
Kenshi Sureiya

Being a pirate for fun was my dream for a long time but I wasn't allowed to near the sea again after my elder brother joined a pirate ship without my parents knowing. I was being trained by my uncle and my dad's old friend for 12 years, and when I knew I was fit enough to take care of myself, I also ran away and became a pirate to find my own personal crew members and my name is Kenshi Sureiya

Leo_Kage · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Appear from shadow! Onan Sharai

(Recap of last chapter)

(Door opens)

Hector: He really is a stubborn child, even when he's sleeping he still make alot of noise (he said as he smiles)

???: Yeah! You are right hector, he really is a stubborn child (the feminine person said as she looked at Hector's face)

Hector: Alicia!! (he shockingly said as he stares at her face)

Alicia: Shhh, don't let him wake up (she said as she smiles)

Hector: I have a favour for you to tell kenshit?

Alicia: what's that Hector?

Hector: I'm setting sail today, so I want you to tell kenshit that if he becomes a pirate, a powerful pirate that he should come find me at the Caspian sea I will be waiting for him and his crew (he said as he left the room and heads towards his ship)

(Hector and his crew set sail for Caspian sea, knowing full well that Kenshi must find him no matter the cost)

(back to current chapter)

4 months later

Alicia: Kenshi! It's been 4 months since Hector left, so what do you want to do now that your opportunity of becoming a pirate has gone? (she asked thinking that Kenshi would have another answer)

Kenshi: Then I will form my own pirate crew, gathering people I want to join my crew then I will conquer the world (laughs)

Alicia: (sighs) don't you have another dream like to become a marine or something else than becoming a pirate?

Kenshi: Nope! That's my only dream mama (he replied as he smiles)

(Door opens)

???: Then I will beat becoming a marine into you if I have too (a masculine voice said in the shadow)

Kenshi: u..un..Uncle o..onan! What are you doing here? (he asked being shocked at his uncle arrival)

Onan: I came here to check up on you and your mother and this is what I hear you want to become! (he said as he stood firm and looked at Kenshi)

Kenshi: (swallows spit) and so what? That's what I want to become and to can't stop me uncle even if you are a marine general!! (he yells)

Onan: Just know that if I capture you, I will execute you on the spot not caring about if you are my nephew, you got that Kenshi! (he yells back)

Kenshi: I got it uncle!

Onan: Now pack your things ready we are going to be leaving this island any moment from now (he said as he walks towards Kenshi and his mom)

Kenshi: where are we going? (he asked confused)

Onan: we are going to Jumou island where you will be trained for the next 12 years (he said as Kenshi stood up and walked to his room to pack his stuff)

Alicia: Brother, better take care of my son and don't make him become a spoilt brat (she said as Onan smiles at her)

Onan: don't worry, he will return being a strong Marine Corp (he said as Kenshi came out of his room with all of his belongings)

Onan: what In the world is all that? (he asked)

Kenshi: You said I will be gone for the next 12 years so I carried all my belonging, got a problem with that? ((he asked his uncle as stares at him)

Onan: (sighs) {*this is going to be some rough years*} well that's fine so now let's get going boy we will be late (he says as he pats Alicia's back and drags Kenshi by his cloth)

Kenshi: Bye Mom! See you in the next 12 years!!!

Alicia: (smiles) I will be waiting for your arrival my son!



(Walking down the stairs)


Kenshi: Hey uncle! Why must it be 12 years? (he asked)

Onan: that's when I will know you have become a man worthy of taking care of yourself and your mom (he replied as he and Kenshi climbed the stairs of Onan's marine ship)

Kenshi: why didn't you train my older brother?

Onan: He became a pirate before I could reach here, so that why I couldn't train him (he replied as marine solders salutes him)

Onan: The crew your brother joined is one of the world's worst pirate 'Jack Sparrow' the pirate ruler of the Caribbean sea, a bounty of §650,000,000 reli, and your pirate idol 'Hector barbossa' a bounty of §810,000,000 reli

Kenshi: His bounty is so high, well I'm going to surpass him that means I must make my bounty 900 million before I can hunt him down (laughs)

Onan: Men! Set sail for Jumou island!! Hope you are ready Kenshi cause things are going to be hard

Author's note: Sorry for keeping you waiting for this chapter, well I'm a high school student so things aren't easy for me but thank you for reading my story.
