
Kenshi Sureiya

Being a pirate for fun was my dream for a long time but I wasn't allowed to near the sea again after my elder brother joined a pirate ship without my parents knowing. I was being trained by my uncle and my dad's old friend for 12 years, and when I knew I was fit enough to take care of myself, I also ran away and became a pirate to find my own personal crew members and my name is Kenshi Sureiya

Leo_Kage · Anime et bandes dessinées
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(Past chapter review)

Adam: well well, it looks like little kenshit has finally become a man of his own (laughs) ain't that right captain?

Hector: Yeah! You got that right Adam (Laughs)

Adam: kenshit really is determined to become a pirate.... Yo Kenshi are you okay?

Kenshi: (Drunk) I..I'm alright just a little bit of me being (hiccups) drunk from one cup (I said as I stood up and ran towards Hector's ship as I climbed and stood on the upper deck)

Hector: Hey kenshit! Are you alright? (he asked as he got onboard the ship)

Adam: Gently captain he's out of his mind so he might try to kill you (he said as he looked at Kenshi and Hector)

Kenshi: if you don't get off the ship I'll definitely kill you (I said as I ran towards Hector then mistakenly alarmed a booby trap as a big wooden hammer hits me off the ship sending me into the ocean)

Hector: (surprised) this aren't good for us boys! Get into the sea and search for that kid (he said as he and everyone present at the shore dived into the sea and searched for Kenshi)

(Back to current chapter)

Hector and everyone looked for Kenshi who was already drowning to the bottom of the sea. Hector and the test of the people came out of the sea as they gave up hope on finding Kenshi.

Hector: (sighs) any luck guys? (he asked as he walked up towards a shelter)

Everyone: Nope! Not at all (they replied as they also walked to shelter)

Hector: wait a minute! Where's Adam? (he asked as he saw that Adam was not sitting among them)

Man1: He still has hope on finding the kid (laughs)

Man2: Or maybe he has drowned too (Laughs)

Hector: How dare you laugh at Adam? (he asked as he gave them a death stare)

Bartender: Hey everyone!! Look it's Adam!!! (she shouted as Hector ran towards Adam who was dragging Kenshi's body on the ground, then he fell down flat on the ground under the hot sun)

Hector: Adam! Are you alright? (he asked as he turned Adam body and saw that he was holding a blue precious stone 'sapphire')

Adam: (coughs) I saw this stone on Kenshi's body after he was stabbed with it (he said as he handed over the sapphire to Hector)

Hector: (grasp) This is one of the seven(7) god gem and this is the gem that Poseidon's power was stored inside (he whispered to Adam as Kenshi woke up and looked at them then he passed out again)

Hector: Let's get going (he said to Adam as carried him and Kenshi back to crave bar)

(3 hours later. At crave bar)

Adam: Hey cap'tn! How long have I been asleep?

Hector: For about 3 hours now

Adam: is that so? About the gem, after I saved Kenshi and saw the gem stabbed into his chest, I removed it and scanned it with my ki energy and saw that all the power of Poseidon had already been extracted into Kenshi

Hector: That means you will give up what you have been searching the whole sea for the past 15 years, the 'sapphire gem of Poseidon'

Adam: it chose him not me so I will happily let him have it.... That dream of his will start becoming realty someday (laughs)

Hector: Hey Adam gather all the crew we are going back to conquer the sea again, and I will be there in some minutes (he said as he stood up and walked inside the room Kenshi was resting)


(Door opens)

Hector: He really is a stubborn child, even when he's sleeping he still make alot of noise (he said as he smiles)

???: Yeah! You are right hector, he really is a stubborn child (the feminine person said as she looked at Hector's face)

Hector: Alicia!! (he shockingly said as he stares at her face)

Alicia: Shhh, don't let him wake up (she said as she smiles)

Hector: I have a favour for you to tell kenshit?

Alicia: what's that Hector?

Hector: I'm setting sail today, so I want you to tell kenshit that if he becomes a pirate, a powerful pirate that he should come find me at the Caspian sea I will be waiting for him and his crew (he said as he left the room and heads towards his ship)

(Hector and his crew set sail for Caspian sea, knowing full well that Kenshi must find him no matter the cost)