
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

A Little Swim

"Ninang, what's with all the commotion?" I turned to the speaker and that surprised me.

I saw Andres who's body is only covered by his shorts. He has a fairly built  body, not too much and not too less. I felt something inside of me that I can't explain.

I immediately turned away from him. My cheeks are red and I don't want to show how much effect he has on me.

"Ahh, this young lady was just looking for the bathroom" said the godfather to Andres.

"Why, you needa pee?" Jacob asked bluntly. What a rude man.

I was still facing away from them when Ninang noticed and asked me if there was anything wrong.

"Iha, are you okay?" The godmother asked.

"Ah..ehh..yes" I stammered. I heard Andres giggling from behind me.

If it wasn't for them, I would have beaten that asshole a while ago.

"Are you really okay?" The Ninong asked.

"Yes" I answered. "Why do you seem to be stuttering" asked Ninang.

Before I could answer, Andres suddenly interrupted the conversation. "Ninang, she probably already fell for me. I can't blame her though I mean just look at me" Jacob replied arrogantly and started flexing like an idiot.

"I love your confidence" I said sarcastically and immediately turned around to hit his arm. They laughed.

"Both of you should get a room" Ninong teased us. "No! This is nothing" I worriedly explained to Ninong who was still teasing us and this idiot seems to be enjoying it.

What the hell was this man thinking!? 

"Oh stop it, the children are just having fun" Ninang playful told her husband. Ninong asked Ninang to help him with something and after they left, Andres faced me and gave me a clean towel.

I raised my eyebrow at him gesturing what the towel was for. he laughed and said "You might as well shower outside, Theres clean water there." he said. For a moment I was stunned on how kind he was towards me. My face suddenly felt heated when he smiled at me.

"Thank you" I stuttered before I took the towel he gave me.

I watched the old couple leave us and enter the hotel. I looked around for the woman with her kid only to find out that she had already left I was left here alone with andres. 

Umm, why is he still here? Is he gonna watch me bathe? I glared at the pervert.


"Why are still you here!?" I shouted at him.

"Umm, cuz i'm not there" He teased sarcastically. God, this man is so annoying.

"You know what? Just leave" I shouted at him so angry that i could literally feel smoke coming out of my nostrils. I pointed at a far away distance.

"Aww, you want me to go away? What if i don't wanna?" He pouted. Gosh he's like a baby stuck inside of an adult body.

"I really don't care" I rolled my eyes at him.

He grinned and spoke. "If you really don't care then why are you bothered that i am here, are you scared to fall for me?" he laughed before continuing what he had to say.

"Plus, I don't see your name in this beach. You have no right to kick me out" He said as if he's a "know it all"

This man is really getting on my nerves.

"Damn you" I walked away from him and minded my own business. There was no point in talking to that man.

I noticed him leave which made me comfortable with taking off some of my cloths.

Since Jacob is not here, I quickly put on my bathing suit.

After that I went straight to the sea and went swimming.

It's also fun to swim again. I was enjoying swimming in the water as if all of my worries no longer matter. For a brief moment of staying here I forgot about my problems at home and with marc. This was actually kind of fun.

After a while I felt someone staring at me so I turned back only to see andres sitting on the sand watching me swim.

I was suddenly felt enraged. "What are you doing!?" I screamed in annoyance.

"Um, am I not allowed to sit here?" Yes! I don't want anybody watching me!

Instead of replying i ignored him, I really don't want to deal with an idiot right now.

I got out of the water and dried myself with a towel. I glanced at Andres who seemed unbothered by anything.

I couldn't take it anymore so I turned to him and asked "What are you even doing here? And why were you watching me?!" I shouted artfully when I saw him looking at me.

"I'm just looking after you, who knows what would of happen to you swimming alone" He raised an eyebrow at me. Wow, so i should be thanking him now? No thank you.  I don't want to rely on any man every again.

"I don't need you" I said in a serious tone. The only thing I want right now is to stay away from men.

"Wait" I stopped when he suddenly pulled my hand. "why?" I asked flatly.

He smiled. "Don't you want to come sit with me?."

I looked at him and then I looked around. It's quite dark and windy, pretty scary to be honest. Who knows what this maniac is planning.

"No thank you" I replied without breaking eye contact. His expression changed.

"Huh? Why not?" The idiot wondered. Oh I don't know, maybe its because I don't want to be with you! I gritted my teeth.

"It's getting late" I short response from me.

He grinned and stood up from the sand. "Then let's go inside" He said while holding my arm.

I was irritated with him, he was too 'feeling close'.

"And what if i don't want to?" I asked.

"What now?" Andres asked again scratching his head. Isn't it obvious that I don't want to be with you?

"Just leave me alone, i don't want to see your face. Okay?" I said rudely and walked away.

"Tsk, too bossy" he whispered but I could hear it.

I slowly turned around to face him.

"Could you please repeat that Mr. know it all" I said with a forced smile

"Are you deaf, you  definitely heard that, didn't you? Quit asking, Tsk!" After that he passed me and went inside. So he's mad now? Great!

Okay, jazz chill out. I calmed myself down. I took a deep breath and went inside.