
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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81 Chs


In a dimly lit room, a tense meeting was underway. PK stood in front of Ravi, Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep, his face contorted with anger. The four brothers stood nervously, knowing they had made a grave mistake by divulging their crime to Daya.

PK slapped Ravi hard across the face. "How much of an idiot do you have to be to tell someone everything after I've worked so hard to erase any link to our crimes? Do you realize what you've done?"

Ravi, rubbing his reddened cheek, looked down, unable to meet PK's furious gaze. Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep remained silent, their heads bowed, fully aware of the magnitude of their blunder.

PK continued his tirade. "I shouldn't even be helping you. The only reason I am is because you helped to convince the MCI officials to revoke the suspension , he providing them with kiara from the college. And now you've jeopardized everything."

PK paused, trying to rein in his temper. "Do you have any evidence in your possession?"

Ravi fumbled in his pocket and produced a USB stick. "This... this has a video of us documenting the crime. We thought..."

PK snatched the USB from Ravi's hand, his eyes blazing with rage. "What are you doing with this? Why do you still have it? Hand it to me. I'll take care of it."

PK inspected the USB, his mind racing with thoughts of how he could use it to his advantage. The video would serve as leverage, ensuring the brothers remained under his control. He would not hesitate to blackmail them if necessary.

PK's voice lowered but retained its edge of menace. "Leave everything to me. I'll handle it. But if you mess up again, I won't be there to clean up your mess."

The brothers nodded, their faces pale with fear. They knew PK's warning was not to be taken lightly. With the USB safely in his possession, PK felt a semblance of control returning.

"Get out of here," PK ordered. "And don't do anything else without my approval."

The four brothers quickly exited the room, leaving PK alone with his thoughts. He pocketed the USB, already formulating a plan to protect himself and his operations. He couldn't afford any more mistakes, especially not with Raj, Sathya, Deepthi, and Daya closing in on the truth.

As the door closed behind them, PK sat down and began strategizing his next move. He needed to secure his position and ensure that any threat to his empire was neutralized swiftly and efficiently. The game was far from over, and PK was determined to come out on top.


PK, fuming with frustration and desperation, called Kottai Veeran to his office. "Veeran, I need you to go to Deepthi's house and make her withdraw the case. Use any means necessary," he commanded.

Kottai Veeran, a man known for his ruthless methods, nodded. "Consider it done, sir," he replied, his voice carrying an ominous undertone.

Veeran gathered his goons and headed to Deepthi's house. As they arrived, he shouted loudly, "Deepthi, come out!"

Deepthi, feeling a chill of dread but refusing to back down, stepped out of the house. Sathya, who had been staying with her to provide support, followed closely behind, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Veeran and his thugs.

Kottai Veeran sneered. "Withdraw the case, girl, or things will get ugly."

Deepthi stood her ground. "No. I will not withdraw the case. Kiara deserves justice."

Veeran's sneer turned into a snarl. "Have it your way." He signaled his goons, who advanced menacingly towards Deepthi.

Before they could get close, Sathya stepped forward, his expression fierce. "You want to use violence? Try it on me," he growled.

The goons lunged at Sathya, but he was ready. 


Sathya moved in front of Deepthi, his stance protective and ready. "If you want to use violence, you'll have to go through me first," he declared, his voice steady.

The first thug lunged at Sathya, swinging a metal rod. Sathya ducked, grabbed the thug's wrist, and twisted it sharply, causing the rod to clatter to the ground. With a swift knee to the thug's stomach, Sathya sent him sprawling.

Another thug came from the side, aiming a punch at Sathya's head. Sathya blocked the punch with his forearm, then delivered a quick elbow strike to the thug's jaw, sending him reeling backward.

Veeran, seeing his men struggling, decided to step in. He charged at Sathya, swinging a chain menacingly. Sathya dodged the chain's arc and countered with a powerful kick to Veeran's chest, knocking him off balance.

Two more thugs attempted to flank Sathya, but he was ready. He grabbed one by the collar and headbutted him, then spun around to deliver a spinning backfist to the other, knocking them both to the ground.

Veeran, recovering from Sathya's kick, roared in anger and charged again. This time, he managed to land a glancing blow with the chain on Sathya's shoulder. Sathya winced in pain but didn't falter. He grabbed the chain, yanked it out of Veeran's hands, and used it to trip him up, sending Veeran crashing to the ground.

The remaining thugs hesitated, seeing their leader in trouble. Sathya took advantage of their hesitation, launching a flurry of punches and kicks that left them dazed and disoriented.

Veeran, struggling to his feet, tried to tackle Sathya, but Sathya was too quick. He sidestepped the tackle and delivered a powerful roundhouse kick to Veeran's head, sending him sprawling once again.

Breathing heavily but standing tall, Sathya surveyed the scene. The thugs lay scattered around him, groaning in pain. Veeran, clutching his head, glared up at Sathya with a mixture of fear and fury.

Sathya's eyes were hard and determined. "Leave, now, and don't come back. If you try to harm Deepthi or anyone else again, you'll regret it."

Veeran, knowing he was beaten, motioned for his men to retreat. They scrambled to their feet and fled, leaving their leader to follow, nursing his wounds and his pride.

As the dust settled, Sathya turned to Deepthi, who looked at him with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "Thank you," she said softly.

Sathya nodded, his expression softening. "We're in this together. We'll see this through to the end."

Just then, Daya's police car pulled up, and he quickly assessed the situation. "What happened here?" he asked, concern in his voice.

Sathya replied, "Veeran and his thugs tried to threaten us. They won't be a problem anymore."

Daya nodded and ordered his officers to take Veeran and his men into custody. As they were being loaded into the police vehicles, Daya turned to Sathya and Deepthi. "We'll make sure they can't harm you again. This ends now."

With renewed determination, Sathya, Deepthi, and Daya knew they were one step closer to getting justice for Kiara.

"Are you both okay?" he asked, concern evident in his voice.

Deepthi nodded, still shaken but resolute. "Yes, we're fine. Thank you for coming so quickly."

Daya's eyes hardened as he watched the thugs being taken to the police vehicles. "We'll lock them up and make sure they can't harm you again. I'll see to it personally."

Sathya placed a comforting hand on Deepthi's shoulder. "We're not backing down. We'll fight this to the end."

Deepthi, drawing strength from Sathya's unwavering support, nodded. "For Kiara," she whispered.

Daya, standing beside them, felt a renewed sense of determination. They had a long road ahead, but together, they would seek justice for Kiara and expose the corruption that had led to her tragic death.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts