
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs


"Come here to eat," said the old woman.

I have no choice but to come otherwise I might be kicked outand forced to sleep in the scary forest alone.

I went to the table and sat down. We were all sitting together in one table.

Ninang lita and her husband sat besides each other, then the woman with a child is opposite me. She was still giving me glares from how i acted earlier.

We started eating when the food arrived. It looked and smelled delicious, it looked like we were being served in a 5 star restaurant.


The whole room was silent and only the sound of chewing and the utensils hitting the plates could be heard. It was hella awkward.

I'm not a very quiet person to be honest. Maybe I've really changed ever since marc dumped me.

I can't accept that he just used me. I'm so stupid! The thought of him made me grit my teeth.

I don't want to think about that anymore... isn't the past in the past? 

After a while Andres suddenly entered the dining room. That idiot had a huge grin on his face. Great, him again.

"Good evening, everyone!" Andres broke the silence with a joyful greeting. Ugh, I was comfortable with the silence.

"Good evening  dear, come join us to eat. The food is still hot" the old man greeted him in returned.

The young man happily sat sat next to me and with a big smile. Doesn't he get tired of smiling a lot? I mean he's kinda cute- Wait, what am i saying? I meant he was annoying! 

i fought with myself as i eat in silence.

i glared at him before continuing to eatthen looked back at the food. 

"Sungit" It was a whisper but I could hear it.

I ignored it and then looked back at the food.  After a while, the idiot started making noise again.

"Why is it so quiet in here?" It's a strange question. Ninang lita looked at him and then smiled.

"We're just not used to having many people in the dining room" said ninang lita.

After that nothing much happened. I returned to my room after eating. Of course, I locked the door, I don't want anyone to come in here suddenly.

I leaned against the door and sat on the floor. I put my head on my knees. Lord, why are you punishing me like this? all I want is to get away from everything.

Why am I being so dramatic?

I took my bag to look at my cellphone. When I picked it up, I noticed that i was broken.

I then remember throwing it when i was mad which made me second guess the way i acted earlier. I

I opened it only to find the battery is close to dying. I checked to see if there was a signal but there was none.

Looks like I'm really stuck here. Why am I so unlucky? 

In the middle of my drama, someone knocked on the door. I immediately stood up and opened it

When i opened it my mood suddenly got worse, if before it was sad, but now it's pure irritation and it was becuase of the sight of Andres infront of me.

He's wearing shorts and shades. He looks like he's going for a swim, so why is he bothering me? 

"What are you doing here?" I ask while forcing a smile while gritting my teeth.

He smiled at me. The smile I have always seen since I came here. i don't know why but his smiles gave me a sense of comfort. Wait pull yourself together jazz!

"Ninang said to call you to go swimming" he said still smiling.

"Sorry I don't have a swimsuit" I pretended when I said that.

"Here" he said handing me a paper bag. "Whose is that from?" That's an artful question I ask.

"It's from Ninang" Why couldn't this man stop smiling?

"I don't want you to get dirty, I don't like swimming" I said politely and then I closed the door. HAHA! You can get used to it.

After a while I heard someone speak. "Grumpy-head" I heard him say from outside. Fine call me names i don't care.


I carried the bag and places it on the table near the bed. Then I lay down on the bed feeling sleepy even though it was still late in the afternoon. I slowly lifted my injured leg.

It wasn't broken or something deep because the glass was buried in my leg and foot on the left.

  I laid myself down slowly and fell asleep due to tiredness and confusion today..





I opened my eyes as i felt the sun burning onto my skin. The sunlight is reflected on my window and onto to me. Jeez, no wonder it was so hot.

I immediately got up. "Ouch!" I was in a hurry to stand up that i almost slipped

I forgot that my foot was still still injured.

Good thing no one  saw it cuz it was super embarrassing.

I looked out the window and admired the beautiful beach below and saw all of them having fun.

The mother and her child was playing on the sand, that idiot andres was surfing, and the old couple was sitting next to each other on the san probably chatting about something. I found all of it cute.

I as i watched them i can't help but notice how happy all of them are as if they had no problems in life.

  i mean this place does mean kasiyahan (happiness)

I feel like i don't fit in here

While I was watching them I felt hot maybe because I was still exposed to the sun while looking at them through the window.

I want to take a shower but when I look in the room there is no sign of a bathroom. Maybe in the hallway?

I went out to look for a bathroom but there was still none. I almost circled the entire floor but still nothing.

"Shit!" I whispered softly to myself.

I have no choice but to go downstairs and ask the Ninang lita.

I went out of the hotel to the beach to approached them.  I felt the cool air passing me by.

I got closer to the old couple who owned this hotel, I tapped Ninang lita's shoulder. She turned to me and stopped with a confused look.

"Hi, what brings you hear dear?" She said while smiling.

"Ahh, may i know where the bathroom is? I wanted to take a shower" I asked scratching my head.

"There is no such thing as a bathroom here". Ninang lita answered shyly while that was what surprised me.

"What!?" My scream got louder. "How can I take a shower?" I will ask.

"Ahh, over there" She pointed to the sea.

"Hey how am I going to pee?" I whispered to her as if her and her husband saw it and laughed.

"You're going to pee here in the forest or if you-" I didn't let her finish because I knew what he was going to say.

"What!?" Goddamn! my scream got louder., loud enough to make the couple cover their ears.

"I'm sorry." I said after i realized what i've done.

"What's going on over here?" I turned to the voice behind me and saw him.