
Life In Extended Twilight (Dropped)

Guy is thrown into Twilight but has no clue how he got there it was no wishes or meeting anyone but how come he still has a power.

KillingSoftly · Films
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30 Chs

5) Different Talks And Visit.......

The week was slow after that but he did grow closer to the Cullen's him and Rosalie actually spent a lot of time together in school when they got the chance. Bella was distracted from Edward being gone, no clue how the girl fell for someone who openly avoided her but she might have issues too.

He was actually friends with her now though, he saw her as a sister along with Alice who was slowly becoming one of his favorite people. Alice was even talking to Bella though it took a moment for Bella to get use to Alice seeing as she was so full of energy and open while Bella was awkward.

Cory got along with both because he was in the middle though he was a cheerful person it was only to them and family, while also being awkward but that was when Rosalie was around. It was now Saturday and he was heading to the Cullen's Alice invited Bella but she turned her down saying she had something else to do this weekend.

Cory took his jeep today since he needed to drive through the woods to get to their house, they offered to come get him but he didn't want his mom to keep them there.


"Mom, I wont be here Saturday I'm going to a friends house." Cory said as he took another bite of his food.

His mom though froze as she dropped her mug of coffee looking at him, "Say that again?!" she squealed in excitement looking at him but he didn't get to answer as she spoke again, "Is it a boy or girl? How did you meet them? RICHARD!!!" she yelled for his father not waiting for his answer.

"WHAT!!" He yelled back.


Then there was the sound of quick footsteps running in the house before the sound of someone falling down the stairs, Cory could only shake his head. His dad came in with a torn shirt that most likely happened a second ago along with messy hair, yeah he really did fall down the stairs.

Looking between the two he didn't know what to say, "Wifey is what you said true? Our son really made a friend?" he asked not looking at Cory but asking him mom instead making him frown. Was it that hard to believe? sure he didn't have some before but they didn't need to act like this did they.

"Yes dear, Oh this is such an amazing day our son isn't a failure who will end up alone in life." she said wiping a single tear that went down her right cheek.

"Wifey, just maybe our son will get married and we will actually become grandparents." his dad said taking his mothers hands in his.

Cory stopped eating and looked between the two he couldn't believe what he was hearing and they weren't even paying attention to him now. "Guys you know I can hear you right?" he said but his words fell on deaf ears.

"Really? I can become grandma some day. This is the best news ever we need to go and by baby clothes immediately..... WAIT!!!! What if it is a male?!" Though she didn't mind if he was gay she didn't know how long it would take for her to be a grandmother then.

"It's okay wifey, we will love him still and they can always find a surrogate, we will pay top dollar just so we can do it. Now we don't have to trick him for his sperm and pay that other women who agreed to do it for us." His dad said with a beaming smile puffing out his chest proudly, it didn't help that his mom looked at him like a preacher who just spoke holy words.

Cory gave up and mumbled under his breath, "Maybe I was adopted and these aren't my real parents. That must be it, I will go and find my real parents one day." Looking out the window longingly he smiled blissfully.

After waiting for his parents to calm down they finally had a real talk where he told them about Rosalie, the entire time though he forgot to mention Alice, who would be pissed about that. Once they confirmed it five times and even made him show them a picture he was finally able to go to sleep that night.

----Flashback End-----

Cory shook those thoughts away as he pulled up to the Cullen house, Alice was waiting outside looking down the road, when she saw him coming she had to hold herself back from rushing down. He chuckled as he got out the car, "Hey Alice did you miss me?"

Her only answer was rushing over and clinging to him like a koala, though after twenty seconds of that they both heard a low growl. Looking at the house Rosalie stood there glaring daggers at the two of them, Cory chuckled awkwardly before setting a reluctant Alice down.

"Hey Rosie Bear, how are you?" He asked walking over to her and wrapping her in a hug, they were close enough now where she didn't freeze after being hugged by him she actually hugged back.

"I'm good, so are you ready to get started?" she asked subtly snuggling into his embrace, after the first two hugs she got addicted to when he hugged her and actually pouted when he let go.

The two of them felt the tension and Rosalie kept hearing the words that Becky spoke but she was holding herself back from doing anything.


When the Cullen's got home after their first day of meeting Cory Becky turned to Rosalie and gave her a smile, "Congratulations you have finally run into your mate," Rosalie froze hearing that and robotically turned to her, "It is actually the strongest I have seen on anyone's so hurry up and get him girl.

Once she spoke everyone was quick to throw their congratulations around Alice being the most excited, "Yay!!! Now we can finally go on double dates. Now I just need to get you two together somehow." she walked away holding Jaspers hand thinking about something.

Rosalie though was short circuited she didn't know what to do first she was super happy, then Extremely happy then she was worried. Yes worried, she didn't know how he would take the news of what she was and she would be lying if she said she didn't feel the bond already formed between them.

She looked to Esme who was smiling at he lightly, "Don't worry sweetie, I'm sure no matter what happens that it will be the best outcome, even if you two are only together long enough in his lifetime."

Rosalie smiled bitterly this was one of the times that she really wished that she was human again, if they were really mates then even as humans their love would be eternal. With those thoughts she walked off to her room she needed a moment to think alone.

--------Flashback End------

Rosalie moved back but the smile couldn't be wiped from her face, she was now getting to spend the whole day with him what else could she ask for. Well she could think of one other thing, that was them being together forever, but she needed to take this one step at a time.

Cory saw her lost in thought and wondered what she was thinking but he shrugged it off, "So Alice knowing you there is something you have planned you wanted to do today what is it?" he asked turning back to his BFF who smiled at him knowingly.

"Oh you know me so well best friend. Yes I do have something planned, I remember you said you wanted to learn to dance so I was hoping I could teach you some different ones today?" she looked wistfully at Jasper who came out seeing it was taking them so long.

"Hey Jasper good to see you," He greeted him the two doing a man hug Jasper nodded back smiling slightly, "That sound great but I will only do it if Rosie Bear here is my dance partner."

Rosalie broke out of her stupor and looked at everyone who was watching her, "I'm sorry what was that again?"

"Wow, so lost in her own thoughts she was ignoring me. I'm hurt Rosie Bear." Cory put a hand over his heart putting on a heartbroken expression.

Rosalie looked panicked seeing him that way and started to worry, "No I didn't mean to I was just---"

Cory smiled a little wrapping an arm around her shoulder calming her down, "Whoa, I was just joking with you Rosie Bear." Rosalie glared at him a little but she didn't move away but pouted a little.

The four walked into the house and in the living room saw Emmett and Becky playing video games, it was obvious Emmett was going easy though seeing as every time he was beating Becky she would pout. Rosalie led him to the kitchen where Esme was currently cooking she was moving around the kitchen like an expert, hearing them walk in she shot him a smile.

"Oh you must be Cory, nice to meet you. I'm Esme Cullen they have told me so much about you. I hope you are hungry I'm making sandwiches for lunch." she gave her motherly smile walking over and giving him a light hug before moving back.

"Ahh a woman after my own heart, if you weren't married Mrs. Cullen I would snatch--" He stopped talking when Rosalie lightly hit his stomach and glared at him, he sent her a wink in return.

"Haha well you guys go have fun I will bring them when they are ready." she said with a wider smile going back to what she was doing.

"Yes come along Cory we have dance lessons to start." Alice said taking his and Jaspers hand and moving out the room, Rosalie rushed to catch up following in next to him. Alice led them all to the studio room, she walked over to the stereo and started playing some classical music.

"Okay everyone partner up!" She clapped walking over to Jasper.

"May I have this dance Milady?" Cory said bowing and taking Rosalie's had kissing the back of it.

"Why of course Milord." She said giving him a cute giggle.

Alice laughed merrily a their actions before calling out, "Okay now we are going to start with a simple Waltz. Cory, Rosalie will lead you until you have the hang of it, follow along now."

Cory stumbled three times making him actually blush and Rosalie giggle, the two didn't even notice that Alice and Jasper weren't dancing but watching them with their eyes. Rosalie didn't notice because she was to caught up in Cory, he was adorable messing up and he stepped on her feet multiple time.

"So I've been thinking about getting a tattoo recently..." Cory said awkwardly though he could sit in comfortable silence with her he just wanted to say something, anything really.

"Oh yeah...." Rosalie chuckled at him, "What are you going to get?"

"I don't know yet something meaningful though, have any ideas?"

"Hmm how about something from your past that you like. What are somethings you did?"

"Ahh I didn't do much as a kid, right around the time I started school we moved to New York. When we moved out there I didn't get along with anyone either so there wasn't much I did in my life but work on my games and some technology." Cory said thinking it over.

Rosalie was a little sad hearing that he didn't have anyone other than his parents to talk to when he was New York, she pouted a little. Cory chuckled and raised her chin to make her look at him, "How about you go with me when I decide what I want?"

"It's a date!" She said happily it was just one more thing that could bring them closer together and hopefully show her good side, she didn't know what it would take for him to be like her. Though she knew one thing and that was if he was going to stay human she was going to let him and watch him quietly grow old.

"Date? wow don't you think that is a little fast?" Cory asked teasingly towards her.