
Hello Kasiyahan

Auteur: Vie_Mnd
Actuel · 2.3K Affichage
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What is Hello Kasiyahan

Lisez le roman Hello Kasiyahan écrit par l'auteur Vie_Mnd publié sur WebNovel. Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so ...


Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

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