
India movieverse

a fanfic about indian movie start with 1 ala vaikunthapurram. suggest some work in info page i dont own anything of this fan-fic . only oc

white_poison · Movies
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82 Chs


That night, Raj boarded the bus to Hyderabad, settling into his seat at the back of the bus. As he looked out the window, he noticed Geetha boarding the bus. His face lit up with happiness. He waved to her, catching her attention. Geetha smiled warmly when she saw Raj and made her way to sit beside him.

Raj: Geetha! What a pleasant surprise. Where are you headed?

Geetha: Hyderabad. You?

Raj: Me too. That's great! Is your family in Hyderabad?

Geetha: Yes, my brother's wedding is coming up. And after PK's arrest, Daya called me. He said the college will be shut down and all the students will be transferred after the court gives its verdict, considering the evidence against PK.

Raj: That sounds like it's for the best. Now you all can study properly in a good environment.

Geetha nodded, a sense of relief washing over her.

Geetha: Yes, it's a huge relief. The whole situation was so stressful. Now, we can focus on our studies without that constant fear.

Raj: I'm glad to hear that. Your brother's wedding must be a welcome distraction too.

Geetha: Absolutely. It's something positive to look forward to amidst all this chaos.


Raj and Geetha chatted for some time, sharing stories and laughing at the small joys of life. Eventually, Geetha got busy chatting with her brother about the upcoming wedding, while Raj texted Sathya, updating him about meeting Geetha and the news of PK's college shutting down.

Geetha (smiling at Raj): I'm going to sleep now. Good night, Raj.

Raj (smiling back): Good night, Geetha. Sleep well.

Geetha adjusted herself in the bus seat and soon drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, Raj continued his conversation with Sathya.

Sathya (teasingly): Hey, Raj, you should take a selfie with Geetha while she's sleeping. It would be cute!

Raj (frowning): Come on, Sathya. That would seem creepy. I'm not doing that.

Sathya (nudging): Oh, don't be such a spoilsport. Just one quick selfie. What's the harm?

Raj (firmly): No, Sathya. I respect her to do something like that without her consent.

Despite rejecting Sathya's suggestion, Raj couldn't help but think about Geetha. He had always admired how she stood her ground, even in the face of adversity. She was strong, intelligent, and had a charm that was impossible to ignore.

Raj (thinking to himself): Geetha has always been incredible. The way she handled everything, her strength, and her positivity... it's inspiring. She's not just a charming girl; she's someone who truly stands out.

He glanced at her, peacefully sleeping beside him, and felt a warmth spread through his chest. 


Raj, despite his earlier reservations, started to consider taking the selfie. He positioned himself close to Geetha, careful not to disturb her sleep. As he was about to click the selfie, the bus hit a pothole, causing Raj to lose his balance. He slipped and accidentally kissed the sleeping Geetha. In the same moment, the camera clicked, capturing the accidental kiss.

Geetha's eyes fluttered open, feeling the unexpected contact on her lips. She sat up, shell-shocked, struggling to comprehend what had just happened.

Geetha (voice trembling with anger and disappointment): Raj, I thought you were different. But it seems like you're just a goon pretending to be a good person.

Raj (panicked, trying to explain): Geetha, this was an accident... The bus shook, and I crashed upon you. I swear it wasn't intentional.

Geetha looked at Raj's phone and saw the photo of Raj kissing her. Her face turned a shade paler with disbelief and fury.

Geetha: An accident, huh? Then explain this!

She snatched Raj's phone and went through his gallery, scrolling through the message. Just then, a new message from Sathya popped up: "Taken the selfie yet?"

Geetha (showing the message to Raj, voice cold): Care to explain this?

Raj (silent, struggling to find words): ...

Geetha (calmly, but with clear hurt in her voice): Considering your help in Kiara's case, I won't do anything drastic. But I don't want to see your face anymore.

Raj lowered his head, filled with shame and regret. He quietly took his bag and made his way to the front of the bus.

Raj (to the driver, voice subdued): Please stop the bus.

The driver, noticing Raj's serious demeanor, pulled over. Raj stepped out, watching as the bus drove away, carrying Geetha and the memory of his unintended mistake. He stood by the side of the road, feeling a heavy weight in his chest as the tail lights of the bus faded into the distance.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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