
MCU: The Heavenly Yaksha (A Non-Harem FanFic)

Tom was your normal average unemployed guy, whose life completely changed due to a sudden survey. Watch as he rises as a great man known as The Heavenly Yaksha in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. |-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_| -This is my 3rd book so please be gentle with me. -English is not my first language. -Leave some honest reviews, please. -There will be some random movies added in that won't interfere too much on the MCU plot, so beware. My update schedule will be 5 chapters a week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Tags: -NoHarem -SlightlyStrongMC -SlightRomance -SlowPaced You can visit my Patreon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. www.patreon.com/SlimeSage *Cover is not mine, I just found it in Pinterest.* *I only own my OC*

SlimeSage · Movies
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158 Chs

Ch. 77 - The Hostages

As the explosions killed some of them while only 2 were left alive but was fatally injured, they probably wouldn't survive even if they were rushed in a hospital.

"A card that explodes?" A scared citizen muttered in shock as he turned to look at the perpetrator of this.

He saw that it was an unfamiliar person but the posture and body shape, he could tell that this masked man is a man.

Then there is also that mask. He's a huge fan of DC comics so he could tell that the mask of this man is very similar to Rorschach's mask.

"A new superhero? But he's too brutal." A woman commented as she almost vomited her breakfast this morning when she saw a flying arm landing in front of her.

While the nearby citizens were either vomiting or felt disgusted by what they saw, the Shield were doing everything they can do diminish the casualties by sending in their best agents to stop the armed men from increasing the death rate in this day.


"What do you mean by you can't call Doflamingo? He's the Kingpin and all of these guys are under his control!" Nick Fury, the current Director of Shield scratched his bald head like how he scratch his balls every morning, as he cursed after.

"Fucker! I know that man, he wouldn't do this. It must be a betrayal. I knew this would've happen." Nick Fury massaged his temples before ordering a bunch of Level 3 to Level 5 Agents to immediately cover the entire city and prioritize the citizen's safety first.

Meanwhile, Nick himself will call the Council to request for reinforcements and also to inform of them about the situation. This isn't some trivial matter that could be solved by Shield alone.


Meanwhile, both Momentum and The Gambit kept on circling around the city, unleashing their supernatural abilities to protect the citizens and the city itself.

Momentum was already known throughout the city however, the citizens were confused by The Gambit's appearance as this is the first time they saw him and in their eyes, Gambit is more brutal than Momentum but his actions are very fast as he could literally cross 2 miles in just a second.

The citizens doesn't know how he did it, but what's important is that he's very efficient as he could save more people than usual.

Thanks to Doflamingo introducing himself wherever he goes, the citizens finally calls him, Gambit.

Right now, Gambit has recently arrived at a nearby warehouse, Momentum was already there, however she hasn't entered yet as she heard from Alice that a new superhero has appeared and it is Doflamingo in disguise.

"Doffy!" Seeing Doflamingo appear in his disguise, Momentum waved her hand at him. As for how she knew that it was him? Thanks to Alice for showing her the appearance of the Gambit.

"Call me Gambit." The Gambit said to her as he arrived at her location. Although there are no cameras or anything that could hear them, Doflamingo is still cautious as ever. Who wouldn't be? This is the Marvel World for Pete's sake!

"Oh right, sorry. Anyways, you look cool." Momentum apologized before giving him a thumbs up and complimented his looks.

"Thanks. Anyways, why didn't you go in first?" Doflamingo thanked her and asked in return.

"Oh, yeah. I heard about you from Alice and decided to wait for you so we could both go in together. You know, like Batman and Robin." Momentum smiled and said, while elbowing his ribs playfully.

"Okay, sure. But you'll be the Robin. So follow my lead." Doflamingo replied monotonously before using his observation Haki to sense the things inside the warehouse. There are atleast 80 to 100 armed men inside, all of them are fully armed with machine guns and bombs with them.

"Looks like they're going all out." Doflamingo muttered as he decided to barge in the front gate because why not? This'll also show those who will attempt in the future that wrecking havoc in New York isn't a good idea.

Being the center of almost all the conflicts in Marvel, New York is like a place where Hell would just appear and rise all of a sudden without any warnings.

"So, what's the plan?" Momentum asked him, she used her telepathy to sense how many lifeforms are inside the warehouse. However, it is not as accurate as Doflamingo's Observation Haki since she can't differentiate whether the lifeform that is covered by her telepathic senses is a human or not.

So, in her senses, there is atleast 200 lifeforms inside, and that includes the rats and such.

Luckily, there is still a difference between a human mind and a non human. A Human mind has the ability to form words in language while the non human forms like rat and such can only form images in their minds but not words of languages.

Hearing Momentum's question, the Gambit glanced at her before turning his eyes back at the front gate of the warehouse.

"Plan? Easy, we kill them all. And by the way, make sure the hostages are safe." The Gambit said before smashing the front gate and entered without hesitation, followed by Momentum who tried to catch up with his speed, which is theoretically impossible unless Doflamingo holds back.

Back to the topic. Earlier, when Doflamingo used his observation Haki, he already sensed atleast 5 lifeforms without holding a weapon or anything dangerous, in fact, all of them are tied up to a chair with thick cloth in their mouths, preventing them from shouting for help.


"Are you sure about this. What if our plan failed?" Marko worriedly said to Carlo, as he fidgeted around. He has a gut that this plan will fail, due to Carlo underestimating Momentum.

"Don't worry, friend. I got everything covered. I already have my men stationed around the warehouse, as long as they say a word that Momentum and the Kingpin is near, then that's where we'll strike at them!" Carlo confidently said, without showing any signs of nervousness or weaknesses, making Marko sigh in relief.

This is basic human nature. Like how a baby cries when another baby cries besides him/her. Similar to that is this situation. Due to Carlo's overflowing confidence, which eases the other party's emotions and strengthens their confidence depending on how high your confidence is at the start.

As the both of them along with the other Mafia Heads are drinking alcohol and wines, the front door was suddenly bombed open, forming a cloud of dust in the front.

Meanwhile, the armed men already got into their positions and blindly started firing at the front, covered in clouds of dust.

*Bang!* x1000!

As their magazines were emptied, they stopped moving and stared at the clearing cloud of dust.

"Is she dead?" A person asked, raising a red flag as someone suddenly flew outside the cloud of dusts, holding triple cards between his fingers, all of the cards are Joker.

These three cards suddenly flew out of his hand and before the men could react, the cards have already reached in the middle of them before exploding.

*BOOM!* x3

Each cards are in different positions but all of them are in the middle of the armed men, so the moment it exploded, it immediately took atleast 20 to 30 men while injuring the nearby men in the process.

"What the fuck!" A man clenched his fists as he saw his mens and friends, dying in front of him like chickens being slaughtered.

"I'll kill you!" The man dropped the gun on his hand before replacing it with a small kukri knife and tried to get close to the Gambit.

"Too slow." The Gambit said before countering the man by dodging to the side and redirected his shoulder which is the shoulder where his hand is holding the knife before using the man's momentum to stab himself with his own knife.

Seeing their leader dying, the armed men stepped back as they realized that they're not fighting the superhero Momentum! But instead, it was someone else that they haven't heard of.

"Y-you! Who are you?" A brave man asked while pointing his gun at him.

"You're worst nightmare." As soon as the brave man asked, the Gambit didn't hesitate to reply before grabbing 6 more cards, 3 cards on each hand before flicking them towards the armed men.

"Run!" Seeing the familiar cards, they didn't hesitate to drop their guns and immediately tried to run away. However, too bad for them, the Gambit isn't someone who let go of his prey easily.

"Where are you guys going? The dance is still not over." The Gambit tilted his head before throwing each card with perfect accuracy, each landing right exactly at the middle of the crowded men, as if the Gambit is predicting their moves and where the card is supposed to land.

"Goodnight." The Gambit smiled before the explosions took off, killing almost all the men, except for a few but fatally injured, they would probably die after a few minutes because of how large their injuries are and their bloods are gushing out like a wave.

"You didn't even left me one alive." Finally arriving, Momentum stared dumbfoundedly at the dead bodies and large potholes on the ground.

"Sorry 'bout that. Got too excited." The Gambit shrugs his shoulders before turning to look at the railings up above their heads.

"Nobody move or I'll blow this woman's head off!" Carlo and Marko, along with the other Mafia Heads came walking slowly while each of them having a hostage in their hands.

However, the hostage in Carlo's hands seems to be familiar to the Gambit and Momentum.

"Mother!" Momentum yelled in panic, as she realized that her mother, Honey was being held hostage.

The Gambit also glared at the man, while using his head to analyze on how they've gotten onto her, he already had Matilda placing a few cameras in Ms. Honey's home without her knowing except for him and Matilda.

The question is how did they get to her without Matilda or him knowing.

"Yes, that's right. Oh, and remember this guys?" Carlo grinned madly and said while pointing his pistol at the other hostages. Some were male while the others are female.

Looking at the condition of their bodies, Doflamingo could tell that they were tortured and experimented on.

"You don't remember? Well, I'll help you. The Orphanage!" Carlo cackled madly as he revealed, making Doflamingo widen his eyes.


You can visit my p@treon to read 10 advance chapters and if you want to support me. (www.p@treon.com/SlimeSage) don't forget to change @ to a.