
Infinite Evolution: A spy in multiverse

An ace spy died and woke up in the body of Sheyan, protagonist of the Ultimate Evolution novel. With all his previous life skills and experience plus a System, read how he conquers all worlds while having fun along the way. I am not good with synopsis, just read til 10th chapter, I am sure you will be hooked. ✌️ --------&-------- First world: Terminator second world: Pirates of the carribbean Discord: https://discord.gg/mDFWsGubjt

_Crimson_ · Films
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94 Chs

Chapter 21 - What it feels like to be cared for

Sheyan sat behind Sarah as she drove towards the steel factory.

At this time, at the roof of the restaurant, Mr. Woody looked on as his master and supposedly mistress went on their merry way, forgetting about his existence once again.

He jumped off the roof and walked behind them. suddenly his eyes fell on a classy red colour bike, Honda Shadow VT750C.

Mr. Woody walked up to it and sat on it smoothly. A teen with a funky hairstyle was currently bragging to the girls about his new bike, suddenly the girls looked behind him so he turned around to see what was going on and saw a strange man sitting on his bike.

"Hey dude, what are you doing? That's my bike." The teen put his hand on the bike, and spoke to Mr. Woody.

Mr. Woody looked at the teen's hand and saw the keys hanging on the teen's finger. He snatched it too and started the bike.

"Heyy heyy, what are you doing man, give it back!" Teen grabbed Mr. Woody's hand.

This time Mr. Woody saw a pair of sunglasses hanging on the agitated teen's chest pocket, and picked them up too. He wore it on his eyes and drove off with the bike in style.

Teen looked on with a confused face as Mr. Woody drove away. He turned around and saw the girls looking at him with pity.

He gave a forced smile and said "that was my friend, he can be a little rude sometimes."

The girls gave him side glances and left.

"He really is my friend! Come back! Hey" the teen shouted from behind.


"So tell me, how did it go?" Sarah asked while driving.

"We successfully Infiltrated, solved one of the lead scientists, but suddenly eight of those robots appeared." Sheyan replied to Sarah.

"What!! Eight of those things?" Sarah pressed the brakes and turned around to look at Sheyan.

"Hey Hey no need to be so overdramatic." Sheyan smiled and said.

"What happened after that?" Sarah ignored his words and asked.

"What else, some bang bang and they all died." Sheyan made gun shooting action with his fingers and replied.

"You.. are you really that strong?" Sarah asked in a doubtful tone.

"What? You don't believe it? Even if 100 of those robots came, i can still protect you, okay." Sheyan answered in a confident way with his chest sticking out.

Sarah didn't say anything and just turned back.

"Okay continue driving, we don't have any time to waste." Sheyan spoke.

Sarah continued driving once again, after driving for 20 minutes they reached the steel factory.

Sheyan walked inside the factory followed by Sarah, he saw some workers and walked up to them.

"Hey" Sheyan greeted.

Workers looked behind and saw a handsome guy and a pretty blonde girl standing behind them.

"Who are you? This not some couple spot yo'know" a black guy spoke in a ruff voice

"Well, we are here regarding a criminal activity and i hope you all will co-operate with us." Sheyan smiled and fished out the purse with a police badge once again.

After seeing the badge, workers changed their attitude at once.

"I am sorry sir, I don't think we are doing anything illegal here, you might have received wrong information or something." A white older guy came forward and spoke as politely as he could.

"Don't worry, we are not doing a raid, we just want you to answer a few questions." Sheyan spoke calmly.

"Yes yes sir, please ask whatever you want to know." Older guy agreed readily.

"Do you have a molten steel pool here?" Sheyan asked.

"Yes sir we do, it's in the second area, we follow proper safety guidelines." Older guy replied.

"Take us there" Sheyan replied.

"Okay sir, please follow me." Older guy nodded.

Sheyan and Sarah followed behind the old guy and went deeper into the factory.

They soon came to a place, which was much hotter than outside. After walking for a little while they came in front of a pool filled with molten steel. It was bubbling once in a while and produced a very high degree of heat.

"We are here sir, please be a little careful." Old man turned back and said to Sheyan.

"If i throw in some sort of metal in it and want it to be scooped out, can you do it?" Sheyan asked.

"We will have to cool it down, but that metal will be completely mixed in steel, taking it out would be very hard and time consuming." The old man replied.

"Okay you can leave now" Sheyan said.

"Sir, i can't leave you alone here, just a little carelessness and it will be disastrous." Old man spoke quickly.

Sheyan smiled and took out 10 hundred dollar notes.

"Don't let anyone in until we come out, don't worry, we will occupy it only for 30 minutes at most." Sheyan said and put the money in front of the old man's face.

The old man looked at the money, and grabbed it quickly.

"Okay sir, but please come out in 30 minutes." Old man said and left quickly.

"What are we doing here?" Sarah finally got the chance to ask.

"Skynet is sending an advanced model of terminator to kill you, defeating it with the guns i have on me currently is not possible, so we are here." Sheyan replied.

"How do you know that a new advanced robot is coming?" Sarah asked in doubt.

"I just know." Sheyan replied underhandedly.

"You are hiding something from me, ain't you." Sarah stared into Sheyan's eyes.

"Umm yeah i am, but i can't tell you about it, it's not like i don't want to tell, but i cannot tell." Sheyan replied also looking into Sarah's eyes.

Sarah continued glaring for a while before nodding.

"When will it arrive?" Sarah asked.

"It will be arriving at 7 P.M." Sheyan replied.

Sarah looked at her watch, which showed 6:58 P.M. and showed it to Sheyan.

"So just two minutes more huh, let it come." Sheyan grabbed Sarah's waist and pulled her into his arm.

"what are you doing? At least look at the situation we are in." Sarah said but didn't struggle.

"If we keep waiting for the right time, we might regret it later when we don't have any time left at all." Sheyan said with a smile and moved his face closer to Sarah.

Sarah felt that Sheyan's words had some hidden meaning but before she could think about it, her lips met with Sheyan's lips.

A fierce kissing session continued again in the midst of the hot atmosphere of the steel factory.

Sarah grabbed Sheyan's head and interlocked her fingers in his hair.

Sheyan grabbed Sarah's waist and pulled her even closer to himself.

The clock hit 7 P.M and suddenly blue electric currents appeared just a little distance away from them and started to merge together.

Sarah separated from Sheyan when she heard the sound of electricity crackling and looked at the blue currents.

"Is this how they appear?" Sarah asked Sheyan.

"Yup, wear these." Sheyan took out his sunglasses and put them on Sarah's eyes.

After just 5 seconds a naked man appeared in a crouching position in front of them. He had an average body structure, good facial appearance and black brownish hair.

He got up and looked at them, a smile appeared on his face when he saw his Target Sarah Connor.

His hands started to melt and quickly took the shape of two sharp blades.

Sarah looked at all this with horror, she quickly turned to look at Sheyan and saw that he was still very calm.

Sheyan turned to face Sarah and said "Don't worry, this one just got some more fancy tricks than others nothing too hard for me to deal with."

Sarrah nodded and stepped aside as to not come in the way of Sheyan.

T-1000 looked at Sarah and started to walk towards her, but suddenly a big hole appeared in his head, he didn't die though neither there was any blood, just silver metallic liquid which slowly patched up the hole.

T-1000 turned to look at Sheyan who just fired at him.

"You have to deal with me first." Sheyan took back the gun and smiled at T-1000.

T-1000 clashed his blade hands and rushed at Seaman.

Sheyan took out the two daggers he got from Cazider and Beardy Jack.

T-1000 slashed at Seaman with his right blade, Seaman parried it with the black military knife and slashed with the common knife at T-1000's neck.

Common dagger clashed with T-1000 and only went half an inch inside before stopping.

T-1000 smiled and slashed at Sheyan's waist with his left blade.

Sheyan let go off the common knife and stepped back quickly barely dodging the blade.

'Cazider's knife is just as useless as him, just how can a person be so useless.' Sheyan cursed Cazider once again.

T-1000 followed with more attacks, Sheyan dodged quickly. Although he was very confident in his defence, he didn't want to get cut by those blades on purpose. In the movie, T-1000 blades could cut through iron like paper.

Sheyan kept dodging and moved backward slowly.

Slowly he came to the edge of the Molten steel pool. T-1000 smiled and said "No place to dodge now."

"You sure?" Sheyan smiled and jumped back. He was right above the molten steel pool, gravity worked its role and Sheyan started to fall down.

With his body mass and the distance between Molten steel and him, it will take only 2.34 seconds to fall in the molten steel. Even with all his equipment equipped and innate abilities, if he fell in the molten steel, he would die.

T-1000 stared, as his prey jumped back, his programing intelligence told him that his Target is committing suicide, so he walked to the edge and looked on as his prey fall down.

Sheyan's eyes were fixed on T-1000 as he was falling down, a smile appeared on his face, that wasn't a smile that would appear on a guy's face who is committing suicide, it was the smile of a guy who knew he has won, a victorious smile.

Suddenly, Sheyan's body disappeared and in its place appeared T-1000, his computer intelligence didn't have the time to figure out the situation at all and fell in the molten steel with a small splash.

Sheyan appeared at the place where T-1000 was standing before and looked down at T-1000 falling inside the molten steel.

Sarah looked at all these in shock, when Sheyan jumped down, she almost had a mini heart attack, her voice got stuck in her throat, she watched with widened eyes as Sheyan almost fell in the molten steel, but then suddenly a miracle happened. Sheyan somehow swapped his position with the robot that came to kill her.

T-1000's screams and roars came from the molten steel pool. Sarah finally woke up from shock and ran to Sheyan.

She hugged him tightly, and pressed her head in his chest.

Sheyan smiled and patted her back.

"Okay okay, it's fine, i am fine, that robot is gonna be dead soon." Sheyan spoke in a light voice.

Sarah looked up and slapped Sheyan's face.

"Idiot, what were you thinking, jumping down, what if something had happened to you? What would I have done without you?" Sarah shouted at Sheyan in anger.

Sheyan patted his cheek and looked at the angry Sarah, a smile appeared on his face.

'So this is what it feels like to be cared for' Sheyan thought while looking at Sarah scolding him.

Sheyan used to be an orphan, one day some organization came and took all the kids from the orphanage he was at. They trained kids to be spies. Some kids died during the training but most of them became rookie spies. Sheyan scored the best score during training, he received his first mission sooner than others, he kept doing missions after missions, from a kid he turned into a teen than an adult, during this period he wasn't able to connect emotionally with anyone at all, his superiors only cared about mission progress, his occasional teammates only cared about their lives or mission progress, people he met during the mission were like an open book to him since he had all intelligence on them, he couldn't get attached to them at all.

This was the first time, Sheyan felt someone cared for him, not his mission, not something else but himself.

Sheyan pulled Sarah into his arms once again and hugged her.

Sarah didn't know what happened to Sheyan suddenly but she calmed down and hugged him back.


Extra chapter 2/5