
Hello Kasiyahan

Jazzelene Toledo, Also known as jazz. She was a smart and talented young girl. She was dumped by her ex which she later found out that he dated her as a bet. She wanted to get away from everything so she did everything in her power to leave, but went on a terrible accident and woke up on a mysterious place called "Kasiyahan" There she met a boy who turned her life so much better. She thought she had found peace and happiness there, but in a split second everything went downhill...

Vie_Mnd · Sports, voyage et activités
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8 Chs

The Accident

I can't stop crying over everything that happened to me. I want to die to get rid of my problem. 

I manage to escape the building successfully without a trace. I saw my sister approaching my direction but was distracted by something. this gave me time to hide behind some cars in the parking lot. I peaked. She was still looking at something so i quickly followed her gaze.

Then i saw him... With another woman. They were laughing, what were they laughing about? Are they celebrating at the fact that i'm hospitalized?

A mixture of anger and sadness filled me as tears fell down my eyes.  I was breaking down again. In order to stay quiet and hidden i covered my mouth with my hand.

My sister turned her attention away from the couple and proceeded to enter the building. I thanked god that my sister didn't see me.

I turned to look at marc for the last time before running off. I couldn't handle it anymore.

I took a taxi to the bus station. I wanted to go back to the province. I want to forget everything that happened here.

I so tired.

While I was in the taxi, My sister kept calling so I turned off my phone, i don't want anyone to bother me.

After the short taxi drive we stopped at my destination.

I handed over the fee and left. I approached a bus and it looked like it was leaving so I hastened to enter.  Overwhelmed with my thoughts and extreme speed I didn't realize what bus I was on.

There were very few people inside. There were only about 7 people but the driver left immediately He didn't even wait until the bus was filled. I shrugged it off and sat at the very end. I don't care anymore. I just want to go to some place where i can be alone. Away from my problems, Away from everyone.

I leaned out the window. I put on my headphones and went to sleep. I'm so tired of everything that happened I wanted to rest.

I had nothing else to carry but a cellphone, headphones, and a jacket. I closed my eyes, dropping a tear. I just ignored it since no one was paying attention.

The bus started and I went to sleep.










A powerful sound and impact woke me up. 

I heard screams.

I opened my eyes when I saw the bus crashed on a large tree.Everyone was injured and running out of the bus. This is the moment I will never forget. Seriously? God, must really hate me. After all that i've been through this is what i get?

I tried to stand up to get off the bus but felt pain on my feet i quickly fell down the floor again. I glanced at my feet .... my eyes widened when I saw my foot. It is pure blood and pure glass.

i was now helplessly bleeding on the floor next to the broken glass besides me.

I noticed that the glass next to me was broken. It was the glass from the window i was leaning on.

I tried to walk but my legs hurts so much. I fell to the floor of the bus. I can still hear people shouting outside.

Maybe this was my fate. I'm no use anyway. This will be a good end to my sad and pathetic life. i curled up on the floor as i continued crying. At this point i already gave up in life

"Is anybody still in there!?" I heard a male's voice.

suddenly i felt something inside my body. It was a feeling i never felt before. I ignored it but as the man started shouting again it came back.


I hesitate to ask for help, but something inside of me tells me to fight. Fight for my life. It's funny cuz my mind already gave but my body kept on fighting.

"Yes! Over here! Help!" I cried. I don't know what came up to me or why i even had the energy to scream but i just did.

"Don't move!" The man shouted again. I held my leg and tried to keep myself from crying because of the pain. The loud screams were ringing in my ears. There was a moment where i lost my hearing but it quickly got back. 

I was getting dizzier and dizzier by the moment. The smoke from the fire was suffocating me. I could feel my throat itching which made me cough a lot.

I heard him running into the bus.

"here, i'm in here" I was losing my breath I can't even scream. I waved my hand incase he couldn't find me with all this smoke surrounding us.

  I saw the young man approaching me. "Help" i manage to let out.

He picked me up and I looked at his blurry figure, it was the last thing I saw before I lost consciousness.

Raine's POV

I called almost everyone in my contacts because I couldn't see jazz but everyone I called didn't know where jazz was.

The last number I saw was.... amy.

Amy was my old friend and there has been a lot of bad history between us, since then we stopped talking. 

I'm not sure if I'll call her or not.I have this hidden range for her, But this is not the time for me to put my anger first.

She befriended my sister not long after we parted ways. 

I dialed her phone there was a long pause before she answered. 

  i got so nervous and couldn't talk, i just froze. I can't believe i was talking to her again. There were moments of silence before she spoke.

(Raine? I'm really happy that you called. I was really worried about your sister yesterday,) She said on the other side of the phone.

I still unable to speak.

(About what happed between, i'm so sorry for not noticing that you were hurting. Raine i wish we could start over again... as friends.)

I ignored that. "I didn't call for that" seriously and without emotion I said to amy.

(Huh?) amy asked.

"Where's the jazz" I said more seriously. I  asked directedly to her to make the conversation quick.

(Huh? I honestly don't know. Why— "before she could finish the sentence i immediately ended the call.

I can't help being angry with amy. My pride was too high to ever forgive herB

I need to find my Sister. I'm worried that they might find out, mama. Everyone is already worried that she's still sick, what if they found out that she's missing.