able to find a solution for that. Any last words?"

As Doflamingo asked them for their last words, all of their words are either to spare them or they were wrong.

However, Carlo's words are different than them.

"This isn't over...." Carlo's bloodshot eyes then snapped at Doflamingo before continuing.

"I will get my revenge!"

"I'll be waiting then." Doflamingo didn't mind his last words before killing him instantly. There's no use torturing him, after all, he doesn't feel any pain anyways, so it's just a waste of time.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.