
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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82 Chs


After the court hearing, Daya, Deepthi, and Sathya exited the courtroom, feeling a mixture of hope and tension. Deepthi turned to Daya, her expression serious. "I've decided to give you a chance, Daya. Please, don't break my trust."

daya " i would repay your trust with bring hustice to your sister "

Just as they were about to leave, Veeru's brothers blocked their path. Ravi, Mani, Vamsi, and Sundeep stood in their way, sneering. "You won't find any justice in the court," Ravi threatened. "Drop the case for your own safety."

Sathya stepped forward, fury in his eyes. "You still have the guts to show your faces here?" he spat, ready to attack. But Deepthi held him back, her grip firm. "I want them to be tried in court, Sathya," she insisted, her voice steady despite the fear and anger coursing through her.

The confrontation drew the attention of bystanders, but Veeru's brothers simply smirked and walked away, leaving an air of menace behind them. Sathya, Deepthi, and Daya hurried home, their determination unshaken.

At home, they found Raj waiting for them. He had been following the developments closely and was ready with a suggestion. "You should investigate the hotel mentioned by the brothers," Raj said, his tone serious. "If Kiara was taken there, we might find crucial evidence."

Deepthi nodded, her resolve hardening. "We'll need to be careful. They won't hesitate to hurt us if they find out what we're doing."

Raj agreed. "We should gather as much information as possible before making any moves. We'll need a solid plan to ensure we stay safe and get the evidence we need."

The group sat down to strategize. They decided that Daya would use his police connections to gather information about the hotel discreetly. Sathya and Raj would try to gain access to the hotel under the guise of regular patrons, while Deepthi would stay behind and coordinate with them, ready to call for help if necessary.

The next morning, Daya began making discreet inquiries about the hotel, while Sathya and Raj prepared for their undercover visit. Deepthi, though anxious, was determined to see this through. She knew that uncovering the truth about what happened to Kiara was the only way to bring justice for her sister.

As they set their plan into motion, the group knew they were stepping into dangerous territory. But with their combined determination and the support they had for each other, they felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The next morning, Daya headed to the hotel mentioned by Veeru's brothers. Upon his arrival, he demanded the CCTV footage from the night of Kiara's abduction. However, the hotel staff claimed that their server had crashed, corrupting all the footage. Frustrated and suspecting foul play, Daya stormed out of the hotel, seething with anger. He knew that if they had the hotel footage, it would have been a major breakthrough in the case.

Determined not to give up, Daya then went to Kiara's college to request their CCTV footage. The college management told him that there was no electricity on the day in question, and their backup generator had not been working. Daya, who had spoken to Geetha earlier, knew this was a lie; she had confirmed that there was electricity that day.

Daya confronted the college management, accusing them of lying. They replied calmly, stating that the hostel was running on solar power, . This explanation did not satisfy Daya, but he had no concrete evidence to refute it. Frustrated by his inability to produce any solid evidence, he left the college feeling dejected.

Meanwhile, back at Deepthi's house, Raj, Sathya, and Deepthi were strategizing their next steps. Daya arrived, visibly upset, and explained the hurdles he had faced with both the hotel and the college. Deepthi could see the frustration in his eyes, but she refused to let it dampen their resolve.

"We're not giving up," Deepthi said firmly. "We need another approach."

Raj nodded. "We should look into other sources of evidence. Maybe there are witnesses we haven't considered yet."

Sathya agreed. "We need to keep digging. Someone must have seen something."

Deepthi suggested, "What about the students at the hostel? Maybe someone saw or heard something that night. We should talk to them directly."

Daya sighed, regaining some of his composure. "I'll help with that. We need to be discreet, though. If the management finds out, they'll try to stop us."

Raj added, "And we should also look into the local shops and businesses around the hotel. They might have their own CCTV cameras."

With renewed determination, they divided the tasks among themselves. Raj and Sathya would visit the local businesses, while Daya and Deepthi would try to gather information from the students at the hostel.

As they set out to investigate, they knew they were up against powerful forces trying to cover up the truth. But they were equally determined to uncover the evidence needed to bring justice for Kiara.

Raj turned to Daya, his expression serious. "Daya, what's the name of the hotel?"

Daya replied, "It's H.W. Hotel, Raj."

Raj's eyes widened in shock. "H.W. Hotel? I stayed there recently and had a disturbing experience. There was a hidden camera in my room, and I caught the receptionist red-handed. This could be a crucial lead. We need to find that person."

Daya nodded thoughtfully. "I think I can track him down within three days and get him to talk. It might give us the breakthrough we need."

Raj pondered for a moment, considering his next move. "I think it's time I use some unconventional methods,"

raj thought " i think it is time i use my previous life knowledge and get a fake income tax raid on pk house but i would aslo have to be prepraed , i have seen many movie where evedience got lost or destroyed in police custody "

 he said. "I have an idea to conduct a fake income tax raid on PK's house. We need to be prepared, though.."

Sathya looked at Raj with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Are you sure about this, Raj?"

Raj nodded firmly. "Yes, we need to act swiftly and decisively. If we can pressure PK, we might be able to uncover more about his involvement and any evidence he's trying to hide."

Deepthi, still grieving but determined, agreed. "Let's do whatever it takes to bring justice for Kiara."

With their plan in place, Raj, Sathya, and Daya began making preparations. Daya focused on tracking down the receptionist, while Raj and Sathya started gathering the necessary resources and contacts to execute the fake raid. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they were united in their quest for justice.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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