
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

The Hospital

I woke up asI heard loud commotions. It looks like the two people are arguing about something.

"This is all your fault!  This wouldn't happen if you didn't trick her!" Wait.. that's my older sister's voice. What is she doing here?

"It wasn't my fault, my friends played a bet on me."  I heard a male's voice echoing through the room and then i heard my sister laughed.

The male voice i heard was from my ex boyfriend, marc.

"Bet? Bet!? What kind of an idiot are you?" I heard the rage in my sister's voce and the strength of her cries.

"Yes, it was a bet. It was only a bet but you didn't consider what jazz would feel after this? Gosh, you're such a dick!" My sister yelled.

i was too weak to mentally understand everything. I just can't believe everything was just a dare...

Lies... All of it was bullshit...

I can't believe I believed he never really loved me. He was actually the first man to tell me that he loved me except for you daddy, but none of it was real.

I slowly opened my eyes and the lights above me quickly blinded me. It took me a couple of seconds to re-gain my vision and as soon as i did the first thing i saw was him. The man who ruined me.


The man who never really loved me. Besides him was my sister. I looked around only to noticed that I was not in my room.

I am in the hospital. But how? I got up and both of them were surprised. "jazz, are you feeling alright??" Tears fell down my sister's face.

"I fine, can i talk to marc alone?" have no desire to even look marc at the face. my sister nodded and left.


When she left, I immediately  turned to glare at marc. I was so angry with him that I couldn't stop myself from bursting.


"How can you do this to me marc?!" he didn't answer.


"You made me a fool! I can't believe i ever loved a man as disgusting as you!" I screamed loudly.

I looked at him and he looked guilty for what he did.


With no energy in his voice he said "I'm really sorry, i didn't mean for you to get hurt" 

I couldn't stop my tears from pouring.


"But did you ever felt anything for me, even just a little bit?" He stood like a statue refusing to answer.

  "Marc, answer me" I saw him clenching his fist.

"Marc, i'm talking to you!" I shouted at him. It took a while for him to answer. "I felt nothing but pity for you" He said in a cold tone.

At that moment i felt my whole world breaking, suddenly i can't breath.

"Shame on you! You made me believe that I love you so much then .... t-then" I couldn't continue what I was about to say. 

At this point i was just throwing all kinds of nasty words at him.

"Believe me I don't want to hurt you" there was no emotion on his face. 

"Marc, just leave. I never want to see your face ever again" i said with a serious face.

"Look jazz i'm really sorry okay" he approached me. "Don't you dare come near me!" I yelled at him.

"You just made me a fool!" I yelled again. "No jazz, you made a fool of yourself "he said seriously.

"Seriously? You're blaming me !?" I screamed in disbelief.

He laughed. "You we're so desperate for love, you don't even know what love really is" 

I was so shocked I couldn't answer.

I looked him in the eye seriously. I wanted to slap him but i couldn't. There was still a part of me that loves him.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a human. Now get the fuck out of my sight! GET OUT OF MY LIFE!" Anger was rushing through my veins as  yelled.

He looked at me seriously. I don't feel anything but sadness and anger towards him.

"I'm definitely not coming back here" he walked to the door and came out. But before he left, he looked at me seriously and left. 


I can't stop crying. I stopped to think about all the times i wasted with that jerk. The late night talks, fancy dates, and all of the romantic stuff we did together wasn't real. It just felt like a distant memory slowly slipping away and never to be found.


I can't accept that I was just cheated on. I'm just a stupid bet! It's just bet but the pain hurts!

I loved marc with all my heart but for what? 

From now on I will never let myself be hurt because of the wrong person. Promise that.