
in the mcu with a machine to cross the multiverse.

my first time writing plz keep in mind hop you enjoy and review. carl is your typical guy on his way to comic con when he unexpectedly dies. he is now sent to the mcu and in order to deal with the coming threats he is given and machine that will let him travel threwout the multiverse. main world: mcu world jump list. 1.Star Wars 2. dragon ball those will be the first 2 worlds. im not to sure on the others yet but I’m up for suggestions on the 3rd and 4th world I’m thinking that’s about as many times he will jump world till the story’s done but will see if we can get more.

Kyroru · Anime et bandes dessinées
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33 Chs

ch 33 tournament aftermath and new threat

After receiving his prize money, carl met up with goku before meeting back up with the rest of the crew. "That was a fun fight Carl. I'll be sure to win next time." Goku says with excitement.

Carl replies, "I'm sure you will Goku." Carl then remembers something, "don't forget your stuff before we leave." Carl reminds Goku. He remembers in the anime goku forgets his bag and staff causing Krillin to go back for it which leads to his death. Reminding Goku now will make sure no one has to come back here. Goku had a look of realization then ran and picked up his bag and staff, then thanked Carl. Carl waved it off, "it's alright, let's go and meet back up with everyone and get some food, my treat." No use trying to save money in this reality because it's useless in his own. Goku cheered as he ran out to find everyone with Carl following behind.

With Carl following Goku they were able to meet back up with everyone with the addition of Tien and Chioutzu. They explained to Carl and Goku how Tien and Chioutzu has changed and want to go down the path of righteousness. Goku just accepted it, glad to have a new friend. Carl just inwardly nodded, glad things worked out even with his involvement. Carl offered to pay for everyone's meal and master Roshi had tears of joy, saying Carl was a saint because his wallet couldn't take another round of Goku. Everyone could only laugh at master Roshi but Goku only had a look of confusion not knowing why the master was crying.

At the restaurant everyone was seated at a large table. Krillin was able to make it to watch gokus match so he was here as well, with only a bandaged arm. Goku was making the staff work double time with the amount he was eating, with the staff running back and forth from the kitchen and their table. Carl didn't help the matter but he still ate more civil than Goku. Bulma was sitting next to Carl asking about his life and his world. Carl told her about how his reality is similar to this one, With both having areas they're more advanced in. Carl mentioned toying with the idea of starting a tech company or something, gathering technology from all the realities he will eventually visit. Bulma had a gleam in her eye when he was talking about starting a company for some reason but Carl paid it no mind.

The evening continued on like that till goku, carl and master roshi looked at the entrance of the restaurant. Roshi and carl could feel a ki signature coming to where they are at, Goku couldn't feel the ki but he could instinctively feel whoever was coming. The next moment the front of the restaurant was blown open. Roshi, Carl, Goku, Tien, and Yamcha all stood at attention while the rest of the crew hid behind the table, Krillin hid with them because with his condition he wouldn't be much help. The rest of the patrons scrambled and ran away through the back exit.

After the dust cleared the crew could see a green dinosaur like creature, looking around as he muttered, "he said it should be around here. Brother said to be quick while he got the tournament list." He then saw the dragon crew and pointed at them, "in the name of king piccolo, tell me where the dragon ball is." The creature didn't know if they knew where the dragonball was. If they didn't he will just kill them anyway.

Hearing the name king piccolo, Roshi had a pale face. Goku with an innocent expression asked, "why should I give this 'piccolo' my dragonball?" Roshi and everyone els blanched at Goku as he revealed he had the dragon ball.

The dinosaur creature grinned, now knowing where the ball was, "I see you have it. I, Cymbal, will take that ball from you in the name of king piccolo." And before anyone could say anything els, Cymbal rushed at goku in an attempt to beat goku down and take his dragonball. Goku, already in a fighting stance, waited till the last second before doing a backflip and kicking Cymbal in the chin, knocking him back onto the floor. Gitting back up to his feet while panting slightly he remarks, "I-i see I'll have to try harder." He then stuck out his hand, "have some of this!" He said then lightning came out his hands and struck the entire dragon crew plus Carl.

Everyone was twitching due to the electricity running through their bodies. Carl, after trying to come up with a plan, reached out one hand and using the force accumulated all the lightning in the palm of his hand, just like Yoda does in the movie 'revenge of the sith'. This freed everyone as they all stood up seeing what Carl was doing with amazement. After seeing his attack not having any more effect, he stopped. After stopping he could see Carl held a lightning ball in his hand. Carl smirked and said, "you can have it back." Then thrust his hand out sending all the electricity back at Cymbal, who could only widen his eyes as it struck him, causing him to writhe on the floor till the current ran its corse.

After Cymbal finally stopped twitching, struggled to stand up, "this-*huff* won't stop me. *huff* my lord piccolo has-" he stopped his little speech cause he noticed a blue glow coming from the group. As he looked over he could see the old man, but he looked slightly different. His shirt was off and he was buffed up to hell. He also was charging up his signature technique and it look like the biggest he has ever made. Before Cymbal could do anything els Roshi launched his attack, which collided with Cymbal sending him flying.

After finishing his attack, Roshi returned to normal then turned to everyone, "we should leave as soon as possible. I doubt that attack finished him off." He said gravely.

Krillin speaks up this time as he asked, "master do you know what's going on?"

Roshi nodded to Krillin, "I do I'm afraid. The name he spoke, I know it well. But this isn't the place for me to tell you. He could return at any time." He then turned to Carl. "My lad, I know I have no right, but we could use your help in the coming fight."

Carl nodded to Roshi, "from the sound of it, things could go bad. So I'll be happy to help." He replied still acting like he didn't know the whole situation. Roshi smiled at carls answer and motioned for everyone to get out the building to a more secure location.