
Martial Ascension

A scientist who is nearing his end of life works on a dangerous experiment to extend his life. The experiment fails to extend his life but it will send his soul to a world filled with extraordinary powers. See how Daniel uses his advantages and wits to gain strength in the Martial World. [Poster belongs to the designer and it's credit goes to him]

Dark_Castle · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Senior Rosina

By the early evening, the carriages traveling at full speed reached a prosperous town.

"This is the town established by the family members of the sect. The people mostly here either have no cultivation talents or they have less hope for further cultivation. Being hopeless but not wanting to enter the secular world made them establish such a town" Jimmy gave the introduction without asking because the girl Lily is present.

"Brother Jimmy! You are knowledgeable about many things!" Lily showed her admiration towards jimmy.

'No one can compete with me on information gathering! I will keep this generation at my fingertips after spying on their strength and weaknesses 'Sweet smile on her face made Jimmy very proud of himself.

The lineup went past the small town and entered the wider roads leading to the main entrance of the sect.

The entrance of the sect is actually a suspension bridge covered entirely in fog. People can only see a general outline of the bridge when they are very close to it.

The huge suspension bridge is big enough to hold ten thousand people at a time.

From the bird's eye view, Heaven and Earth are separated by a pitch-black abyss. And the only thing connecting both sides is the suspension bridge made out of silver metal and white stone.

On both ends of the bridge are weird sculptures over thirty meters long. They seem to come alive at any time if you look closely.

'The bridge is stable as a mountain' Daniel did not feel any vibrations when the carriages are passing the bridge.

"All of you get off! We have to walk from here", Senior Jeff's call is heard after they passed the bridge.

Daniel and other juniors got off the carriage and followed senior Jeff silently. However, the security personal went with the carriages and didn't follow them.

While they are rushing towards the Administration Building the surroundings became more and more crowded.

There are people of different shapes and sizes who crossed their paths in just a few minutes. Some are fat, some thin but many are handsome.

Most of the men and beautiful women who are wearing Green Robes rushed past them after taking a casual look at their faces.

But all the Green Robes who came very close gave a salute to both seniors and moved away from their path.

Senior Jeff just gave a casual nod and bypassed them without giving a second look.

This show went on for more than an hour before calming down.

In front of the group is a six-floor building beautifully carved out of greenstone. And it read 'Administrative Building of Outer Sect' in bold letter. There are hundreds of people going in and out of the building every second.

Going in with the rush, the new faces finally tuned to a corner where an old guy in Green robes is sleeping.

Hearing the footsteps the old guy slowly opened his eyes, only to see senior Jeff leading the group. He immediately woke up to receive them.

"Good evening! Senior Jeff! Senior Steve! Are there any instructions for this junior?" A white-haired old guy giving a salute and calling younger Jeff senior really surprised all the new faces.

In a world where strength is supreme, it is a common practice for lower realm people to call higher realm people seniors. This goes irrespective of their ages.

Jeff just nodded at him and pointed to the group, "These are the new recruits we picked from all over the western side of the province. Check their affinity more accurately and provide them accommodation with other things"

"Senior Jeff! I will do as you instructed!" Old fellow readily agreed.

"If you find any person with Fifth-grade affinity for both 'Qi' and 'Soul', then report to me first" Jeff didn't want the credit given for recruiting geniuses stolen by others.

"Yes! Yes! I would never dare cross you" Old Fellow nodded his head like a chicken pecking the rice.

Jeff was about to leave after giving instructions but he stopped when he saw someone approaching this corner.

It's actually a flat chest girl with rose-colored hair and she is wearing an orange-colored robe. When she passed by, all the Green robes gave the way and offered a greeting.

"A very good evening to Senior Rosina." the old Fellow also gave a salute when she came here.

Not everyone is happy after seeing her here. Senior Jeff and Senior Steve's faces turned ugly the second they saw the girl's face.

"Rosina! What are you doing here!?" Both Jeff and Steve asked together in a high-pitched tone.

Rosina ignored their ugly faces and said with a sweet smile, "Good Evening brothers! I am here to take over the task of recruiting juniors. So please leave here and kindly visit the Deacon of the Inner hall immediately"

Both are shocked at a time. You should know they spent more than three months completing this task.

"What nonsense are you spouting!? We obviously completed the task that was assigned to us. Why should we hand it over to you and take a new task?" Jeff raised his voice and asked in anger.

Rosina snickered at them and said, "Brothers! Your task was changed at the very last minute. So you missed the update. By the time staff went to inform you, both have already left. Anyway, thank you for helping me in completing the task. You can leave now if you have nothing else to say"

With every sentence of her Jeff's anger peaked again and again.

"Bitch! You pulled some strings didn't you?" Jeff completely let go of all reservations.

This put a lot of pressure on the juniors and surrounding people.

Daniel had already expected this result so he sneaked to a safe corner by the time the argument began.

An equal or more superior pressure was released from Rosina who took head-on confrontation. She put away her smile and said in a cold voice, "Brother Jeff you better watch your mouth or otherwise I wouldn't mind closing it permanently"

When the fight was about to break out Steve finally stepped in. He went close to Jeff and said in a low voice, "Jeff this is not the place or time for a fight. I suspect she came prepared for conflict. If you take the first strike then someone will definitely come to suppress us."

"So, we have to swallow this humiliation? And let her go?" Jeff asked while suppressing his anger.

Steve looked at Jeff and said, "Remember if we got caught after initiating the fight then our families will have to pay heavy compensation to get out of this mess. So let's postpone the revenge for now"

When Jeff heard the words of Steve and looked at the cunning smile on Rosina's face his thoughts became a little clear.

"This matter isn't over yet" Jeff left with his friend after throwing those cold words at Rosina.

Looking at their backs, Rosina showed a disappointed look for a few moments. Then she turned her attention to the new faces.

Rosina took a scan at everyone in the group but Daniel felt her gaze stay on him a little longer.

"Old geezer check their affinities immediately and if you hide anything from me, then you will end in a place where birds won't shit" Rosina threatened the old fellow not to pull any tricks.

"Yes! Yes! How can I go against the great, beautiful, and powerful Rosina!? This slave is born to take orders from only one person" Old geezer turned his color faster than a chameleon.

'This guy is shameless' This thought came to everyone's mind at the same time.

Daniel learned many things in these few minutes of coming here, 'The friction between seniors is not small. I have to be careful and not be dragged in their political wars'

Then Daniel took a sneak look at Rose-haired person, 'This girl has both political and personal strength to threaten my comfortable life. So I better be careful around her for the time being'

"Everyone line up for the test and don't push around" Old Fellow turned towards the group and said this.

Daniel took one of the last positions while Lloyd, Luther, Jasmine, and others took the front places.

After everyone lined up, the old geezer took to them to a waiting hall.

"Alright now everyone will stay here silently. When I give a call only one person is allowed to follow the corridor and enter the testing room" Old geezer gave the group final instructions.

Senior Rosina and Old geezer went in first to prepare things and within a few minutes, a staff member came out the corridor to call the first person.

Old Daniel killer Luther is the first one to go for the test. His face is calm, unlike others who have no idea what their results would be.

After a few minutes, a staff member came of the room follower her is the Luther. She is leading him somewhere and he followed her with a happy smile. When he passed by everyone he showed a condescending look, especially toward Daniel.

But Daniel simply ignored him and waited for his turn, 'So that was it! It took only a few minutes! It doesn't seem difficult either'

Everyone had a nervous and enthusiastic look when going in. But when they came out some are happy, some are content but many had a look of despair.

Following another call, Daniel went in with a calm look. The corridor had many people but they did not stop him so he went ahead and entered the room.

The room is filled with strange things that are flickering in strange arrays. One look and you know these instruments are not cheap.

There are only two people here. Old geezer is busy around one of the instruments with a strangely gleaming stone in his hand while Rosina is looking at him with a little interest.

Daniel went straight to the girl and gave his greetings, "Junior Daniel meets the beautiful, intelligent, and almighty senior Rosina"

He did learn something from the old geezer.

Daniel is not hitting on her but he is testing the waters. He wanted to know why he is getting special attention.

Obviously, he did not want to be on the radar of a crazy girl who is strong.

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