
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Films
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81 Chs

next step

Raj, Deepthi, Sathya, and Geetha walked out of the courthouse, their steps lighter with the weight of justice served. They spoke among themselves, relief and a sense of triumph in their voices. Raj began recounting how he had gathered the evidence against PK, his tone calm but with an underlying intensity that spoke of the risks he had taken.

"I knew PK would have everything hidden well," Raj explained, his eyes flickering with the memory of the raid. "We had to be thorough, leave no stone unturned. The cylinders in the kitchen, the water tank, even behind his portrait. Each step was a gamble, but it paid off."

Geetha (eyes wide with amazement): Wah, Raj! That was incredible! You had me at faking a police raid! How did you even think of that?

Raj (leans back, a touch of smugness in his smile): It came down to good observation and knowing PK's weakness for theatrics. The man loves a show, so I decided to give him one.

Deepthi: But PK isn't exactly known for his cool head. How did you know he wouldn't see through it?

Raj: That was the gamble. I knew he'd be too busy freaking out to think straight. Plus, the sirens and flashing lights definitely helped sell the illusion.

Geetha (shaking her head in disbelief): You are unbelievable, Raj. You outsmarted a gangster with a fake raid? That's legend material right there!

Raj (chuckles): Maybe a bit dramatic, but hey, it worked. What can I say? I like a good challenge.

Daya: But seriously, Raj, that was brilliant. You're resourceful, quick-thinking, and obviously have nerves of steel. PK must have been fuming!

Raj: Let's just say he won't be bothering anyone for a while. Although, between you and me, I wouldn't be surprised if he tries to get revenge someday.

Sathya: Well, if he does, you've got me on your side now, my mastermind friend. Besides, with your brain and my...other skills, we can handle anything that comes our way.

Raj (raises an eyebrow playfully): Your "other skills"? Do tell...

Sathya (winKS): Let's just say I'm good at improvisation too. But hey, that's a story for another day. For now, I just wanted to say that you're amazing, Raj. You never cease to impress me.

Sathya nodded in agreement. "You not only exposed their crimes but also ensured they faced the consequences."

Raj smiled, though his mind was already shifting to the next task. "There's still more to do. I need to submit the rest of the evidence against PK to ensure he gets the full extent of his punishment."

Geetha glanced at Raj, concern evident in her eyes. "Be careful, Raj. PK won't take this lightly."

"I will," Raj reassured her. "But first, let's get you all home. I'll join you later."

They made their way to the steps outside the courthouse, just in time to see PK and the Veeru brothers being led out in handcuffs by the police. The sight of the once-powerful PK now reduced to a prisoner was a striking image.


As Raj, Deepthi, Sathya, and Geetha stood outside the courthouse, they saw PK and the Veeru brothers being led out in handcuffs. PK's eyes were blazing with fury, and he struggled against the police officers holding him.

PK (glaring at Raj): Raj! You think you've won? You think you're clever, fooling me with that fake raid? Gathering evidence and getting me thrown in jail?

Raj stepped forward, meeting PK's glare with a calm, unwavering gaze.

Raj: You bet I do. And it worked, didn't it?

PK sneered, his face contorted with anger.

PK: This isn't over, Raj. I will make you pay for this. You have no idea the lengths I'll go to get my revenge. You've messed with the wrong man!

Raj didn't flinch, his voice steady as he replied.

Raj: Your threats mean nothing to me, PK. Your power is gone, and so are you. You can try all you want, but justice has already caught up to you. Now, you'll face the consequences of your actions.

PK (furious): You think this is justice? You tricked me! A fake raid? You'll pay for this. I swear, I'll get you killed at any cost!

Raj (unmoved): Your time is up, PK. The evidence speaks for itself. You're finished.

PK was pushed into the van, the doors slamming shut behind him. The Veeru brothers followed, their faces showing a mix of anger and defeat. 

Deepthi, Sathya, and Geetha turned to Raj, worry etched on their faces. "You should be careful, Raj," Deepthi said softly. "PK might still have some influence."

Raj nodded, a reassuring smile on his face. "Don't worry about me. I'll make sure all the evidence is handed over properly. You all go home and rest. We've achieved something great today."

 Raj watched his friends leave, feeling a sense of fulfillment. The battle had been long and grueling, but justice had been served. Now, it was time to ensure that PK's influence was completely dismantled, piece by piece.


Raj and Daya walked towards Raj's car, where the gathered evidence was securely stored. As they approached, Raj felt a sudden, inexplicable unease.

Raj (stopping abruptly): Wait, Daya. Hold on a second.

Daya (concerned): What's wrong, Raj?

Raj (thinking quickly): Let's grab some tea first. It's been a hectic day, and i could use a break.

Daya (noticing Raj's tension and deciding to go along with it): Sure, Raj. Let's get some tea.

As they turned and started walking away from the car, an explosion rocked the air. The car they had been heading towards erupted in flames, sending shockwaves through the surrounding area. People screamed and scattered, chaos erupting in the aftermath.

Daya (awkwardly, trying to process what just happened): Tea? Let's drink it.

Raj: yes

In the background, police officers rushed towards the burning car, shouting orders and trying to control the chaos. Amidst the pandemonium, Raj and Daya found a small tea stall and sat down.

Raj (sipping his tea, trying to remain composed): Nice weather, isn't it?

Daya (staring at Raj, half in shock, half in admiration): Yeah, nice weather.

Raj (calmly, looking out at the chaos): Getting use to this curveball, 

Daya (nodding, a slight smile forming): you seem to adapt fast.

Raj (calmly, looking out at the chaos): Just another day, right?

Daya (nodding, a slight smile forming): Just another day

They continued to sip their tea, the tension easing as they found solace in the calm moment they had created amidst the surrounding turmoil.

Raj and Daya sat quietly for a moment, sipping their tea. The initial shock of the explosion began to wear off, replaced by the realization of what had just happened.

Daya (sighing): Well, looks like the evidence is gone then.

Raj (smiling reassuringly): Don't worry. I had a feeling something like this might happen. I've already copied everything online. I'll forward it to you.

Daya (relieved): Smart move, Raj. Seems like PK was behind this.

Raj (nodding): Most likely. But don't worry, I've got backups.

Daya (placing a hand on Raj's shoulder): I'll take care of everything from here. You've done more than enough. Go be with Sathya and Deepthi and have some rest.

Raj (grateful): Thanks, Daya.

Raj made his way to Deepthi's house. When he arrived, he recounted the car explosion scene to both Sathya and Deepthi, who listened with wide eyes.

Deepthi (shocked): I can't believe it! Are you both okay?

Raj (nodding): Yeah, we're fine. It was close, but we made it out.

Sathya (shaking his head): Raj, you've been through so much. You need to rest.

Raj, Deepthi, and Sathya relaxed, talking amongst themselves. The tension from earlier slowly dissipated, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and relief. Just then, they saw Daya's car pull up to Deepthi's house. Daya stepped out and walked towards them with a serious expression.

Daya: I have news. PK and the Veeru brothers tried to escape. They died in an encounter with the police.

Raj (understanding, nodding): Good job, Daya. You handled it well.

Daya (smiling slightly): Deepthi. It's over now.

Afterward, they all sat down to a hearty lunch at Deepthi's house, the atmosphere much lighter now. They shared stories, laughed, and enjoyed the sense of victory and relief that came with knowing justice had been served.

raj : well tonight i will be going back home .

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

white_poisoncreators' thoughts