
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Daniel's Affinity

"Ha! Ha! You are the first among all juniors to praise me so freely and without fear! Say! I am mot scary?" Rosina has a playful smile on her face.

'Bitch leave me alone! It was just a gesture!' Daniel cussed in his heart but put up a respectable expression on his face, "All the words have truly come from my heart senior Rosina. If senior thinks I am joking then I will accept any punishment"

Rosina put up a smile and said, "Cunning fellow! Keep away your praise. Whether you can become my junior is not confirmed yet."

Then she pointed at one device, "Go to that crystal ball and put your hand on it"

'So this girl becomes happy when praised! No wonder that geezer is pushing praises at every breath' Daniel picked up an important point while approaching the crystal device.

After taking a deep breath he placed his hand on the crystal ball.

The next second, warm pleasant energy passed through his hand into the body. Before Daniel could observe any changes the energy is withdrawn from the body.

Following a lot of flickering a number '41%' appeared on the crystal ball. This surprised Daniel a little.

When '41%' appeared on the crystal ball, Senior Rosina showed a satisfying look while the old fellow showed deep envy.

'So my affinity towards Qi is not bad! I guess!' Daniel could confirm where he stands from their expression.

"What are you dreaming about, check his Mental affinity quickly" Rosina cussed the old fellow who is lost in his thoughts.

Snapping out of daydreaming, he pushed Daniel in front of a metal pillar which is engraved with millions of weird symbols.

"Junior! Observe the pillar until you feel like losing consciousness but be careful if you force too much you might become an Idiot" The old guy had an entirely different attitude this time.

Daniel could guess the reason for this sharp change.

When the machine started, the gibberish words on the pillar seem to come alive. Only a couple of minutes and Daniel felt his thoughts becoming slower and slower.

Over time his head became heavier as if the lead is poured into it. Finally, he felt his eyelids are becoming heavy and a sense of drowsiness came along.

Although symptoms are making him very uncomfortable they are nowhere near toppling his will.

'This must be the limit a teenager could bear! I better not be too much amazing' Daniel doesn't want to attract unnecessary attention, so played an actor and stepped out of the testing area.

Like before a number '5.2' appeared on top of the pillar.

Seeing the number Rosina looked happy, "Little fellow! Very good! With your 'Fourth grade Qi affinity' and 'Fifth grade Mental affinity' you can be considered to have good qualifications in the entire younger generation. Anyway let's see if you have awakened any special bloodline"

This time Daniel is led to an array circle that looked like a teleportation device and was asked to stand on it.

"You have to be very careful this time! At any point, if you find the pain unbearable, shout out loud and don't be shy' Old fellow cautioned Daniel with a serious face and went to start the equipment.

With a lot of dazzling golden lights the equipment underneath started with a sweet hum.

'Is this a gravity!? When is it so easy to create artificial gravity!?' Within a few seconds, Daniel felt the weight of his body increasing.

Initially, he was able to support himself very easily but within minutes his feet started wobbling under his own weight.

At some point, a mild pain started from the internal organs and the heart started beating fast.

After five minutes bones started creaking and his vision started to blur as the oxygen supply to the brain dwindled.

"Stop! It's the limit!" Daniel has always kept some spare strength to avoid any delayed response but it was unnecessary as the old guy turned off the equipment immediately.

Like last time new data appeared on the tablet beside the gravity device.

Strength: 0.8

Muscle Density: 0.6

Nerve Reflex: 1.1

Stamina: 0.6

[Scaled by taking attributes of adult male as '1']

'The equipment is good! It's actually showing my physical attributes to decimal points!' Daniel is a little surprised by this equipment

'If I can get my hands on all equipment preset here, wouldn't I be able to keep the measurement of my progress more accurately' Daniel is imagining a smartwatch-like device to digitize his physical and mental attributes accurately.

Rosina is a little disappointed with the attributes, "Well! It appears you don't have any special bloodline! It's not a surprise though. It's very rare for general families to produce awakened bloodline."

Then she turned to Daniel and said, "Your physical parameters are alright in general terms. But if you want to be on the top you need to work very hard. Do you understand?"

"Thank you for the advice senior!" Daniel gave his thanks

After a moment of thought, she said, "Although you have no special qualifications. You have a high mental affinity! So it can be considered you have enough qualifications to be in my team"

Daniel knew what was coming from the very start so he was weighing in the pros and cons of joining this girl's team. He is also thinking of ways to deal with repercussions in case of denial. But his thoughts were redundant at this time.

"I know you will be shocked because of happiness but don't celebrate too early. Aptitude aside! Only strong people are allowed to join my team" Rosina went ahead without hearing the answer from Daniel.

'Is she guessing my thoughts? Well! It is normal for girls at this stage to think they have everything under control' Although Daniel is shaking his head in his heart. He is happy to not answer such a question.

"I will give you four months! In this time you must enter the 'Refining Realm' and become a true cultivator. I will send someone to check on your progress after four months. If you succeed then I will allow you to join my team" Rosina gave a mandatory task to Daniel without even asking.

Daniel heaved a sigh of relief in his heart but put up a determined expression to satisfy someone's ego.

Rosina nodded her head when she saw the expression on the junior's face.

For some reason, she found this little guy in red hair very interesting from the moment she saw him.

As time passed her intuition is telling her that this guy is somewhat special.

This intuition is her deep secret and it helped her and her family many times. So she decided long before the test to take the guy under her wing.

But the guy's results exceeded her expectations. Even her own mental affinity is Fifth grade and she is considered very talented even in her family.

If her affinity towards 'Qi' is not the peak of Fifth grade then she would have trouble even asking him to work under her.

Now that she knows where he stands, she decided to give him a difficult task. Based on his performance she will decide his future position.

The old fellow called the staff lady at the corridor this time.

"Junior Daniel! She will take you to the registration area and have you arrange a good residence in the outer courtyard. I want to arrange some servants but rules are strict, only Inner disciples are allowed to have handyman slaves" Old geezer said this with respect

"Alright! You can leave now. In a few days 'Mantra' for 'Refining Realm' will be delivered to everyone. The language used in it is very complex so you better understand it thoroughly before practicing it. Otherwise, all your meridians will burst" Rosina gave some valuable information this time.

"Thank you senior for your advice!" Daniel thanked her for this with a bit more heart.

Giving a fist salute to both he exited the room with the staff girl.

After passing by the central corridor Daniel is taken to a desk where residencies are allocated.

"Is this another recruit, which grade of residence is allocated to him?" A young fellow behind the desk asked the staff girl.

"Senior, the order is to allocate a high-grade residence for this fellow" The staff lady gave a response

The young fellow is surprised because this time more than five high-grade residence buildings are allocated. This is rare because only those with excellent talents for cultivation were given this type of treatment.

Before three boys and two girls had the special treatment and Daniel became the sixth.

The guy asked for the details of Daniel and scribbled something onto the device. After a couple of minutes, it spat out a palm-sized metal plate.

Then he fetched things around the room and put them on the table.

On the table, there is a rectangular metal plank, a fist-sized circular stone with a key symbol on it, two green robes, a rule book, and some accessories.

'I guess there is no such thing as a Space bag here! I will inquire later whether higher realm people have such equipment' Daniel is a little disappointed after looking through all the things present here.

The guy took the things one by one and started explaining, "This rectangular plank is your identity token and your credit record. You will only be able to use it after entering the 'refining realm'"

Then the guy picked the circular rock, "This token is the key to your residency. There is also a map on the back. The rule book must be read very thoroughly. The rest you can find them by yourself"

Daniel picked them all in a bag and left the building after asking for directions.

It was already dark when he found the residence marked on the map. The area is a bit deserted with no residence within fifty meters. From the lights, all the three residencies in the vicinity seemed occupied.

Opening the array shield with the token Daniel went in to check his new home.

As the door opened, the darkroom immediately turned bright. At every corner of the house, the lamps lit up automatically when Daniel entered the house, "Arrays are really magical! I will study them later when I have time"

Daniel placed his belongings down and inspected the place in which he was going to live for several years.

The residence is neither small nor is big. The rooms are divided into a hall, bedroom, meditation room, washroom, and kitchen.

There is even a well in the backyard for water supply. The space in the backyard is wide enough to practice martial arts freely.

"The environment is not bad" Daniel sat on the chair present in the living room and took out the things given to him from the bag.

After sorting out all the things and arranging the rest. He cleaned up himself near the well.

Returning to the room Daniel put on the loose robes he brought from the home and went to sleep.

That night Daniel took his first deep sleep since coming to this world.

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