
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

New ‘Friend’

The next morning after fresh up, Daniel went out to look for food.

Just as he passed by the next door, a Black-haired person happened to walk out of the door.

When the person saw the red-haired Daniel he became enthusiastic, "Hello! Are you new to the neighborhood? I am Bell."

"Hello! I am Daniel! Are you also new here?" Daniel met Bell halfway and introduced himself.

The easy-going attitude of Daniel made Bell happy.

Daniel played like this because he wanted to avoid making new enemies for unnecessary reasons. Also being in a new place became an added factor.

"I came here last week with a group. Upon inquiry, we were told to wait until all the new cultivators like us arrive." Bell told his situation unhesitatingly.

'So cultivation talents from the entire province are gathered here, Daniel could guess the reason for the delay in teaching, "Do you know how to get to the Dining Hall?"

"Are you looking for food? Do you have money?" Bell asked with an eager look.

"Why do you ask such a question?" Daniel doesn't like someone prying in on his financial details, ever.

Bell is from a normal family and he knows how difficult it is to make friends with people from true martial families and fallen families.

So to avoid any misunderstanding he explained, "Brother Daniel! The food in the dining hall is free because it is normal food only enough for sustaining. However, there are restaurants run by some disciples under the protection of Deacons or Inner Disciples. There we can get monster meat, medical wine, and many good things but all those things cost money. So I wanted to ask whether you are looking for a big meal?"

Daniel thought for a second and replied, "Never mind the restaurant! Just tell me the way to Dining hall"

"Dining hall is at the east and mostly new cultivators like us go there. The older disciples have enough money so they prefer food with high nutritional value" Bell led the way as he explained the situation.

After some time they reached a huge building named Dining Hall.

There are more than a hundred people like them who are either lined up or were eating on the benches.

Both waited for their turn and then went to a corner to finish their meal.

White bread, soup, and meat are alright for Daniel. Considering normal people in this world can eat white bread only on special occasions.

Though the meal tastes good the nutrition in it is not enough for a Martial Artist. If they were to consume this food regularly then forget about development their cultivation realm will regress instead.

'No wonder there are no Martial Artists are here!' Daniel thought while ignoring the chattering Bell.

"I am from the city 'Red Hill' on the south side! Where are you from?" Bell continued his questioning during the entire meal.

"I am from 'white Town' at the Westside of the province." Daniel wanted to keep Bill at an arm's length so he answered some unimportant questions.

"I have 'Fifth-grade Qi and Fourth-grade Mental affinity'! What about you?" Bell is very eager to know the qualifications of this neighbor.

"How are the affinity standards for the people joining in this year?" Daniel turned a deaf ear to Bell's question and there are reasons for that.

First of Bell is a nobody, Secondly, he does not feel happy bragging about his talent in front of kids and most importantly he doesn't know his true talent yet. The test results are not his true limits.

'There will definitely be discrepancies as the cultivation progresses in the future. So I better keep my qualifications a secret during the initial period.' Daniel had many reasons not to answer such a question.

Although Bell felt a little regret he did not continue pushing for an answer.

'He was also given a separate house like me! So he must have good qualifications! Never mind! I will be around him for decades so it will be only a matter of time before I will know about it' Bell just nodded in his heart for he has the patience to wait.

"I heard about a thousand people are joining this year. Most of them have second-grade qualifications. About two hundred have third-grade qualifications and less than fifty have fourth-grade affinity in both Qi and Mental. Both of us are in the last elite group" Bell showed a proud smile when he mentioned this.

Bell really did not sit still in the last few days.

"What about the Fifth-grade qualification?" Daniel is more interested in knowing about them. As they are the only people who can compete with him.

Bell leaned closer and said, "It is said there are about five people like that. But I know only two people who got Fifth-grade affinity in both body and mind. One is the girl who has a Phoenix bloodline and the other is a boy with a Black Sparrow bloodline. Both are from big families and are taken into Inner court directly by the sect master"

'Bloodlines! An interesting term! I will get in touch with them later! For now, let's focus on things at hand' Daniel is thinking of future plans as he completed his lunch.

After lunch, Daniel wanted to say goodbye but Bell stuck to him even when he reached the home. Only under the premise of meeting at dinner did he leave.

That evening at tea break, Daniel thought of his friend Lloyd, Acquaintances, and Enemies.

'I will know about them sooner or later so why bother' After shaking his head Daniel continued enjoying his tea.


Five days have passed since Daniel came to the new house.

During this time Lloyd did come to see him. The news is good, Lloyd has Third-grade qualifications and is considered top in that cadre.

But there is still an insurmountable gap between him and a genius so he is given a dormitory. The dormitory looks like an apartment and is located to the west of Daniels's residency.

Since the distance is long the meeting only takes place during lunch.

For five days news about freshers came every day and the total number joining this year crossed thousand.

Daniel is not in leisure, the entire time he is pushing his body to the limits by doing heavy workouts. He is also trying to find ways to get monster meat.

"So, if I win! I can stay in this house for three months right!" Lloyd is holding on to a wooden sword and is ready to strike at any time.

Daniel on the opposite side is also ready with a wooden stick, "If you win, yes! But if you lose then you have to work for me for three months like before!"

Lloyd replied to the question with a fast blade strike. Daniel has the highest attributes in his reflexes so he easily dodged the strike while counterattacking.

Lloyd took the strike head-on for he is physically stronger than Daniel.

This way Daniel played using advantage in his speed and reflexes while Lloyd played taking advantage of his physical strength.

After a few minutes, both got tired a little.

"Well! You improved so much! It is really a surprise to me! That being the case I will go all out to defeat you! Be ready!" Lloyd admitted his surprise but he is not willing to settle for a tie.

Daniel is also not looking for a tie. So he decided to use all the skills he learned previously to take down Lloyd.

Lloyd took a fast step towards Daniel and brought the blade towards Daniels's heart at a tricky angle.

But Daniel skipped the blade and put his blade on the Lloyd's neck ending the game very fast.

"How did you do it? That strike is very tricky even for my father! He told me I would be invincible among the younger generation who have not cultivated!" Lloyd started doubting his strike.

"Don't overthink it! It was just a fluke! I am also really surprised that I was able to dodge that!" Daniel obviously will not admit he has many ways to counter that strike.

"That's right! It must be a lucky dodge! We must play again to determine the winner!" Lloyd also did not believe Daniel is skilled enough to dodge his strike with his skill. Because he played against him many times and he knows that, they are pretty much equal in their strength.

"Not now! Maybe next time! But don't forget your promise. For the next three months, you will complete the chores I threw at you" Daniel is not interested in immediate bout because he is looking forward to another bet.

Lloyd's face turned ugly but he still agreed, "Fine! I will do your chores! But remember I will not show any mercy when we fight the next time!"

After a few more words with Daniel, Lloyd returned to his dormitory in fighting spirit.

'Are you going to practice more to win me!?' Daniel gently shook his head with a smile.

Putting down his sword Daniel went to take a bath and freshen up a little.

Right when tea is getting ready, a heavy knock came from the door.

"Brother Daniel! Are you there! Open the door quickly!" Bell hurried voice came from the outside.

Daniel could already guess why he is here.

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